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Cheating and bots


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Look I came to the forum to call attention to something that bioware isn't taking care of LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD. These aren't suspected bots these are true blue died in the wool cheaters. Noone should accept it or question me on why I do it, if anything you all should join me and demand something be done. I question the motives of those chastising me for doing the right thing. It is odd. We as a group should demand a clean game. All I should be getting are amens and a fix for the problems. I don't believe it is futile to report then come to the forums to discuss, it is why they have forums. It does give me insight on cheating mentality though. It isn't ok to cheat, it isn't. Like I said I will name names if they don't take care of it and if they ban me then they will lose my money and I will find another hobby.


No, it is not.

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And you felt the need to come to the general forum and what? What are you trying to achieve with this thread? You can't kill them in the forum, and you can't report them in the forum because you can't name names. So.. what again is your point here?


It is a free forum .. so he gets the right to say anything he likes.


if you don't like it. don't read it and move along.


In this instance it is a discussion the lack of effort to ban or block accounts obviously botting. to be fair .. this game has a much larger bot rate than WoW because the dev team is way over-tasked. This game like any mmo is subject to botters and scripting and third party apps like AHK making it dead easy to make credits, farm xp or farm mats. i see botters all the time on makeb, and the core starting worlds farming xp.


--killing them does no good, your not slowing them down. there asleep, letting the script farm xp... they wake up and have free levels all lined up.

--reporting them is also useless unless the devs don't know what there looking for... AHK, AuIT both simulate key presses and have the ability to launch other custom scripts on the fly. so they look and play human except for the possibly pathing errors or mistakes in coding.


so like the op. i agree that not enough is done to curb and ban botters.


so this is a legitimate complaint . if you don't like it. to bad.


with all the paid posters, and the actual botters flaming him down it is easy to see this issue is bigger than 'THEY' would like to admit.

Edited by captpickles
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Quote: Originally Posted by sofakingzoe View Post

Holy ****. Plants, plants, plants, and more plants in this thread. They have to be. OP is bringing attention to a serious issue, trying to have it be addressed in some way, and he's getting responses like "lol who cares, why does it bother you". Either the people giving those replies are BW or botter plants themselves, or I've underestimated how bad this community is, no other explanation for this idiocy.




Indeed. Out in force today they are. Loss of imaginary currency they fear..

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No, the OP is bringing attention to himself over something he claims is a serious issue. You, I and everyone else knows this is not the place to get his concerns seriously addressed.


I actually disagree with the last part Bran...this is THE place to get issues noticed imo. It's the most viewed, visited and responded to forum this game has...it's the absolute BEST place to bring up serious concerns. The legitimacy of the concerns is always up for debate, but there's no place better than HERE for visibility.

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I actually disagree with the last part Bran...this is THE place to get issues noticed imo. It's the most viewed, visited and responded to forum this game has...it's the absolute BEST place to bring up serious concerns. The legitimacy of the concerns is always up for debate, but there's no place better than HERE for visibility.

if you mean "visibility to other players," yes. But other players can't do anything to even determine whether the OP has actually spotted an issue, let alone do anything about it. All we have are vague claims of "botting." Are you saying that such claims, made by a player about whom you know nothing, about whose agenda you know nothing, are worthy of serious discussion simply because someone took the time to post them here?

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The point of my "claims" is very easy to verify. I am not bringing attention to myself I just want it fixed and I am doing things to try to get it fixed. I really don't understand the negative feedback. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but dismissing my claims or trying to marginalize my position by question my motives makes me want to question yours. We as a gaming community should rise up to fight this, even if it is seemingly futile, it is the right thing to do. I am guessing here but I bet it is pretty easily fixed, at least temporarily.
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The point of my "claims" is very easy to verify. I am not bringing attention to myself I just want it fixed and I am doing things to try to get it fixed. I really don't understand the negative feedback. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but dismissing my claims or trying to marginalize my position by question my motives makes me want to question yours. We as a gaming community should rise up to fight this, even if it is seemingly futile, it is the right thing to do. I am guessing here but I bet it is pretty easily fixed, at least temporarily.


Because other then make some other players aware of your anxiety over this.. nothing can be achieved by creating a thread like this. You can't name them, you cannot even prove to anyone what is going on (we can only choose to take your word for it), and all you are doing is cluttering up the forum with yet another ripe thread for conspiracy theorists.


It would be nice if posting this topic were a magic cure for the problem.. but it's not.. and it won't be.. no matter how hard you protest against the logic of what I and some others are saying. Threads like this achieve nothing, accept unwanted attention for yourself (which you are now protesting).

