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Everyone loves to track DPS and people thrive on the competition no doubt. It makes everyone push a little harder and better themselves and other people that participate.


How much interest would the HEALERS have in doing something similar? There's no reason that we healers shouldn't have or want to have the challenge of maximizing our potential as well.


HEALERS, what do you think?


it doesn't work this way for healers, at least good healers, because healers do not compete against each other at least in PVE. maximizing our potential means working together and keeping the entire group alive and as close to full health as possible at all time, while minimizing our resource usage.


healing is not spamming your heals, until you win the meters. I WOULD be interested in a more comprehensive parse that tells me exactly why someone died and when, if there was something I could cleanse and didn't, what to watch out for better, so that I could be better at preemptive healing, things like that. right now, I'm doing it mostly by feel and sight and don't really have a way to analyze it further.


I couldn't agree more. The example would have the be at least broken down by class.


But I think there would be some value in comparing stats in a per class basis on the NiM fights. There inst a ton of wiggle room in some of the fights to be doing a lot of different things and still being successful, at least in my experience.


But lowering overhealing and working on force management would be something that I think many people could benefit from if we started to compile data.

Posted (edited)
I parse, I upload logs, but mainly because in our progression teams we require dps to parse, so I am doing it because I believe if you require one person to do it, then everyone has to do it. Still I agree with Jeweledleah this is meaningless. I usually have the highest HPS and the highest DPS (of the 2 healers), but without a doubt, the other healer in our group (Sage) is twice the healer I am. He gets cleanses off faster than I can punch the key, he bubbles and he pulls. Most of that does not show up on a parse, but it is more important than me pumping out heals and doing healer pitiful dps. Best I can say is I pump out heals and I am pretty good at avoiding avoidable damage. Edited by mikebevo

"I'm gonna tell my raid group to stand in stuff on purpose to boost my potential EHPS!"


^I've heard healers say stuff like this. Looking at healing numbers between group members can have some value but mostly what you see with heal numbers can be altered a lot from group to group. Having a group that is smart enough to stand in unnecessary damage as little as possible, or that has high enough dps to burn through heavy damage phases faster, will lower your hps. When good gameplay by your team can destroy your parses, it's probably not something worth looking at too deeply. Dps is competitive because it is a lot easier for similar (or identical) situations to come up from raid group to raid group such that it is worth comparing. I guess, with a lot of data, you could come to some kind of general conclusion about healing and how to potentially improve yourself, but it seems like it would take a lot of work and data and ultimately I don't think much would be gained for the effort.


Torparse still has logs and parses to look at of healers who have bothered to upload if you are interested in gaining that kind of information, but I sense a lot of telling raid groups to take extra damage on purpose to be the ultimate result of actual competition of hps. One of the healers in my raid group used to specifically solo heal boss fights in HM S&V and instruct us when to take extra damage so he could get as much hps/ehps as possible to beat records. While sometimes groups do that with bosses to boost dps (grouping up the warlords in S&V for example, to aoe them unnecessarily to boost dps even though they get healed to full when one dies, making the damage meaningless) rarely do I see attempts at doing this so directly damaging to the potential to defeat the encounter as with similar things to try to boost hps.


I just don't really believe parses, with the limited information they give, are worth comparing all that much. Sometimes, I open up torparse for my healers, when I am using a different class on a fight and I am curious to compare my output between the two. I usually remember why I don't bother looking at parses on healers partway through the fight when I realise the parses aren't actually telling me anything meaningful or interesting.

I think it is not useful. I do review my logs for overhealing to see if I can minimize that to throw out some more damage, but even that isn't really useful to compare from class to class, boss to boss, or even pull to pull. The "top" healer in any chart won't be a measure of their competence, it will be a measure of how *poor* their tanks and DPS are at mitigating/avoiding damage.

If you use a parsing site to judge your heals, just stop. At best, they give a rough (Super rough) indication of numbers.


No healer should judge themselves on what their parse machine says because unlike DPS they have a ton of variables, such as peoples gear, group composition, etc.

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