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Add Voice Emotes please!!! :)


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One thing that i think would be cool in this game is voice emotes, i know there are a few like /hi or /thanks, /farewell, but others would be cool like /not bad, how are you, or /hanging around.. stuff like that, Im sure you guys can add to the list of voice emotes that would be cool. Eventually we can get to the point where players can have full convos with other players with just voice emotes. This would be a really good social aspect of the game in my opinion. If you guys would like to see this someday just keep this alive and add to the list of cool and fun voice emotes!! And it would be nice to get a response from a dev just to hear their input in this, like would this even be possible someday? or how much work and time would something like this take.
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No, please don't. The voiced emotes are annoying and immersion breaking, not least because every male/female of one class SOUNDS THE EXACT SAME. It's bad enough having every emore spam chat with a description, some of which are really, really corny and bad.


Emotes are emotes, they are visual things. Why the damn things need a written component is beyond me (managed for years on my last MMO without that before it was sadly killed off), let alone the ones with sound.



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