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New GenoHaradan class. Would need an Empire counterpart of course, but the GenoHaradan said in KOTOR that they mainly supported the Republic and that's even clearer when

The GenoHaradan help Chancellor Saresh find out about Styrak getting people on Darvannis for Scum and Villainy pub side.

Their class storyline would be about assassinating enemies of the Republic and how you actually go about doing it. In the KOTOR questline, you could set mines, reprogram droids, or activate traps to kill your targets.... or you could just run up to them and shoot or stab em. Choices like that would be in there, and also light/dark moments on if you want to kill someone or not but actually getting into deep detail into kinda the underworld of how the Republic goes about things. Many times in the game I have wondered, when I'm sent to a planet "how do they know this?" You would be that person that gets the info for the other heroes. You would be the one that help the Republic figure out where people are hiding so they can then send other soldiers in. Kinda close to SIS but more dangerous, and less by the rules. Some other choices would be if you are actually loyal to the Republic or if you are just doing this for the money. And you would deal with power struggles and whatnot just like in KOTOR around the end of that side storyline. You could decide if you want to betray them to end up ruling them, to betray them because you disagree, or if you want to kill those betraying. That wasn't a lot of detail I know, just some basic ideas I think would be interesting.

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New GenoHaradan class. Would need an Empire counterpart of course, but the GenoHaradan said in KOTOR that they mainly supported the Republic and that's even clearer when

The GenoHaradan help Chancellor Saresh find out about Styrak getting people on Darvannis for Scum and Villainy pub side.

Their class storyline would be about assassinating enemies of the Republic and how you actually go about doing it. In the KOTOR questline, you could set mines, reprogram droids, or activate traps to kill your targets.... or you could just run up to them and shoot or stab em. Choices like that would be in there, and also light/dark moments on if you want to kill someone or not but actually getting into deep detail into kinda the underworld of how the Republic goes about things. Many times in the game I have wondered, when I'm sent to a planet "how do they know this?" You would be that person that gets the info for the other heroes. You would be the one that help the Republic figure out where people are hiding so they can then send other soldiers in. Kinda close to SIS but more dangerous, and less by the rules. Some other choices would be if you are actually loyal to the Republic or if you are just doing this for the money. And you would deal with power struggles and whatnot just like in KOTOR around the end of that side storyline. You could decide if you want to betray them to end up ruling them, to betray them because you disagree, or if you want to kill those betraying. That wasn't a lot of detail I know, just some basic ideas I think would be interesting.



And I want a Tac Spec Footman droid as a class companion for this, lol.

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Here's an idea for a bisexual female companion for the trooper: an ex-Jedi! She'll of course have to be pale with blonde or red hair (hair option 2 or 3 cause those are pretty), eyes blue or green, and body type 2. The story will be that she was training to be a Jedi at one point in her life (as a Sentinel of course), and got to the point where she even built her own lightsabers. But when it came time to join the order as a knight, she decided that the order was full of quasi-mystics and was way too stuffy for her tastes. Not to mention she'd also spent some time off of Tython, running around with troopers on some covert operations [details to be thought up by Bioware]. So she said "Screw this, I'm going rogue. At least the I'll be able to have some fun."


She enters the scene fighting 6 sith assassins by herself. And when the trooper assists her, she decides that the trooper is . Companion conversations reveal her to be a wild, fun-loving girl who loves to fight and to par-tay! (Sometimes, in the nude!) Also, she's naturally a fan of helping out the other troops, protecting the weak/innocent, and displays of bravery.


Naturally, this girl would be a far cry from the regular Jedi style, but that's the point: she was too much of a party goer to be in the order, so she joined the trooper instead.

