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Obroan Armor


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Then take a closer look! Sure, the colours have no variation, I don't mind that. The basic feel is very similar, but they have enough differences in details so that I cannot see lazinesss.


Talk about seeing what you want to see to defend your own biased position ....


The Consular set is identical to the Inquisitor set, just a different colour.

The Trooper set is identical to the Bounty Hunter set, just a different colour.

The Smuggler set is identical to the Agent set, just a different colour.

The Knight set very similar to the Warrior set, just with hooded robe, different mask and shoulder pads removed.

The Warrior shares the same shoulderpads as the Bounty Hunter.


All of the sets look like they are built from the same generic building blocks with a few silly adornments and ornamentations stuck on for good measure. None of it looks like Star Wars themed gear, it is highly generic and uninspired.


I could go on, but you get the point.


How is this NOT lazy design? CTRL-C CTRL-V design at its worst.

Edited by Cernow
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Sure am glad there are 2 dev posts that say these are placeholders and in no way final.


People sure do like reading around here.


I know right? Posts like the OPs make me weep for humanity and not want to live on this planet anymore.

Edited by Phrase
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i think everyone is still confused that the cosmetics are all placeholders.


that said, they look different enough that they were designed this way.... so if they're not for the armor we get on live, what were they for?

i hope they don't just slap on some color changes and call it a day when they release this stuff.


Once upon a time trooper gear looked like this http://tor-fashion.com/2013/03/02/rakata-eliminatorcombat-medic-pub/


Now look at what has happened!!!

That armor belongs at the most as reputation armor not this!!!!


just to be clear, you're saying you actually liked that? if so, sorry. nope. you've lost all credibility to be speaking of how gear should look. take your buttflaps elsewhere.

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Good god what is this garbage!! That gear is an atrocity! the trooper armor doesn't even look like anything I would put on my trooper!!!



Once upon a time trooper gear looked like this http://tor-fashion.com/2013/03/02/rakata-eliminatorcombat-medic-pub/


my god people complain more. its called variety, if you want your trooper to look like its from the clone wars wear that armor, if you want it to look like the rakata trooper wear that if you want to be shirt less with a cowboy hat and a mini skirt for your trooper wear that...


the days of every one in a class looking the exact same like at launch are over, if you don't like any new gear then make a post thanking the devs for adding adaptive armor and the mod system so you can wear any gear in the game that you want, and thank the devs that there are a huge amount of armor skins and everything from traditional looks to crazy sci-fi looks to sexy ridiculous looks instead of being typical internet ******s and complain about every *********** little thing and act like the devs are morons

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In a game with custom armor that practically drops from the sky on a daily basis, the designers can take some risks on the new armor because you don't have to wear it.


If they were genuinely taking some risks, I'd agree. But they aren't. This is all very generic fantasy, the sort of thing you'd see in a game like Wow or, Aion. Yes I know it's "placeholder" but I doubt it will fundamentally change come release.

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my god people complain more. its called variety, if you want your trooper to look like its from the clone wars wear that armor, if you want it to look like the rakata trooper wear that if you want to be shirt less with a cowboy hat and a mini skirt for your trooper wear that...


the days of every one in a class looking the exact same like at launch are over, if you don't like any new gear then make a post thanking the devs for adding adaptive armor and the mod system so you can wear any gear in the game that you want, and thank the devs that there are a huge amount of armor skins and everything from traditional looks to crazy sci-fi looks to sexy ridiculous looks instead of being typical internet ******s and complain about every *********** little thing and act like the devs are morons


I would like to be clear on something, its not that I want everything to look the same, I definitely don't want that, but for gods sake at least once upon a time the gear looked like it was, I don't know, based off STAR WARS. THIS LOOKS MORE AND MORE LIKE POWER RANGERS, SURE THE GEAR FOR THE JEDI AND SITH AND KIND OF NICE BUT THE TROOPER, SMUGGLER, BOUNTY HUNTER, AND AGENT GEAR HAVE GOT TO GO. I MEAN WHO HERE AGREES BIOWARE LEFT THE IDEA OF STAR WARS GEAR BEHIND LONG AGO SLOWLY GIVING US POWER RANGER STUFF UP UNTIL WE FINALLY FINISHED CONVERTING?


I know there has to be variety in game gear too but isn't that what the cartel market armor and reputation armor sets are for!?! I mean really up until I found out about this atrocity I was farming ranked comms to get the Obroan gear because I thought it would be COOL like conqueror and partisan was. NOW I KNOW BETTER THAN TO HOPE FOR A DECENT GEAR LOOK. I KNOW ITS ONLY TEMORARY LOOKS BUT I HOPE THAT BIOWARE WAS JUST USING THIS PLACEHOLDER ARMOR AS A JOKE AND THAT THEY GOT REALLY COOL THAT THEY ARE WAITING TO REVEAL IN OCTOBER. WITH ANY LUCK THEY DON'T JUST GIVE IT DIFFERENT COLORING AND DECIDE "HERE YOU GO, FOR 500 CARTEL COINS THAT GEAR WILL ACTUALLY LOOK DECENT!"

Edited by Sangrar
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i think you need more capslock to make your point clearer.


