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Arsenasl Merc in ranked arenas. Yes or No?


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I have not played arenas nor do I intend to until they are officially released but I just wanted to draw some community opinion here- will arsenal mercs be desirable for ranked arenas or will they be a liability? I feel strong on my merc... good burst... if I have a supportive team I can tear people apart... how do we feel about us in a smaller pvp environment?
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I would say without a doubt NO...you eluded to the smaller environment...that is the issue...let me ask you what happens in 8 v 8 wz when you aren't "left alone"? When you are focused on by even 2 opponents....yep..you're shredded in seconds. The fact that people are STILL able to seemingly vanish at will against our net combined with the Arena tactic 101 to burn down the easiest target first leaves us as a bit of a liability imo....against bad teams..sure..maybe..but against even half way competent players there is no way Arsenal will be desirable....if we had a true disengage then I can see it but the problem remains....in 4 v 4 Arena there is nowhere to hide...no chaos to take advantage of while we just sit back and pew pew.....just my opinion of course...
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I would say without a doubt NO...you eluded to the smaller environment...that is the issue...let me ask you what happens in 8 v 8 wz when you aren't "left alone"? When you are focused on by even 2 opponents....yep..you're shredded in seconds. The fact that people are STILL able to seemingly vanish at will against our net combined with the Arena tactic 101 to burn down the easiest target first leaves us as a bit of a liability imo....against bad teams..sure..maybe..but against even half way competent players there is no way Arsenal will be desirable....if we had a true disengage then I can see it but the problem remains....in 4 v 4 Arena there is nowhere to hide...no chaos to take advantage of while we just sit back and pew pew.....just my opinion of course...


This is the problem. In truth I feel pretty confident piloting my Arsenal vs. a single melee who tunnel visions on me. But only bad teams will split off to four 1v1s. When two melee attack an Arsenal, the Arsenal dies without causing any meaningful damage on the attackers and without causing any meaningful delay on the attackers. Which means that very rapidly your teammates are 3v4 and you can't come back from that against a competent enemy team.


In general arenas will sharpen the focus on class (im)balance. What could be hidden in a 8v8 matchup (aka. carry a weak teammate if you have superiority elsewhere), becomes much more exposed when you only have 3 teammates to carry you.

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Yeah I can see that in 4v4's focus fire will actually happen a lot more. I think I surprise a lot smashers who try to 1v1 me with how quickly I can blow them away... power surge for a double heal + medpack= HTF (lol) and I;m back and ready for another burst... if there are two your only hope is to be somewhere you can throw them off a ledge or something lol. But take into consideration that you will have a tank (hopefully who rotates guard) and a healer who is decent... idk... a healer will only have 4 people to heal and a tank will only have 3 people to guard. A good Op healer will take a good bit to take down so if they are focusing the healer first you may actually have some freecast/boss bursting to do. I know I am cherry coating it somewhat lol. You may be right.
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But take into consideration that you will have a tank (hopefully who rotates guard) and a healer who is decent...


Good rwz teams coordinate their stun/cc's with dps burst. Their healer and tank will stun/mezz the opposing healer/tank in order to get an isolation on the most vulnerable enemy dps. They will have 2-3 GCDs to Smash/Ravage the enemy dps with both Smash Monkeys - or about 30k of damage. Assuming the target starts out with 75% health (a typical health level in the midst of a fight), it will be problematic for the target to survive. This is why Mara dps is the preferred platform. When the hammer comes down on a Mara, he can pop Undying Rage and/or Camo and escape. The ability to defend against coordinated enemy burst is key in rwz. Arsenal actually has decent 1v1 defensive capabilities. But against coordinated enemy attacks, Arsenal wilts.

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Arsenal is fine in unranked WZ aside from being able to elude multiple enemies as others have said (or even a single one to be blunt). I can only see the Arsenal (or Pyro.. if there are any left) Mercs being singled out in a tighter arena environment. I have zero intention of playing arenas with my merc until Bioware address the simple fact we cant escape.


Jet Boost (even buffed) does nothing combined with HO, force users just jump right back on top of you. Maybe it'll be addressed at some point in the future. Don't hold your breath though, it seems no dev plays any form of Merc class, hence the insulting patches aimed in our direction.

Edited by Transcendent
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Jet Boost (even buffed) does nothing combined with HO, force users just jump right back on top of you. Maybe it'll be addressed at some point in the future. Don't hold your breath though, it seems no dev plays any form of Merc class, hence the insulting patches aimed in our direction.


Jet Boost, Hydro Override and Electronet are vastly superior kiting tools than what the sorc has. And the Arsenal merc is far more tanky. Lightning Sorcs do fine in arenas, so...?

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