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2.0 Healer Commando (Beginner's Tips)


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Playing Healer Commando In PvP



Here is an updated video I made regarding Healer Commando in 2.0 and moving on to arena's. It's a beginners guide (in video form) about how I play Healer Commando in PvP (Warzones, Ranked & Upcoming Arenas).


The NEW Recently Updated 2.0 Video:


Old Video on Commando Healer Basics:

^ The link above is the original video talking about how to play Healer Commando before the update. A lot of the information on these older videos still stays true to today (after update 2.0).




1500 HPS

1707 HPS (Unfortunately, my best that is screen-shotted. Will Update later.)

Tanky Healer! (Over 1mil Healing is easily achievable for Commando Healer, you should be able to do this).


Please feel free to post some positive or negative feed back, I enjoy both. I hope some of you looking to get into Healer Commando for arena's find this helpful.

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