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Maybe not the best area, but I don't care. I've subbed since December 2011, and took a month of so break last month. I was hoping that by the time I came back, I could play the class I love to an extent where I was viable in PvP or AT LEAST PvE. Apparently, that's still not possible.


I played a PT since launch, and loved the feel of it. While many thought it was "EZ MODE", a good player could turn that simplicity into a killing machine, using more than just two keybinds to wreck teams. The beauty was, it wasn't OP like smash was. It was easily shutdown by burst, due to it's lack of defensive abilities. I can play on my Jugg or Marauder in the Rage/Focus tree, and be an unkillable, ground-stomping death ward, but it's boring, and stupidly powerful. AoE? Got it. Burst? Got it. Sustained? Got it. CC? Got it. Defence? Got it. It's the perfect spec, but at the same time, it's not.


Here's the point. I recently resubscribed to the game after hearing that arenas were on the PTS, and I was excited to see the new changes I heard that were being implemented to the PT/VG advanced class. I'm disappointed in the responses given, using the same ******** that they've used since 2.0 about the burnout skill, and not addressing the classes "glass cannon" build. I looked over the Marauder/Sniper forums, and their answers actually MADE SENSE. Compared to "L2P" for Sorcerers and the "attempted" fix for PTs.


It really saddens me that they don't bother enough to address concerns that could make the game that much better, that much more competitive. Isn't that the point of video games? To challenge ourselves? To aspire to be competitive? Look at parses, ranked warzones, stats. People want to win. They want to have a challenge, so that when they DO win, they've accomplish something.


So, what do I think? It's tragic that the lack of communication about issues like this exist, and that the Class Reps for the Sniper and Marauder (Mostly the later) haven't actually spoken with the devs, and stated that they felt "OP". Anyone playing Rage knows the spec is ridiculously overpowered. Now, with the removal of ranked 8man WZs, I'm hoping to see a decline of marauders, but likely that won't happen. I guess it's time to move on, and play a class I don't like. I really used to love this game, now it's more of a way to consume my extra time until something worthwhile comes out.


Can't wait to see what they say about Operative healing, Mercenary healing, and Assassin's in general. Thank you for reading and I encourage you to share your thoughts on the matter.

Posted (edited)

Constricts my throat to say this but im looking around for other games to play even though i am by far the biggest starwars nerd you can imagine. Why have all these different classes if they insist on keeping some specs and classes on the top for a very long time and some entire classes at the very bottom?


Name one spec from the Bounty Hunter/Trooper class thats really desired for pvp, and i mean both AC´s now.


Bodyguard = Not Wanted/Optimal or even viable, big fat NO

Arsenal = Not Wanted/Optimal, might work against lesser skilled teams.

Pyro (Merc) = Not a chance in hell


Shieldspec = Not wanted/Optimal, might work against lesser skilled teams.

AP= Not wanted/Optimal, Dong Cleave work against lesser teams.

Pyro (PT) = Just stop, NO!


Is this what i pay a sub for each month?

Is this what i spend real life cash (cartel coins) to collect gear and other stuff for?

I am seriously starting to wonder why i waste my time here. So far its been hope of a fix and i have tried other classes, so far i have 14 characters and the majority of them is not viable for pvp since they are not JUG (tank) Mara (DPS) or Operative (Healer). You could fill a warzone with those classes only, ooooops, isnt that what ranked 8vs8 was about?


Clean up your mess BW, this is horrible class design!

Edited by Nightkin

Play one of us weaker classes and specs, make what you can of it and enjoy all the more what success you do get. Players will always just play the flavour of the month and gather in groups to beat down inferior spec composition, if they are allowed the chance BUT THEY WILL NOT RUIN MY FUN OR "TAKE OUR FREEDOM".


We are Sith.

Play one of us weaker classes and specs, make what you can of it and enjoy all the more what success you do get. Players will always just play the flavour of the month and gather in groups to beat down inferior spec composition, if they are allowed the chance BUT THEY WILL NOT RUIN MY FUN OR "TAKE OUR FREEDOM".


We are Sith.


Yeah, it's amusing to faceroll Smashers on my 36 point PT :D



Constricts my throat to say this but im looking around for other games to play even though i am by far the biggest starwars nerd you can imagine. Why have all these different classes if they insist on keeping some specs and classes on the top for a very long time and some entire classes at the very bottom?


Name one spec from the Bounty Hunter/Trooper class thats really desired for pvp, and i mean both AC´s now.


Bodyguard = Not Wanted/Optimal or even viable, big fat NO

Arsenal = Not Wanted/Optimal, might work against lesser skilled teams.

Pyro (Merc) = Not a chance in hell


Shieldspec = Not wanted/Optimal, might work against lesser skilled teams.

AP= Not wanted/Optimal, Dong Cleave work against lesser teams.

Pyro (PT) = Just stop, NO!


Is this what i pay a sub for each month?

Is this what i spend real life cash (cartel coins) to collect gear and other stuff for?

I am seriously starting to wonder why i waste my time here. So far its been hope of a fix and i have tried other classes, so far i have 14 characters and the majority of them is not viable for pvp since they are not JUG (tank) Mara (DPS) or Operative (Healer). You could fill a warzone with those classes only, ooooops, isnt that what ranked 8vs8 was about?


Clean up your mess BW, this is horrible class design!


Noooo! Don't leave all of your 10+ level 55 alts! And btw, arsenal might actually have a place in arenas. One thing we trumph at is instant burst and -of course- electronetting sh*t.

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