Edited by Klishar
Removed her name because it was too crazy, and story needs some editing.
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Playing off an earlier post about new classes, I'll expand upon the Republic SIS agent and Imperial Commando in this post. Brace yourselves, I'm writing this one on the fly and some of my ideas may be even crazier than some of my earlier ones:


- For starters, both classes will have Cunning & Endurance as their primary stats, as I've already eliminated Aim as a primary in Renegade/Imperial Trooper. Both will wear medium armor, though the Commando's armor will look very similar to the Imperial trooper's. Also, both should have a pure dps adv class with extended range and a healer adv class; unlike the agents & smugglers, all four adv classes will have stealth abilities, with the pure dps classes having better stealth abilities than the healer class [to compensate, the healers will have parts in their skill tree(s) that give them to ability to automatically dodge attacks all together, as well as more stuns, crowd control abilities, and maybe a few special ranged attacks that inflict mental damage]. Also, so things don't get crowded, these four new classes will not seek cover for any of their abilities; not to mention it wouldn't be cool for either of the Imperial classes to pick a spot of cover and stay there for the duration of the battle. For reference, I'll post the pure dps class first, followed by the healer class, starting with the Republic SIS agent.


- As an extra note before I go any further, I don't believe that these classes should be exact mirror images of one another. Though most of their abilities will be mirrors, for the sake of variety, I've put in a couple of abilities that will differ between factions.


- SIS Ghost - The Republic's response to the Empire's snipers, the Ghost of course carries a sniper rifle & has an effective range of 35m. Though their attacks are not as effective as the Empires' version, they have the benefit of not needing to enter cover in order to snipe an enemy. Also, they have the ability to use stealth, allowing them to creep past enemies, mark a target with a debuff that makes other players cause more damage to them, and then launching a series of quick shots that will throw an enemy off-balance. [by this, I'm not stating hyperbole: I'm talking about an attack that only works from stealth that causes the enemy's accuracy & defense to be lowered for a moderate duration, say about 60 seconds.] Naturally, they'd suffer from direct assaults as they cannot enter cover, but the upside is that they get to use their best ranged abilities without having to enter cover, a boon if faced with an opponent who can render a gunslinger or sniper unable to seek cover.


- SIS Specialist - The Ghost's counterpart is the Specialist, an agent armed with either a pistol or rifle & sporting a power generator for healing abilities. Specialists also have remarkable shielding abilities, making them semi-tanks in their own right. Unlike the Operative, whose most deadly attacks are either melee or at least close-range, the Specialist can operate from a comfortable distance of 20-30 meters. Along with a bunch of ranged abilities which can cause either armor-penetrating attacks or bleeding attacks (depending upon which dps tree they go with), Specialists also sport a debilitating nerve-toxin that renders enemies as unable to act for 30 minutes. And this ability would be usable both in & out of stealth, and would not break stealth if used while stealth was active.


Thinking these are crazy? You haven't read anything yet: check out the Imperial's version.


- Imperial Infiltrator - Armed with a trusty blaster rifle with modifications for extended range, the Infiltrator is a deadly assassin with a number of debilitating mental attacks. The result of a brand-new genetic modification program, the Infiltrator does not require a generator to enter stealth; it simply uses its mind to create a cloaking field around itself that renders it effectively invisible. Like the Ghost, Infiltrators also have a debuff that causes other players to do more damage to the affected target; for Infiltrators, this is called Psychic's Mark while the Ghost's is called Pinpoint Weakness. The difference between the two is that while Ghosts have the ability to throw an enemy off-balance with an attack that requires the player to be in stealth, Infiltrators have nothing of the sort. Instead, they have an ability that affects a massive targeted area: the ability to cloud enemy's minds for 5, 10, or 15 seconds (depending upon skill points) and render them completely inert while taking internal damage during the duration of the effect and (once the skill point(s) have been assigned) for the next 15-30 seconds afterwards; this is called Psychotic Cloud. (I did say this was going to be crazy!)


- Imperial Specter - The Specter is another type of psychic killer. Unlike the Infiltrator, whose psychological prowess is hindered by their advanced stealth capabilities, the Specter uses its psychic abilities to their fullest. And unlike the Specialist, who relies on an array of advanced technology, the Specter unleashes devastating mental attacks that debilitate foes, render them unconscious (for 30 minutes), and cause damage from around 20-30 meters away (with some abilities having a maximum range of 20 meters instead of 30, just like the Specialist). Specters also have a Psychic Shield, protecting themselves from attacks.