First of all the response time was impressive, second its because as a paying subscriber since this game began, I am outraged! I thought that part of my money was going into, I don't know, paying the art team to make decent looking gear

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If these ARE the placeholder sets then that's fine. YOu need to put something on the PTR. But if they aren't, well then that just confirms that all of the good armor comes from the cash shop, and that you only really pvp/raid for mods. Which sucks because, how are you going to show off your progression if you can't look awesome in your high-end diggs? Am I right?


I blame John Riccitiello. Get bent, John.

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And I was so busy looking at the armor, which is mirrors of eachother and still based off power rangers, that I did not even look at the ASSAULT CANNON! It Looks like a preschooler should be using it, all the other weapons are fine, expecially the blaster pistols which are the only ones I find REALLY GOOD, but the assault cannon DOES NOT LOOK RIGHT!
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If these ARE the placeholder sets then that's fine. YOu need to put something on the PTR. But if they aren't, well then that just confirms that all of the good armor comes from the cash shop, and that you only really pvp/raid for mods. Which sucks because, how are you going to show off your progression if you can't look awesome in your high-end diggs? Am I right?


I blame John Riccitiello. Get bent, John.


Thank you! finally someone who makes sense! Come October I am going to be either very very happy or very very angry at what Bioware does with this gear.

Edited by Sangrar
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The QQ over this possible new armour look is amazing. You'd think somebody died with this level of nerdrage. :rolleyes:


You're either trolling or are happy with whatever someone throws in your direction. Some of us want the armor that we've earned to actually look as cool as the effort it took to get it. What's the point of spending hour upon hour, or match upon match, ad nauseum to come out looking like, meh. You down a nightmare boss, or you get that piece of top end PvP gear, you're supposed to look like pixels arranged into a pile of AWESOME.


As it sits now, the 75 armor set, Kell Dragon stuff looks really lackluster. The top end PvP stuff looks slightly better (imho). But the stuff coming out on the cash shop looks great! Grind all of that time only to rip the mods out (an act that'll cost you 18-30k for each piece) and spend $10 with real cash (or a couple of million creds on the GTN) to get the good looking stuff.


What kind of player driven design regime is that?!

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The QQ over this possible new armour look is amazing. You'd think somebody died with this level of nerdrage. :rolleyes:


bioware is going around to every subscriber's house to personally slap them in the face.

they'll get to you eventually.

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The gear looks like something a dread master would drop... Only problem is the wings. What are the wings for?

They do what the huge shoulder pads do on other sets... nothing!


I for my part am fine with the wings instead of huge shoulder pads for a change.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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You're either trolling or are happy with whatever someone throws in your direction. Some of us want the armor that we've earned to actually look as cool as the effort it took to get it. What's the point of spending hour upon hour, or match upon match, ad nauseum to come out looking like, meh. You down a nightmare boss, or you get that piece of top end PvP gear, you're supposed to look like pixels arranged into a pile of AWESOME.


As it sits now, the 75 armor set, Kell Dragon stuff looks really lackluster. The top end PvP stuff looks slightly better (imho). But the stuff coming out on the cash shop looks great! Grind all of that time only to rip the mods out (an act that'll cost you 18-30k for each piece) and spend $10 with real cash (or a couple of million creds on the GTN) to get the good looking stuff.


What kind of player driven design regime is that?!

I've already decided what my main will look like, even if I do end up getting all 75 before the Dread Masters drop, I'm not going to change my look. The possible set being released I'll pick and choose what best will suit my alts because there already are amazing looking armour in the game. That's why adaptive armour is amazing. I'm not limited to 'showing off' end raid gear as if to prove I'm able to because I have ego and self esteem issues in a game. That's what titles are for. It suits a Dread themed set.

Edited by Corsiero
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[whining... THIS LOOKS MORE AND MORE LIKE POWER RANGERS, ... more whining]


how does this armor look like power rangers, I see people keep saying that? have you people ever seen power rangers?


and please haters enlighten me on how the new place holder armor looks like it took less effort and creativity to design then the new speed suit or concealed body suit? or the re-skinned vandal and combatant sets that must of taken huge amounts of time and effort to re-skin


the new armor looks way better then anything in the newest pack except maybe the cybernetic and the lore outfits but neither of those would work for ops gear anyway, are you guys just mad its not a shirtless trench coat? because that must of took so much design time :rolleyes:


obviously all the effort is going into shirtless re-skinned trench coats and spandex outfits for the packs instead of detailed original tier armor with a theme across all the sets

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how does this armor look like power rangers, I see people keep saying that? have you people ever seen power rangers?


and please haters enlighten me on how the new place holder armor looks like it took less effort and creativity to design then the new speed suit or concealed body suit? or the re-skinned vandal and combatant sets that must of taken huge amounts of time and effort to re-skin


the new armor looks way better then anything in the newest pack except maybe the cybernetic and the lore outfits but neither of those would work for ops gear anyway, are you guys just mad its not a shirtless trench coat? because that must of took so much design time :rolleyes:


obviously all the effort is going into shirtless re-skinned trench coats and spandex outfits for the packs instead of detailed original tier armor with a theme across all the sets


Oh that other stuff is incredibly lazy as well, but this topic wasn't about those ;)

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