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Obroan Armor


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Would rather they stopped selling the gear and instead sold pvp and PvE gear in the form of mods, armorings and enhancements just like the planetary comms dealers


This way we can mix match how we want and not have to keep pulling this stuff out of these shells


That being said alot of the ugly gear is similar to stuff from old starwars lore,

So it's ugly but it's a time period issue


Check out the mask Darth Bane is wearing and tell me that does not look alot like the warhero inquisitor helmet



Go check out some of the other old Sith Lords gear choices, similar to some of the stuff we have here


The website you linked triggered my Norton. Bad form sir.

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Would rather they stopped selling the gear and instead sold pvp and PvE gear in the form of mods, armorings and enhancements just like the planetary comms dealers


regardless of what the gear looks like, i'd love for the PvE vendors to function like the current PvP vendors, where you can buy specific mods and enhancements with comms to min/max how you want.

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What's worst is that they share appearance cross-faction, with just minor details added like hood or cape or a different helmet.


yeah,putting aside all the other reasons people have complained about previous armor sets, the one fact that makes this different from all those is that THE ARMORS ARE ALL JUST MIRRORS OF THE OPPOSITE FACTION!

That is lazy, it makes me wonder if the art team is still on summer vacation, and makes me wonder what my subscriber dollars are exactly paying for.

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Going slighty off-topic here.


Speaking of armors. What is going to happen with the Firebrand armors. The armor with no mods. They currently (on live) require a certain Rated Warzone ranking to obtain.


However, with Rated Warzones being removed and looking around on the PTS I couldn't find them anywhere. Does anyone have any idea what's up with those armors? I really like the white, with red animation, Consular set so I was kinda hoping they could be required by other means.

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Going slighty off-topic here.


Speaking of armors. What is going to happen with the Firebrand armors. The armor with no mods. They currently (on live) require a certain Rated Warzone ranking to obtain.


However, with Rated Warzones being removed and looking around on the PTS I couldn't find them anywhere. Does anyone have any idea what's up with those armors? I really like the white, with red animation, Consular set so I was kinda hoping they could be required by other means.


8v8 rated is being turned into 4v4.

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The website you linked triggered my Norton. Bad form sir.


Wookiepedia is probably the best source for SW information on the internet. If it's triggering your Norton then either the site has something on it today (they'll catch it fast) or there's a problem with your Firewall.


Don't blame him, I link the Wookiepedia all the time.

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Wookiepedia is probably the best source for SW information on the internet. If it's triggering your Norton then either the site has something on it today (they'll catch it fast) or there's a problem with your Firewall.


Don't blame him, I link the Wookiepedia all the time.


As do I. It's most likely a problem with Norton. I've been visiting that site for years with no problems.

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yeah they should have at least let us keep the firebrand shells or some kind of ranked shell armor. Anyway I still think Bioware should add more VARIETY to these designs, and while I am not asking them to completely change the armor, I do ask for the non force users they change the shape to make a little more sense. For example give troopers a little more solid chestguard, not that weird upside down v thing that leave part of the torso less protected, maybe give agent more of a trenchcoat like look, you know, here and there, because while I agree that this new armor should be unique, I also agree it should have some VARIETY, CLASS SPECIFIC DESIGNS, and not SOME COPY OF THE OPPOSITE FACTIONS GEAR.
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my god people complain more. its called variety, if you want your trooper to look like its from the clone wars wear that armor, if you want it to look like the rakata trooper wear that if you want to be shirt less with a cowboy hat and a mini skirt for your trooper wear that...


the days of every one in a class looking the exact same like at launch are over, if you don't like any new gear then make a post thanking the devs for adding adaptive armor and the mod system so you can wear any gear in the game that you want, and thank the devs that there are a huge amount of armor skins and everything from traditional looks to crazy sci-fi looks to sexy ridiculous looks instead of being typical internet ******s and complain about every *********** little thing and act like the devs are morons


well when the trooper set looks like a damn paladin set from world of warcraft i will complain

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