As I wrote before, I don't think the adv classes should be factional mirror-images since it would create more of a variety in game play. And honestly, on the pure dps classes, its a fair trade: the Ghost gets the ability to lower an enemy's accuracy & defense for about 60 seconds, while the Infiltrator gets to cast Psychotic Cloud over a large target area, causing a small amount of damage over time for a few seconds. If they must be mirror images, fine, just make sure both abilities get in. Also, if they do end up being mirror images, have the Ghost's debilitating attack not require the player to be in stealth.


Also, just to shake things up, both the SIS agent and Imperial Commando should get a finishing attack similar to the warrior's. For the SIS agent, it's called Point Blank and is a technical ability with a max range of 20 meters that works on opponents at 30% or less health. For the Commandos, it's called Psychic Lash (of course!).


Oh, and one more thing: a great line for the Commando - "You Sith may think the Force makes you all-powerful, but when it comes down to it, I am your better. For in a split second, I can command you to sever your connection to the Force and you'd do it without question. So against me, what hope do you have?"


Or perhaps a classic that made us all crack up? "Plus... I can kill you with my brain."

Edited by Klishar
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imp storyline for denova:


The empire stands a better chance against the republic now that marr took charge and became defacto leader of the empire. Malgus has returned and he has set up hit new empire on denova. While the republic is busy fighting malgus, Darth Marr has sent player to gather baradium and do other stuff to defeat the republic

pub storyline for denova:


the republic isn't owning the empire like it used to. malgus has returned and the republic is racing against time to steal or destroy allthe deposits that malgus's new empire has collected.

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imp storyline for asation:


The Empire is attempting to win over the gree. the gray secant has visited the ancient port world of asation and is analizing republic and imperial capabilities. also, malgus is making a bid at winning over the gree so its a 3 way battle for the gree


pub storyline for asation:


the republic want the gree just as bad as the imps do. gray secant is analizing pub and imp capabilities. malgus also wants the gree too

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Emperor op:


yes there is an op where we get to fight the emperor



the emperor as we know it is insane. he wants to erradicate all life in the galaxy for the sake of immortality. How does the mepire find that out? let me explain below:



Back when doc brought kaliyo over for nemro to be cured of some disease, she put a homing beacon on the knight's ship. the IA boards the JK ship and nabs the droid full of information 300 years old. after going through the information, the IA finds out about the emperor's true plan by listening to this footage


Emperor: My life spans millenia, legions have risen to test me

JK: game over emperor i wont let u get away with killing all galactic life P.S. ur insane

Emperor: your realization only discerns a fraction of reality there are other galaxies, i will expand my dominion there ignoring them or conquering them as i wish

JK: the universe will never be yours

emperor: the galaxy will be forgotten may your death be the same

*fight begins*



after listening to this footage, he immediately reports it to the dark counsel who decides to publicize it. malgus finds this out then takes the role as new emperor. both the republic and emppire gather their forces on asation to go through the hypergate to reach the planet with the emperor on it


does anybody have any good ideas of where to put the emperor op? I want it to be really remote and strong in the drk side of the force.

EDIT: I think the emperor op should happen on dagobah. It's really remote and its strong in the dark side of the force

Edited by BacaWicket
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hi people i think that this thread should be ll about what we want what level cap story etc. Please dont get mad at anyone or worry about code

examle: i think it would be cool to go to kashyk with maybe the wookies have created a new technology and the empire and republic is fighting to get it. i think that it would be nice to have the level cap up to 60 and seperate stories for the classes. for example the BH starts going on a mission to become mandalore for the fame and glory or for pub side The jedi oreder has discovered sith ruins while exploring more of kashyks past and now the jedi consular struggles to destroy the evidence:D


Do you think it matters one jot? If BioWare: Austin has established one fact by its behaviour, it's that it don't giveadam about the players' wishes. They'll do precisely as they please.


Subject: Final Fall of the Dread Lords.

New planete: A random warfront world betweem Empire and Republic, a hutt world, then a dark side world.

Return and final death of Kilran and Jadus.

New classes and starting worlds. Maybe oppisite faction versions of worlds like Hutta and Coruscant.

More story duh.


Not going to happen. BioWare has consistently refused to include any elements that PC actions may change, and what standing Jadus has is definitely one of those. Likewise, Kilran's confirmed dead at the end of Maelstrom Prison

I want the ability to alter my ship, not necessarily drastically, even small changes would help feel it's my ship.


