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Cheating and bots


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I am on the Prophecy of the Five server and generally play the republic side/ I have found 4 or 5 Imp characters on Ilum who constantly use Bots to go the heroic and mine kills. When I attack them they go after my companion but don't attack me. in the middle of most fights they get a health and defense surge which delays death for a few seconds and become very tough to kill. I report these players (player?) over and over every day but they show right back up the next day. They are usually on at night , weekends and holidays and must be rightly judging nothing will be done. I have reported dozens of time s and the behavior continues. You say don't name and shame but if something isn't done I will name and shame and then you can ban me since you guys don't seem interested in stopping the blatant cheating.
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-blinks- how are bots going to make them 'tough' to kill? Sounds like they've got stim or health packs or they know how to use their shields/boosts properly


And yeah, PVP is rife with ganking - you're asking for trouble playing on a pvp server anywhere if you aren't good at pvp

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Lol oh. I am good at pvp. It may not be relevant that they may be using stim packs BUT I assure you they are cheating.

I have talked to them when they aren't in bot mode and they know I know. It takes just a few minutes to figure it out.

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Well they run from the base to the heroic. When you attack them they either attack the companion or they do a weird slow shuffle toward the base. When I kill them which I do OVER AND OVER they go right back to base and start running toward the heroic ad infinitum. They aren't doing quests they are just killing npcs and taking the loot. It is obvious that they aren't being controlled by people. Don't believe me? GO to Ilum on my server and start watching it is OBVIOUS. When they aren't botting they play normal and fight normal. Edited by Bill_C
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This isn't a video about bots in SWTOR, but it basically works the same no matter the MMO. This is from a PvP perspective but obviously this sort of thing also happens in PvE.


I feel for you, OP. I've watched the same gold sellers spam over and over without being banned either. They either are unwilling to curb cheaters, or don't have the manpower to do so. It's a shame.

Edited by Arenatah
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Lol what's sad is it is blatant and they are unconcerned that I know. He is still doing it as I type this I just went and killed him a few times and he has been there all day doing the same thing BUT I am going to keep reporting till they do something or until I find a new game.
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Okay... and... what's your proof beyond the fact that they know how to heal?
He has shown you proof in a vid and yet you do not respond ?!?!?


Ahhh I get it must have been you or a friend of yours doing this :rolleyes:


You always know when its one of the gold farmers/hacker/cheaters when they come to the forums just to defend these idiots.... :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't be surprised if these naysayers are bioware employs. Cheaper to argue and deny than to actually do anything.


I'm guessing most botters are also subs. If they ban them, they lose the revenue stream, and they're probably figuring that there's less people that would quit over botters than botters themselves.


It's a loss of integrity for a monetary gain :( and SWTOR is hardly the only MMO with this problem, unfortunately, as evidenced by the video I posted earlier. And if I had a dollar for every fishbotter in Rift...

Edited by Arenatah
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Like they used to say on the pvp game I played a couple years back, 'fraps or it didn't happen.'


I know it sounds trite, but honestly in order to catch and convict cheaters, you need video proof, screenshot proof, with clear names, dates and times.


Good luck, it sucks to be surrounded by cheats. The fact that anyone actually has to cheat at this game....well that's just pathetic. LOL

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Lol I kill them over and over. They aren't leveling they are credit mining, they are maxed out on level. Did you even read the post? Oh I don't like cheating.


Who cares? sound too me like someone found out your money maker and now your pissed about it and ran to the fourms to cry.


seriously who cares, how is that hurting you in anyway?


The only way for you to know where they are going is for you to have been where they were ;)

Edited by alphazoolou
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Lol I don't make money there and that is where I go to play. Who cares? I care. I don't like cheaters and shortcutters. Just because you think it is ok doesn't mean it is. I came to the forums because they refuse to do anything about it. Maybe people like you should learn to play without cheating.
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Holy ****. Plants, plants, plants, and more plants in this thread. They have to be. OP is bringing attention to a serious issue, trying to have it be addressed in some way, and he's getting responses like "lol who cares, why does it bother you". Either the people giving those replies are BW or botter plants themselves, or I've underestimated how bad this community is, no other explanation for this idiocy.
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Holy ****. Plants, plants, plants, and more plants in this thread. They have to be. OP is bringing attention to a serious issue, trying to have it be addressed in some way, and he's getting responses like "lol who cares, why does it bother you". Either the people giving those replies are BW or botter plants themselves, or I've underestimated how bad this community is, no other explanation for this idiocy.



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So, they are killable.. and you kill them. Weeee.. for you


You believe they are bots, and you report them. That is what you are supposed to do.


And you felt the need to come to the general forum and what? What are you trying to achieve with this thread? You can't kill them in the forum, and you can't report them in the forum because you can't name names. So.. what again is your point here?


I don't get it. Unless you are attempting to demonstrate your lack of grasp of the concept of futility.


/report them in game and move on. /report every day if you like. It's on Bioware to investigate and decide, not a kangaroo court in general forum. Kill them endlessly if that's how you get your jollies. Hell.. start a thread about it in the PoT5 forum if you like... you know.. where it's actually server relevant. This thread though.. pointless.

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Holy ****. Plants, plants, plants, and more plants in this thread. They have to be. OP is bringing attention to a serious issue, trying to have it be addressed in some way, and he's getting responses like "lol who cares, why does it bother you". Either the people giving those replies are BW or botter plants themselves, or I've underestimated how bad this community is, no other explanation for this idiocy.



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Look I came to the forum to call attention to something that bioware isn't taking care of LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD. These aren't suspected bots these are true blue died in the wool cheaters. Noone should accept it or question me on why I do it, if anything you all should join me and demand something be done. I question the motives of those chastising me for doing the right thing. It is odd. We as a group should demand a clean game. All I should be getting are amens and a fix for the problems. I don't believe it is futile to report then come to the forums to discuss, it is why they have forums. It does give me insight on cheating mentality though. It isn't ok to cheat, it isn't. Like I said I will name names if they don't take care of it and if they ban me then they will lose my money and I will find another hobby.
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