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Sadness regaurding Mercenary dps


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Recently i have been growing more and more depressed with mercenary dps. When i DPS on certain boss fight, people that i parsed higher than pre 2.0 are beating me by a significant margin. I know what you may be thinking "he must not know how to play his spec" and the answer to that is i actually do, extensively i might add know how to play my merc. The main issue that i have when reviewing my logs and comparing them to other dps that i know is that i bring no raid utility to the group, have minimal offensive and defensive cooldowns, and yet pull far less then say a sniper or marauder. Snipers being the most of my pain because of a few reasons:1)they bring significant raid utility to the group in that their ballistic shield is an excellent raid-wide cooldown and their ability to time a roll to mitigate all incoming damage for intense portions of a fight.2) They have a massive array of both offensive and defensive cooldowns that are far better then the horrible amount of offensive CD abilities that i have on my merc. 3)not only do snipers have all of these raid wide and self spanning cooldowns, but on almost every fight and on the training dummy they have the top dps.


I mean as of right now i am pulling enough dps to clear nightmare mode content, but i feel as though i have no capability to exceed with my mercenary at this point in time. I do understand that mercenaries have been a part in alot of the raid groups that have downed content suck as nightmare terror from beyond and scum and villainy, but none of them really seem to be the first choice simply because having four snipers filling all of the dps slots, or one mara and three snipers would be preferable to bringing a merc along. Just how i feel on the matter.


Now im not trying to be one of those people that whines because they have better stuff then me, but at the same time it would be nice to have a proper place in the raid; rather than feeling like i should just gear up my sniper instead. The main issues that i am having with my merc dps right now (other than those that i just listed) is that ever since 2.0 mercenaries have had to work to control their heat, which i am fine with, but in the place of that heat management theoretically my dps should also be improved by the increase in damage of abilities to compensate. Like i said though this is not a "nerf the other classes i wanna be the best" but at some point i feel as though if i want to bring more to the table then a guarenteed armor debuff and the hopes that i wont be bottom dps. This being said i also enjoy my merc very much to be honest, and i would love to continue playing the class, but i feel as though i am losing more and more interest in a class that has nothing to bring to the table in a raid wide perspective (IE. bloodthirst, ballistic shield) , and yet i still have no ability to beat a decently played marauder or sniper. I hope that someone that carries some weight reads this because i do think that i have some valid opinions that i would like to be taken into account for future mechanics changes and what not. Thank you for your time if you stuck around through the entirety of this letter, i know that it was quite lengthy, and lacked proper grammar, but i feel that i do have some points.

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recently i have been growing more and more depressed with mercenary dps. When i dps on certain boss fight, people that i parsed higher than pre 2.0 are beating me by a significant margin. I know what you may be thinking "he must not know how to play his spec" and the answer to that is i actually do, extensively i might add know how to play my merc. The main issue that i have when reviewing my logs and comparing them to other dps that i know is that i bring no raid utility to the group, have minimal offensive and defensive cooldowns, and yet pull far less then say a sniper or marauder. Snipers being the most of my pain because of a few reasons:1)they bring significant raid utility to the group in that their ballistic shield is an excellent raid-wide cooldown and their ability to time a roll to mitigate all incoming damage for intense portions of a fight.2) they have a massive array of both offensive and defensive cooldowns that are far better then the horrible amount of offensive cd abilities that i have on my merc. 3)not only do snipers have all of these raid wide and self spanning cooldowns, but on almost every fight and on the training dummy they have the top dps.


I mean as of right now i am pulling enough dps to clear nightmare mode content, but i feel as though i have no capability to exceed with my mercenary at this point in time. I do understand that mercenaries have been a part in alot of the raid groups that have downed content suck as nightmare terror from beyond and scum and villainy, but none of them really seem to be the first choice simply because having four snipers filling all of the dps slots, or one mara and three snipers would be preferable to bringing a merc along. Just how i feel on the matter.


Now im not trying to be one of those people that whines because they have better stuff then me, but at the same time it would be nice to have a proper place in the raid; rather than feeling like i should just gear up my sniper instead. The main issues that i am having with my merc dps right now (other than those that i just listed) is that ever since 2.0 mercenaries have had to work to control their heat, which i am fine with, but in the place of that heat management theoretically my dps should also be improved by the increase in damage of abilities to compensate. Like i said though this is not a "nerf the other classes i wanna be the best" but at some point i feel as though if i want to bring more to the table then a guarenteed armor debuff and the hopes that i wont be bottom dps. This being said i also enjoy my merc very much to be honest, and i would love to continue playing the class, but i feel as though i am losing more and more interest in a class that has nothing to bring to the table in a raid wide perspective (ie. Bloodthirst, ballistic shield) , and yet i still have no ability to beat a decently played marauder or sniper. I hope that someone that carries some weight reads this because i do think that i have some valid opinions that i would like to be taken into account for future mechanics changes and what not. Thank you for your time if you stuck around through the entirety of this letter, i know that it was quite lengthy, and lacked proper grammar, but i feel that i do have some points.



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You just have a perception problem!


No seriously, you pretty much nailed it.