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They are usually on at night , weekends and holidays

It's strange that botters would bother running their bots at night, weekends and holidays, which is when real people play.

A bot doesn't care when to run, makes much more sense to use it on weekday mornings.


I suppose it makes sense for someone semi-afk'ing, if they have to do a lot of things manually.

That said, there are SWTOR bots out there, and judging by the size of websites about them, it's not just a few experimenting coders.

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Oh you are wrong. I can prove it, willing to prove it. OR if you are interested just go to my server and go to Ilum and go to the Heroic and just wait a short time then you will see. It is silly to say I am "cluttering up" the forum. Don't read it and move along. I do think this will get something done so I don't agree with you. Then you too can report the cheaters and help solve the problem. Edited by Bill_C
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No, the OP is bringing attention to himself over something he claims is a serious issue. You, I and everyone else knows this is not the place to get his concerns seriously addressed.


This is 100% the place to bring it up. the "community" (except for those shinning examples of scum and low life "defenders" and P$-posters) is the place to discuss the lack of action or perceived lack of action and show the BW team the issues is more than a passing concern.


to dissuade or attack, means you are part of the problem either by ignorance or complicit/with by behavior.

Edited by captpickles
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It would be nice if posting this topic were a magic cure for the problem.. but it's not.. and it won't be.. no matter how hard you protest against the logic of what I and some others are saying. Threads like this achieve nothing, accept unwanted attention for yourself (which you are now protesting).


Ignore this Bill. Fight the power.. keep posting. Free the web, Free the swtor forums... long live the fighters.




Fix the Red Text!

Fix the Red Text!

Fix the Red Text!

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The OP has every right to speak up because this is a clear terms and conditions violation that everyone playing this game has signed. Ignore the trolls trying to suggest your voice doesn't mean anything forums have toppled Microsoft and built groups for litigation. Shout loud enough and with enough support, enough voices and someone will get something done. Credit farmers are scum and the sooner they get banned the better for us. Right now i'm calling out all the decent folk to support this thread and lets get these cheats banned. Last time I looked there was plenty of honest decent peeps playing this game so lets stick together and stop this happening.
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Lol I kill them over and over. They aren't leveling they are credit mining, they are maxed out on level. Did you even read the post? Oh I don't like cheating.


Credit Famers; quit hating; their not getting banned because they sub and offer a service that BW is too slow to add into the freaking game which is letting us just buy credits from the Cartel.

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Oh you are wrong. I can prove it, willing to prove it. OR if you are interested just go to my server and go to Ilum and go to the Heroic and just wait a short time then you will see. It is silly to say I am "cluttering up" the forum. Don't read it and move along. I do think this will get something done so I don't agree with you. Then you too can report the cheaters and help solve the problem.


Which Heroic Area, which side?

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This is 100% the place to bring it up. the "community" (except for those shinning examples of scum and low life "defenders" and P$-posters) is the place to discuss the lack of action or perceived lack of action and show the BW team the issues is more than a passing concern.

Because petulant forums "call outs" of "the devs" always lead to positive results.


to dissuade or attack, means you are part of the problem either by ignorance or complicit/with by behavior.

Surely you have a better false dichotomy than 'You are either for me or against me."

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Uh read my original post to find who and where, if still confused I'll re write it with better instruction. Turning in cheating is not "hating" it is dong the right thing. Come on guys help stamp it out and quit siding with the cheaters or blaming and attacking the messenger.
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Ok after some thought here are some thoughts.


The dichotomy argument is almost a valid point but the problem is if you know someone is doing something wrong and you let it happen then you are basically aiding and abetting that person. If you know a neighbor is stealing from people and you say or do nothing then you do have some responsibility for the crime. I know this is not near as important as that but it is still a valid point.


We should be able to publicly shame cheaters. Societies have traditionally shamed those who play outside the rules and it is a good restrictor of bad behaviors. We have gotten away from it in our society but it does work and not wrong in many cases.


Some of you chastise me for reporting since it is futile so why do it. Because it is the right thing to do and I want Bioware to do their jobs as I do mine.


I also posted the original thread because I knew it is a fairly small community. I know many people read these posts. I assumed the cheaters would see this, they know who I am, they know I know who they are, and I hope that they will stop at least for a while as people go to verify my accusation. Of course if they lie low for a month or so then I will look like a confused idiot. BUT at least they will quit cheating.

