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commados, healing and you


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I'm leveling a commando healer for my guild, who is currently level 41. in that short time I have found ( as many have) a definite lack of healing oomph, that is unjustified for a class who's specialty role is to heal.


first large problem I see is lack of a passive or active constant power regen. either give a talent that passively increases power regen, or a reliable proc that adds a set amount of power .


secondly, lack of multitarget healing. kolto bomb and its merc counterpart, even with the added HOT is nice to have as supplemental aoe healing but does not heal enough, nor does the HOT tick long enough to keep team mates alive like sage/scoundrels have. some counter that is balanced by the fact commandos have superior single target healing, but as far as I know, sages and scoundrels single target heal just fine. yes commandos can single target burst the best, but that's only with a fully charged healing support cell and that takes time to build to 30 stacks, and then you execute your burst healing via advanced medical probe you run out of power for the next round of the fight.


with all that said, and I could be wrong with what I said, I think 3 simple changes would add quite a bit to our healing arsenal and here they are for your consideration.


make Bacta Infusion affect 3 additional members and reduce cooldown on heal to 15 secs. this provides a good group burst healing ability to supplement our kolto bomb.


give a passive power regen or reliable power regen proc.


allow trauma probe to be cast on 2 additional group members.



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