I also want the ability to decorate my ship, add my style to the decor..


Too much effort for BioWare. Not enough "up-selling" capability. Basically, it doesn't lure more dollars into their pockets, so they ain't doing it.

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Do you think it matters one jot? If BioWare: Austin has established one fact by its behaviour, it's that it don't giveadam about the players' wishes. They'll do precisely as they please.




Not going to happen. BioWare has consistently refused to include any elements that PC actions may change, and what standing Jadus has is definitely one of those. Likewise, Kilran's confirmed dead at the end of Maelstrom Prison


Too much effort for BioWare. Not enough "up-selling" capability. Basically, it doesn't lure more dollars into their pockets, so they ain't doing it.


From what I understand about Jadus he is either captured or runs away. Still does not tie things up completely there.

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From what I understand about Jadus he is either captured or runs away. Still does not tie things up completely there.



Or he resumes his seat on the Dark Council, if the Agent's DS.



That's the problem - multiple possible, very divergent endings to Chapter 1 of the Agent storyline.

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Plus even if Bioware DOES listen to us, eventually we'll all die, and then the sun will engulf the earth, and then the very universe will degenerate and decay into nothingness, so there's really no reason to get worked up coming up with ideas for expansions.


Because that's so very much the way I was arguing. Oh, wait...it wasn't - but nice try. Have this for your trouble.

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One thing to keep in mind through all these posts is the difference between creative and blindly throwing things out there. So many of these are ideas for new classes or personal story quests. Both of these things are not going to happen and for good reason. The profit for them wouldn't cover the cost of making them. New playable species such as the Torgunta or even the Voss (I honestly hate those guys) and possibly the Bothans if rumors of heading to the Bothan home world are true, those things are in the realm of reality. World stories like the few that are written in here are possible.


Many of you read the websites such as TORwars, DarthHater, and the other fan sites around. You know what the Devs say is within the range of possibility. A few of you have probably gone to a Cantina Tour or two and have had a chance to meet them. I know that they care about what the players want and try to make things happen as best they can. Still the game industry is a business and they have to make money like any other business. When devs are making these games they have to do something that many of the players don't do. They have to take the long view and see what will work down the line. If they could put in every idea that is on the wall of crazy then it might be an awesome game but it would cost so much to make that EA wouldn't be able to afford the servers that allow us to play. I'm all for creative but at least try to be reasonable.


For those that feel the need to insult the team that makes this game or any other one you play please keep in mind that they work hard to do what they do. I know plenty of people in the industry that miss out on fun nights because they have hard deadlines to meet. If you don't like playing the game then simply don't play. Don't take frustrations out on dedicated members of the community thinking that whining will change things.

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Or he resumes his seat on the Dark Council, if the Agent's DS.



That's the problem - multiple possible, very divergent endings to Chapter 1 of the Agent storyline.



Bottom line...unlike Baras, Jadus 100% lives at the end. I think the next chapter in Agent storyline should be his demise whether it be by the agent's hand or someone else if you go LS.


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Bottom line...unlike Baras, Jadus 100% lives at the end. I think the next chapter in Agent storyline should be his demise whether it be by the agent's hand or someone else if you go LS.



No! The next part should be Jadus returning to take over the agent and being the boss, or he could tell the Jedi knight that the Emperor still lives


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One thing to keep in mind through all these posts is the difference between creative and blindly throwing things out there. So many of these are ideas for new classes or personal story quests. Both of these things are not going to happen and for good reason. The profit for them wouldn't cover the cost of making them. New playable species such as the Torgunta or even the Voss (I honestly hate those guys) and possibly the Bothans if rumors of heading to the Bothan home world are true, those things are in the realm of reality. World stories like the few that are written in here are possible.


Many of you read the websites such as TORwars, DarthHater, and the other fan sites around. You know what the Devs say is within the range of possibility. A few of you have probably gone to a Cantina Tour or two and have had a chance to meet them. I know that they care about what the players want and try to make things happen as best they can. Still the game industry is a business and they have to make money like any other business. When devs are making these games they have to do something that many of the players don't do. They have to take the long view and see what will work down the line. If they could put in every idea that is on the wall of crazy then it might be an awesome game but it would cost so much to make that EA wouldn't be able to afford the servers that allow us to play. I'm all for creative but at least try to be reasonable.


