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When will we ever add more class story?

"(Schubert takes a quick poll; most people liked the Makeb story. This apparently confirmed his suspicions.) From their point of view, the Makeb story was successful. And actually one of the reasons it was successful was because it was NOT a class-based story. Instead of having to come up with multiple reasons why different types of characters would go to Makeb (artifacts, military secrets, etc.) they could focus on making one very good story with slightly different takes for each class. This made Makeb both a better story and more epic (due to not having to do eight full versions of it.) They are looking at taking the basic Makeb model in future and expanding on its emphasis of class differences. How would Luke Skywalker handle this problem vs. Darth Vader? They might go back to the class story model, but it would be hugely ambitious."


Very astute. I do not think that people are fully looking beyond "what we want now" to "what is the trade off", or "how can this best be accomplished".....which often leads to the argument that "they don't listen to us". They do listen, but they also consider far more, have far more information that allows them to make a more informed decision as to how it will either positively or negatively effect the game, subscription, survival.


One has to seriously ask themselves if this is really worth the effort it will take, for, say, a week or two of class story expansion? Would we rather have two more levels of PvP, three more Operations, more in-depth game play? Will that few weeks of class story be entirely worth it or could it end up being a marketing nightmare with every "hater" web site turning it into "a cheesy attempt to avoid adding content", or some other disparaging argument.....which we know they focus singularly on and live for.

Edited by Blackardin
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The quote above, with perhaps adding class differences to future planets' story arcs, might be enough to make expansions not as hollow as Makeb was. Many, many players have stated the same thing: after doing it once on each faction, it was almost pointless and tedious to go through with their other characters.


For a game that emphasized alt-rolling as much as this one, it needs to have a way to sustain playing these characters through expansions without simply doing daily missions, etc. In other words, class story needs to be continued in some fashion. Most players I believe would prefer the 1-50 experience, though what I read here on the forums suggests they expect there is no way that will happen.


I still believe many of the subscribers still playing would shell out plenty for DLC story expansions. And this is worth it for the long-term success of the game, even if people are paying boatloads for packs with re-colored armor and such. Yes, that makes a great profit in the short-run, but there needs to be more significant additions to the game, even if the ROI isn't nearly as high as making packs for the CM.


Additional class story content is what that should be. I'm also glad to see the space expansion coming so soon - wasn't expecting that until well into next year.

Edited by arunav
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This thread is really unnecessary.


We all want more class stories. Bioware already knows we want class stories. Bioware wants to do class stories if they are able to.


They are not sitting there in their meetings wondering "Hey guys I had a great idea for the game, more class stories! Nah, I don't think the players want those, lets do something else."

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This thread is really unnecessary.


We all want more class stories. Bioware already knows we want class stories. Bioware wants to do class stories if they are able to.


They are not sitting there in their meetings wondering "Hey guys I had a great idea for the game, more class stories! Nah, I don't think the players want those, lets do something else."


You aren't wrong, but this petition is a friendly reminder that if they can work out the logistic it will make them some money not only from continuing subs but from new subs as well. Nothing wrong with highlighting something that many if not most people want.

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I made a suggestion a while back that I think they should consider doing class story expansions using companions. This way they would get two birds with one stone, so to speak.


Also, they should add to the game other forms of the bounty system, specifically tailored to classes....in fact this is what I would have done from the beginning.


Jedi and Sith get council/order based missions

Troopers get combat sorties and search and destroy missions

BH get what they have in place now

Smugglers get missions to smuggle items from one planet to another.

Agents get missions from Intelligence....sabotage, espionage, assassination.


Grant it, it would not be a direct expansion of the class story, but if set up properly it could FEEL like you are still in your class storyline...especially if they use a bit of the original players from your story mixed in with aliens (easy VO) and text. That could minimize development costs.

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Would to see all stories expanded on, but you will have to give them time to write the story get all the VO's recorded and then put in the game. you can't expect it to happen overnight so give them a little time. Guessing minimum of 3rd or 4th quarter of 2014 at the earliest.
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This game was built around class and companion storylines. If BW does not expand upon them then this game will die a lot sooner than it should. Makeb is proof that faction based storylines cannot sustain the game or keep players busy. Makeb got boring after my second Republic run. I refuse to run any of my remaining characters through there.


Class stories MUST be expanded upon! They should NOT be tied into completing chapter four as Makeb is a factionstory only. Are you listening to us Bioware? Do the right thing for once and expand class/companion stories. If you really care about the game and your playerbase you MUST do this with a huge expansion, not some DLC content like RotHC was. a real, large, full on expansion. Do you guys have the stones to take up the effort or will you continue to be cheap and lazy?