Just accept the fact that Snipers and Maras with the same skill level will outdps you with ease and have better, usable utility. It sucks and got worse with 2.0 but not even the best players around are able to do anything about it.

One thing maye, use the old 63 setbonus. It makes life easier and there is not dps loss at all, quite the contrary in many cases.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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Mercs bring a major raid wide utility. A 20% armor debuff. In fact when the game first started the cool thing to do was bring nothing but mercs because the debuff from tm stacked and hsm dmg buff benefitted from all other mercs tm buff.


Honestly. The only reason to bother looking at parses is if there are multiple wipes in progression. Any other reason is only for epeen. If your group is downing the bosses then your dps is fine. Also you bring some extra raid utility with the kolto missle and instant healing scan. Dps parses can be misleading. Yeah that player might have done more but was he being a good raid member? Was he moving out of aoes in time? Was he just padding the meter by dotting adds? Those situations aren't noticeable from parses.

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If your group is downing the bosses then your dps is fine.


Translation: If your class is underperforming, just be happy you can be carried by your teammates.


This is the worst attitude possible for the BH and Merc community. Right now at least the Arsenal is viable for high end pve. But what about Merc Pyro? Worst class in the game for pvp. And arguably the worst for pve too. If you have a Merc Pyro in your raid group, are the other (non-Merc Pyro) players happy? At least they are good teammates willing to carry their hapless friend.

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You're either gearing wrong or not playing sufficiently. Speaking strictly arsenal spec, merc can put out some of the most burst dps in the game.


I'd suggest either learning how to play the class properly, spend time reviewing the merc forum guides, or picking a new class.

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You're either gearing wrong or not playing sufficiently. Speaking strictly arsenal spec, merc can put out some of the most burst dps in the game.

And mercs do at least 200 dps less than Maras and Snipers in boss fights. All the burst in the world doesnt help if you hit enrage.
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merc dps is pretty good isn't it intended to be 5% below snipers and maras anways since they are pure dps classes and we are technically a hybrid? The only issues I really have with merc dps in a pve setting is that we lack an execute type ability which is mind boggling since we are bounty hunters who hunt people down. I dont think they need to add a skill though but maybe alter one of the top tier talents we get to include 20% more missile dmg or 20% more UL dmg when a target is under 30% health. It wouldnt be boosting us a ton persay but it would give us a nice lil way to assist in those burn phases and to not fall too far behind snipers/maras. Also it would help a ton if they would reduce the CD on EN to say 20 or 30s so we could actually keep a dot rolling more frequently on our target.
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merc dps is pretty good isn't it intended to be 5% below snipers and maras anways since they are pure dps classes and we are technically a hybrid?

They promised us all classes would be in a five percent window, no matter what else you can do with them. Judging from the answers the Sorcs got, they changed their opinion on this (to put it midly).

It seems we are supposed to do much less dps because we can heal ourselves to full and thats somehow more important in a raid than a sniper shield or bloodthirst. Thats total bs. If we are supposed to bring utility to the raid, we still need to be able to get our job done when it comes to dps. As damage dealer you need to come up with the neccessary dps to beat enrage and burst requirements, saving your raid from wiping because your healers cant get the job done is not the way its supposed to work. Nobofy will take a Merc over a Slinger just because the Merc can screw up his rotation by doing 200 HPS.

But yes, without question, the situation could be much worse for us. They dont hate us like they hate Assassins or Powertechs. But there is still lots to improve (mainly ammo management and procs) , especially since the stuation got worse with 2.0.


The only issues I really have with merc dps in a pve setting is that we lack an execute type ability which is mind boggling since we are bounty hunters who hunt people down. I dont think they need to add a skill though but maybe alter one of the top tier talents we get to include 20% more missile dmg or 20% more UL dmg when a target is under 30% health. [/Quote] Would be nice but so would be a dozen other things. Id be happy if we get the old set bonus back. It would be a minor buff to dps and a huge quality of life improvement. But i fear they will hit us with further nerfs if they change the set bonus.
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I hardly run out of ammo and I can dps constant 4k and crit some 8k to 9K. Just got to know your abilities. The only problem I have are creepers/assassins/ops/scoundrel/shadow once they jump on me. 50% hp gone. but that would be beacuse I dont have expertiese gear. haha
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Snipers being the most of my pain because of a few reasons:1)they bring significant raid utility to the group in that their ballistic shield is an excellent raid-wide cooldown and their ability to time a roll to mitigate all incoming damage for intense portions of a fight.


I can live with my dps being where it is right now. What would be nice to see is some more utility or defensive ability. Little things like perhaps making Kolto Missile cleanse as well as heal up to 8 players (also boosting healing it does by adding HoT), that would resolve raid utility.


Being able to mitigate damage or being able to pull away from a fight by actually using the... jetpack... on our backs would be lovely, like having a defensive cd that boosts us backwards by 10-15m in the *eeeek i'm about to die* moments, perhaps limiting it's use to when we're below <30% health (and making us immune to being jumped on by force users).


Aside from that, i'm honestly happy with the dps I bring to raids. Just not utility or survivability (considering i'm meant to be wearing heavy armour...!)

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