For those that feel the need to insult the team that makes this game or any other one you play please keep in mind that they work hard to do what they do. I know plenty of people in the industry that miss out on fun nights because they have hard deadlines to meet. If you don't like playing the game then simply don't play. Don't take frustrations out on dedicated members of the community thinking that whining will change things.


No one is insulting them quite the opposite we praise them! They have given us a great game and all we ask and hope for is that they expand on what makes this game great, i.e personell story. :) And since we got 3 new planets and a FREEEEE expansion coming upp soon i would say that things are looking up and we could very well see new classes in the foreseable future!

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I have a vage idea for some new SWTOR stories:


1. Killing the Emperor, this would have the Republic be more proactive then they probly will be. (I don't expect anyone to deal with the Emperor until he returns and threatens the galaxy again.) So the jedi Knight is sumoned before the Jedi council due to reports of people operating in the Emperors name, they say it is scatered but they can't take any chances Darth Jadus shows up and after a smacking around the Jedi Council (so you know he is tough) he tells the JK that the Emperor lives and is in a secret place, JK goes to planet(/s) and solves the mystery and kills the Emperor. They then ponder the fact that someone more cunning may take the Emperors place. Scourge gets some mesure of the Emperors power and offers to make you a great lord (or maybe new Emperor, so Scourge can remain in the shadows), JK can convince him he is wrong; either through words or hitting him or join him and convince the others, again either through words or hitting. They decide to use the Republic to fight those who would oppose the JK takeing over the Empire and to corrupt and take over the Jedi and Republic from within.


2. Republic civil war: General Garza and other millitary leaders are upset with Chancellor Saresh for putting 'her own/jedi man' in charge of the armed forces (I assume that Jace was called into replace Rans; the guy who was in charge on Ilum, the end of that quest chain should give everyone a good understanding of why he 'retired early') and cuting out the SIS/using her own secret forces; the GenoHaradan (see the intro to the Republic scum and villiany quest for proof). So these issues boil over when Saresh refuses to listen to the need to reinforce the Republic supply lines (they need to slow down due to issues with hypermater full supplies from Black hole quests) and orders them to keep going. Then they suffer a defeat something airicka proposed. So the military refuse to follow the Chancellors orders any more they and SIS go on strike, Saresh refuses to budge and after something (GenoHardan attempting to kill the leaders of the mutiny) most of the military take over (a planet maybe more if it is a big expansion) and Saresh asks the jedi and to help forces loyal to her end the revolt. The PCs get called in and have to deal with fighing loyal Republic troops who happen to oppose the current government but are still normal people.


The Empire wants to capture or kill some top Republic leaders and get some tech, the Republic wants to end this quickly. The Empire gets a lot of info about the Republic and some tech 'enough to exploit this weakness to the fullest'. The Republic PCs have to confront the feeling that Saresh may be taking over the Republic like a dictator and acting irrational when it comes to defeating the Empire (which she hates for keeping her as a slave), the big Light/Dark choice is whether or not to have the leaders executed.

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I liked the above post. It was pretty well thought out.:D




My ideas:




The Emperor has decided that he can no longer trust those servants that cannot be easily or directly controlled. First with the Council's resistance 300 years ago, now with Malgus, the Dread Host, etc., he has decided that the Hand, the Wrath, Nox/Imperious/Occulus, Marr, Serevin, and Jadus are far too dangerous to be kept alive. The Voice, who has now found a new body (Whoever it is) has declared them all traitors to the Empire. They, along with the remains of Intelligence, and the Grand Champion, are in very real danger of being hunted down by the Voice and the Red Guard (I honestly don't remember what they're called. I remember the Red Guard from the original trilogy :o ) So, the now-fugitives go back to Makeb in order to enlist the help of the Cartel. As a show of good faith, the Hutts want the PCs help against the remaining Imperial and Republic presences on Makeb and Oricon, as well as a great tribute of Rakatan tech from Belsavis. This, of course ends up with the Cartel helping you destroy the Sith Councilors still loyal to the Emperor, as well as the Voice and the majority of the Red Guard. I don't know what I would do with the Emperor, though......