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You aren't wrong, but this petition is a friendly reminder that if they can work out the logistic it will make them some money not only from continuing subs but from new subs as well. Nothing wrong with highlighting something that many if not most people want.


True.. but IMO the approach here is incorrect.


It does not create any sort of compelling case for class story content.


A better approach would be to make a "Why We Love Class Stories" thread and have players exemplify why they like it and what it's personal value is to them.


Such an approach may or may not compel devs to put more commitment on class stories... but it has the benefit of being a positive approach to desires of the players.


TL;DR positive experience sharing threads are more influential then petition and complaint threads. "Petitions" are a particularly bad approach style.

Edited by Andryah
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Absolutely, the class stories are what differentiates this otherwise very average MMO from it's competition.


As I only have only class story to finish (Agent) I'm really hoping they get some time to sort out further character progression.


The story through places like Makeb and Oricon is a little too generic and not tailored enough to each character.

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Absolutely, the class stories are what differentiates this otherwise very average MMO from it's competition.


I would state it slightly differently. Story content (whether class OR faction) is what differentiates this MMO from it's competition. Mission story content in this MMO makes other MMOs quests taste like bland diet weak sauce.

Edited by Andryah
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True.. but IMO the approach here is incorrect.


It does not create any sort of compelling case for class story content.


A better approach would be to make a "Why We Love Class Stories" thread and have players exemplify why they like it and what it's personal value is to them.


Such an approach may or may not compel devs to put more commitment on class stories... but it has the benefit of being a positive approach to desires of the players.


TL;DR positive experience sharing threads are more influential then petition and complaint threads. "Petitions" are a particularly bad approach style.


I didn't think you would actually support it, even though there is plenty of civilized discussion and ideas in this thread. After all you were all over the thread before trying to knock the idea down, and still are, I see. There is plenty of positive here, I just don't think you want to see it. Petitions tend to be more effective actually. I've been watching the threads...when someone posts a petition style thread, it gets a lot more life, than commentary style posts. Anything that gets people involved is wonderful, and so I think this is a decent way to approach things.

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I didn't think you would actually support it, even though there is plenty of civilized discussion and ideas in this thread. After all you were all over the thread before trying to knock the idea down, and still are, I see.


Oh... I have always been supportive of more class story. I would enjoy playing it. What's not to support?


I'm just not supportive of any sense of entitlement about it or making demands. Make suggestions?... by all means. discuss a topic?.. by all means. Demand and petition for what you want in a game?... waste of time other then to let people like you vent your unhappiness about their current decision.


I also am objective and logical enough to understand the principles of screenplay design and how they are actually applying that methodology to this games continued development coupled with the fact that we still get new story content.. just that it is currently faction focused rather then class focused.


Petitions tend to be more effective actually. I've been watching the threads...when someone posts a petition style thread, it gets a lot more life, than commentary style posts. Anything that gets people involved is wonderful, and so I think this is a decent way to approach things.


LOL... so you judge effectiveness based on the number of posts a thread gets? Awesome. How's that working out for you?


NO.. petitions do not get more attention from devs.. In fact the continue to remind us that they discourage their use in the forum. But yes.. petition threads ARE catnip for unhappy people who want what they want.. so they do create thread traffic. But then again.. so do some of the most vile of complaint/rant threads too. :)


Please proceed forward though. It's just that there are in fact better ways to construct and run a thread to gain leverage with the devs.

Edited by Andryah
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Oh... I have always been supportive of more class story. I would enjoy playing it. What's not to support?


I'm just not supportive of any sense of entitlement about it or making demands. Make suggestions?... by all means. discuss a topic?.. by all means. Demand and petition for what you want in a game?... waste of time other then to let people like you vent your unhappiness about their current decision.


I also am objective and logical enough to understand the principles of screenplay design and how they are actually applying that methodology to this games continued development coupled with the fact that we still get new story content.. just that it is currently faction focused rather then class focused.




LOL... so you judge effectiveness based on the number of posts a thread gets? Awesome. How's that working out for you?


NO.. petitions do not get more attention from devs.. In fact the continue to remind us that they discourage their use in the forum. But yes.. petition threads ARE catnip for unhappy people who want what they want.. so they do create thread traffic. But then again.. so do some of the most vile of complaint/rant threads too. :)


Please proceed forward though. It's just that there are in fact better ways to construct and run a thread to gain leverage with the devs.


Well you're entitled to think as you like. I define successful by the number of people who see, read and respond, yes. I see nothing wrong with that. I like to know that others enjoy the individual stories as much as I do, and want more. So I will be proceeding forward. Thanks for your 'blessing.' :rolleyes:

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I define successful by the number of people who see, read and respond, yes.


I define success as: what is actually released in the form of content in the game.


What you define as success... I define as discussion between players on a forum.