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There is no policy against naming and shaming on the game server. You can call out a botter/cheater/ninja looter all you want in trade, general, and recruiting channels. When I run into a botter/cheater I do like you. I report them, kill them until I get tired of it... as a stealther it is easy to drag mobs to them so they do take gear damage, AND I let everyone know in those 3 channels. I also contact their guild leader if they are in a guild and let them know that the player has been reported for botting. Some guild leaders thank me. Others call me a ***, "snitches get stitches", a-hole, etc. I don't care. I got hundreds of gold farmers and exp botters banned on WoW and will in this game too.
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well my plan didn't work. went back to ilum tonight and there he was cheating with impunity. looks like he had a level 50 doing the same. soi showed them, i killed them and then him again and reported them, that ought to solve it lol. it's sad but either way i'm gonna keep on reporting etc etc etc. But i'm not gonna say tHE imp's name. if i keep ReportiNg him A bioware employee may baN him eventually. saDly it takEs extreme meaZures. cest la vie
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well my plan didn't work. went back to ilum tonight and there he was cheating with impunity. looks like he had a level 50 doing the same. soi showed them, i killed them and then him again and reported them, that ought to solve it lol. it's sad but either way i'm gonna keep on reporting etc etc etc. But i'm not gonna say tHE imp's name. if i keep ReportiNg him A bioware employee may baN him eventually. saDly it takEs extreme meaZures. cest la vie


I saw what you did there....

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We should be able to publicly shame cheaters. Societies have traditionally shamed those who play outside the rules and it is a good restrictor of bad behaviors. We have gotten away from it in our society but it does work and not wrong in many cases.


I only know of one MMO that allows public shaming.. and even in that case.. it is the devs that post and control the wall of shame. Are you so new to MMOs that you don't know it is standard for MMOs to not allow public shaming in their forums? Seriously.. the reason they don't allow shaming is simple.. it's too easy to exploit to grief another player (I'm not saying you are doing so.. I am saying that it is incredibly easy to do so if shaming on the forum is allowed). It becomes an enforcement nightmare for the forum mods to separate wheat from chaff.


Some of you chastise me for reporting since it is futile so why do it. Because it is the right thing to do and I want Bioware to do their jobs as I do mine.


I ALWAYS encourage people like you to /report and report often. Encourage others you know on your server to observe and report as well.


All I said is that posting about it here is pointless as it cannot fix the problem. So stop playing victim here.


I also posted the original thread because I knew it is a fairly small community. I know many people read these posts. I assumed the cheaters would see this, they know who I am, they know I know who they are, and I hope that they will stop at least for a while as people go to verify my accusation. Of course if they lie low for a month or so then I will look like a confused idiot. BUT at least they will quit cheating.


Your are not that powerful. In fact.. you are not powerful at all in the context of what you think you are achieving.


Umm... only a minority of active players actually are active on the forum. Forums are a minority of players in every MMO. Which is why it is pointless to try to effect remedy in a forum thread here.


Are you really so impractical of mind that you cannot understand this?

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It is NOT hard to tell a bot from an actual player. Especially on a PvP server.


And even less difficult to do something about it. Any PvP server worth a snot would hound and pound any such bots until they are senseless and log off for good. The fact that it does not get handled by this particular PvP server means one of two things: 1) the PvPers on the server don't care enough to bother. 2) The facts are not as are being reported.


Who knows what is true here really. I have a hard time though believing that PoT5 does not care enough to handle it directly if it's a problem they feel is not being addressed by the company. It's PvP server, and the OP claims to like to PvP.. but apparently can garner no in game supporters on his faction to deal with this. No.. he has to come whining to the forum and claims doing so will drive them away. LOL.


I do know from playing years of MMOs.. that a PvP community is quite capable of beating these sorts of things down if they feel the company is not doing a good enough job at it. Instead.. it's a weak sauce exercise on the forum here and making personal attacks on anyone that points out that you can't really do anything about these low lifes by chitty chatting about it in forum here. Man up and get it done if it's that bad a problem on the server IMO. Or I guess we can continue to watch the "chicken dance" here in the forum about how the big bad bots and cheaters on the OPs PvP server are running amuck 7/24.


This is not a PvE server... it PvP.. SO do something directly about it if you feel the in game reports are falling on deaf ears.

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OP. I play on Pot5 and I have a VERY good computer and I also own FRAPS. If you would like, hit me up on Republic side as Krulex or on Imperial side as Wraiven and I'll roll with ya and get this on FRAPS. That way I can help you get a vid of this, and provide a link for the Devs to follow to see it for themselves. Just remember to place the link in your report as well.
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