With Saresh's election to Supreme Chancellor have come many changes. Resistance towards her decisions from SpecOps and a small portion of the Jedi Order, including the Barsen'thor and the Hero of Tython, have led to the Senate placing checks on Jedi training and activity, as well as the complete dissolution of SpecOps, and the scapegoating of Havoc Squad for the actions both its original members and the resistance of SpecOps as a whole, especially General Garza, who has now disappeared to Port Nowhere to hire the help of the Voidhound's merchant fleet. The Voidhound accepts, and a warrant is subsequently called for his arrest. The PCs must clear their names, and gainsay, replace, or kill Saresh from her plans that are bound to tear the Republic apart.

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A jedi guardian companion that functions like Lord Scourge, for all imperial characters. He joins you in order in exchange for protecting a group of civilians (even though a LS imperial wouldn't actually intend to kill them, he doesn't believe that they're actually good).


A sith assassin companion that functions like Xalek, for all republic characters (and when I say like Xalek, I mean fixed so that she actually stays at range when I turn of her charge skill). She joins you because she really doesn't want to be killed by you.


The Jedi Guardian conversations can follow two routes. Either he can accept the fact that you're actually a good person, and that there are good people in the empire, or he can be corrupted by a darksider into an 'end justifies the means' person.


The Sith Assassin conversations also follow two routes. Either she is redeemed by a lightsider, although still a little bit sithish, or she stays the way she is for a darksider, in the end marvelling at how much worse you are than some of the imperials she's known.


I'd like it if the conversations were different for each class, as the guardian would turn darkside in a different way for a bounty hunter than for a sith, for example. Whether they're romancable, I really couldn't care. I do want it, though, that their affection gains and falls change depending on where you are in their conversation lines: The jedi would have pretty much any darkside pick when he first joins, but as time goes on, he'll accept some of the more "End justifies the means" choices that lean towards the cruel side.

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plus, if lets say you're a male wookie JK then none of your comps would be compatable for romance


Leia Organa Solo encountered a Wookiee with a speech impediment which conveniently rendered his Shyriiwook pronunciation much easier to understand by Leia, who was learning the language at the time. It was in the Thrawn Trilogy.


At one point or another, across the entire breadth of lore, every race has at one point or another has spoken basic.

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Whatever the event, I would say the Empire needs a big 'win'. The Ziost idea posted upthread was perfect, I thought.


The end of the JK story took us to Dromund Kaas, so I have to wonder...Would anybody be on-board for an event that had Imperial players taking part in a sort of covert action on Coruscant?


Granted this is mainly based on one of the things I actually enjoyed in my brief time with Warhammer Online. A faction that did well enough had the ability to sack the opposing faction's capital city. This wouldn't be to that extent, mind. Just a suitably epic conclusion for whatever comes.

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I'd like to see an expansion that revolved around large scale expansions and improvements in already existing areas and mechanics of the game instead of adding a lot of new places. For example, let's make use of some of the environments we have to add new content:


-Denova has an Operation and a Warzone: Let's give it a questing area too; dailies a la Oricon with a minor story built in.

-Quesh is a small planet with a short story: Let's expand the map with a new lv. 55+ story area, and maybe a new flashpoint or two. Seems like a good environment for that given the seedy Hutt centric story we've had lately.

-Coruscant and Dromund Kass are PvE/Faction exclusive worlds, but everybody always talks about how they wish they could attack the enemy faction's home planet: Let's put one new PvP Space environment over each of those, and add a PvPvE area to each surface where both factions can land and battle it out.


Point is, I want an expansion that builds the game up, that adds to what the game already offers instead of trying to tack on more stuff. And I want an expansion that remembers we're playing Star WARS. This is a game about war, we should be warring with each other in a meaningful way. PvPing deserves a story, it deserves a well designed reward system for OPvP. PvE deserves more than a bunch of people whacking at a monster with glowsticks and nerf guns.

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