I'm results oriented, and as such... if I wanted to get content that did not exist.. I would be looking for positive ways to actually influence developer thoughts and plans. Demands, petitions, and complaints are not the best approach at positive application of influence.

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Petitions tend to be more effective actually. I've been watching the threads...when someone posts a petition style thread, it gets a lot more life, than commentary style posts. Anything that gets people involved is wonderful, and so I think this is a decent way to approach things.


I've yet to see a petition actually get anything changed in game. Furthermore, I've yet to see a petition even get a dev response (most likely they are not permitted to respond to petitions in any way, as it could be viewed as support or opposition to the petition).


So.... it might make you feel better, but it doesn't really get much done.

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I've yet to see a petition actually get anything changed in game. Furthermore, I've yet to see a petition even get a dev response (most likely they are not permitted to respond to petitions in any way, as it could be viewed as support or opposition to the petition).


So.... it might make you feel better, but it doesn't really get much done.


Unfortunately I've yet to see a proper dev response to a lot of issues here, the desire for more extension to individual class and companion stories, being just one thing. You're possibly right about them being allowed to post...I suspect they have some rules in regards to that. :/ Thing is, I'm a proactive person, and when I feel something is a good thing, and a needed thing, like individual class and companion story extensions, I want to make sure to do something about it, to keep it coming. A lot of people have posted here in support of it, and I think it's wonderful.


It's better than doing nothing. Silence implies compliance, and I don't comply with their idea to make generic stories with a one size fits all attitude. They have said that they're going to go the generic route, but I think that's a poor decision, and hope they'll change their minds.


If they did even one or two individual class quest or companion quests, so you can better interact with companions, with the mini sort of updates they're doing, it would be a step in the right direction.


I've been brought up to stand up for what I believe in, and that's what I'm trying to do. The fact that so many people have supported the thread, actually buoys me with hope for the future. Maybe they can ignore one person, but it's harder to ignore many people. :)

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There is a bit more information come out of the New York Cantina Q & A , it went something along the lines of , there won't be class stories as such but there will be multiple different paths for each class within the next parts of the story , if that makes sense. Anyway listen for yourselves here ( it's towards the end , I believe the podcaster actually asked about it personally or something).







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Unfortunately I've yet to see a proper dev response to a lot of issues here, the desire for more extension to individual class and companion stories, being just one thing. You're possibly right about them being allowed to post...I suspect they have some rules in regards to that. :/ Thing is, I'm a proactive person, and when I feel something is a good thing, and a needed thing, like individual class and companion story extensions, I want to make sure to do something about it, to keep it coming. A lot of people have posted here in support of it, and I think it's wonderful.


It's better than doing nothing. Silence implies compliance, and I don't comply with their idea to make generic stories with a one size fits all attitude. They have said that they're going to go the generic route, but I think that's a poor decision, and hope they'll change their minds.


If they did even one or two individual class quest or companion quests, so you can better interact with companions, with the mini sort of updates they're doing, it would be a step in the right direction.


I've been brought up to stand up for what I believe in, and that's what I'm trying to do. The fact that so many people have supported the thread, actually buoys me with hope for the future. Maybe they can ignore one person, but it's harder to ignore many people. :)


I see nothing at all wrong with supporting what you believe in. Just stating that petitions such as this, unfortunately, probably don't accomplish much. That being said, it does bring attention to the issue, despite the devs already acknowledging that many players would like to see this.

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I have to agree. Even if its a minimal ammount. I'm ok to have the world stories taking central stage, but really just one or two personal quests per planet cant be that undoable.

Actually it would be awesome to have a storyline that starts in an expansion and has a little bit more coming out with each "major" content patch (aka the ones with new daily areas).


I think that instead of companion stories, it would be great to have an instance like dungeon with all you companions working as a team. Much like a single player dungeon. Something close to this happened in the trooper storyline when Havoc was assaulting a space station. That i think has alot of potencial. More than to just have a conversation with your companion and go somewhere to conclude the small plot. The instanced dungeons could have rewards in customisation and/or companion gear and would be repreatable content.

Edited by Nemmar
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Obviously expanded class stories would be great. However, if the choice is between 10 hours of additional content for each class, with individual expanded class stories and companion stories, or 40 hours of additional content for each class, with a shared "galactic" story, I'd go for the latter. I think they did well with Makeb. Edited by LordExozone
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Obviously expanded class stories would be great. However, if the choice is between 10 hours of additional content for each class, with individual expanded class stories and companion stories, or 40 hours of additional content for each class, with a shared "galactic" story, I'd go for the latter. I think they did well with Makeb.


Yeah that's the type of thing they are going for , like Makeb , but the different individual classes choices will branch off for something unique to that class , so all is good :) The link is on the page before this in my post :).





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