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Commando gunnery dps


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Can any experinced player answer mé how gunnery dps commando is doing endgame compared to other classes ? Both pve and pvp .. Are we viable or dó i have to roll gunslinger if i like to play ranged dps ? I just love all about commando but dont wanna get my butt kicked all the time in pvp or get kicked from raids cause my dps is low .. So plz help mé out here what i can expect endgame and no i dont wanna spec healing , dps is my thing
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PvE DPS is good... PvP - check PTS - lots of complains.

Commando is caster DPS (only HiB & DR are instant but on CD), Gunnery is pretty spiky (may need to be careful in PvE or drop agro) but in PvP - interuptable.

Current PvP state - mobile classes that don't rely on casting or uninteruptable ones.

As I don't play PvP at all... my Commando & BH mirror are my DPS ones.

I just like them.

As I like VG/BH as tank, even JK/SW have more defensive CDs.

Edited by morfius
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Ahh sounds great ! Looks like gunnery can fill the role as a viable dps'er PvE ...


It definitely can, I play their mirror Arsenal Merc and its perfectly viable in Operations. Like some says, I even have to watch my aggro and keep my aggro dump button close cause it has some nice spikes.

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I will try to mention both positives and negatives.


1. DPS: Damage output is good enough for NiM raids but lower than that of a gunslinger.


2. Damage taken: Due to heavy armor will take less damage than a slinger. Slinger's survival is based on knowing which defensive cooldown to use and when (I survived the NiM dread guard doom without running through green circles :p) while commando has the option to off heal (Heal to Full for the win)


3. Utility: Gunnery has an armor debuff which is an integral part of the rotation. Slingers also have an armor debuff but its not an integral part of most of their rotations.


Personal opinion: If your group is struggling with enrage timer due to lack of dps I'd take a gunslinger over a commando but commando has his own percs. In a challenging fight its easier to survive as a commando (dont shout I said just easier) so I'd say both classes are at equal footing in PvE.



1. DPS: Burst is good. but once you have used your demo round and high impact bolt you have only channeled abilities left which can be interrupted by interrupts, push backs, pulls, stuns and mezz. Gunslingers can be interrupted only if pushed cced etc.


2. Skill tree: Commandos only have 1 viable skill tree that is gunnery. For gunslingers all 3 trees are viable. Marksman for single target damage, Saboteur for AoE damage and dirty fighting/hybrid for dot class.


3. Damage taken: Due to heavy armor the straight up damage taken is lower than a slinger. But slinger have much better defensive cooldowns. For example: Hunker down gives 23 sec (for marksman) immunity from stuns push and pull and also 60% damage reduction against aoe (smash is aoe), Defense screen absorbs a small amount of damage. Scrambling field provides a damage reduction to everyone inside it. Roll makes you immune to everything during the roll. There is another one I forgot the name ( so many so hard to remember :p) it gives you 100% damage reduction against melee and ranged for 3 seconds. Also crouch gives you 20% damage reduction against ranged.


4. Utility: Both class have armor debuff. Commando has an AoE heal which is very useful. Slingers has a healing debuff. A root, AoE root depending on the skill tree, AoE soft stun at range and that huge defensive shield.


5. Other: Electronet is a very useful attack for commando but the cooldown is long. Hold the line is also very useful for running away from melee. Gun slinger has immunity to interrupt. So to disrupt a gunslinger you have to actually walk up to him and push or stun him which makes the root and push backs (2 if you are marksman) very useful.


Personal Opinion: Gunslingers are preferable for PvP as they will do a lot more damage than a commando. But gunnery commando does have pretty good surviving skills with tech override and hold the line up. ( 2 insta heals on the run and option to run) Does that compensate for the different in damage? No, not in regular warzone by a long shot. In arenas on the other hand this might come in handy? we will have to see. But the higher upfront damage with very good defensive cooldowns makes gunslinger a better option right now.

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Can any experinced player answer mé how gunnery dps commando is doing endgame compared to other classes ? Both pve and pvp .. Are we viable or dó i have to roll gunslinger if i like to play ranged dps ? I just love all about commando but dont wanna get my butt kicked all the time in pvp or get kicked from raids cause my dps is low .. So plz help mé out here what i can expect endgame and no i dont wanna spec healing , dps is my thing


depends a lot on how hardcore your group is if your doing hard mode then a commando as long as your good skill wise is fine


for NiM your going to find your self at the bottom of the dps charts almost in every fight by a good bit


My own guild has asked me to make a gunslinger 3 times just because commando dps at that level does not keep up as CaptianFordo said we can do 2600 or more dps but that's fairly rare even if you check his own dps link he gave there he was doing between 2000-2300 most of the night until that one good run on the other hand gunslingers will do 2500 on every fight just about with just a few exceptions


In general most groups want gunslingers for there dps (which sucks for us) but that's the way it is until we get a buff

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