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The Exchange Has Crashed!


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Turns out ALLOT of people bought the cartel packs this time around.


The only thing on the market at the moment that's holding value are the ultra rare mounts but the prices are stupidly high.


The other rare items that would normally go for around 500k-1mill have nerly hit rock bottom lol.


pretty much all the mounts apart from the rare two have hit bellow 100k and the manadlore set isn't doing too well either. The chest is 300k legs 100k and boots, gloves, bracers and belt bellow 50k only thing holding its value is the helm at 500k but even that has dropped from 3 million lol.


The sit emote 2 is down to 70k which is a welcome site.


Training frog and worm are lower than 10k


Cyborg stuff is holding well around the million mark again as this is a rare/ultra rare


Most of the trench coats are around 100-300k


Now would be a great time to jump in and buy buy buy as these items will stabilize within the next few weeks and we should see most of the mounts return to 150k-300k and the mandalore go to around 500-1 million.


It amazes me how much people panic sell I bought 3 new mounts for 35k 50k and 20k even though i already had them to sell for 150k-300k in a week or so.


These reports came from the Proginator server at 12pm

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First day the prices are always a little lower, even more so in this case because people would have bought more packs trying for the Varactyl mount, so that means all the other items are going to be snapped up cheap. At least until the market levels out in a week or so.
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I bought not one, knowing that everyone would have in their mind a "get rich" scheme that they apparently thought was a secret . LOL.


Look at "home flipping". Suddenly, because of a few TV shows that show inaccurate information, and a few snake oil salesmen claiming instant riches, everyone wants to be a house flipper. Heck, even when buying a new lawn trimmer the guy working in the garden department of Lowe's declared to me, "I want to do that". LOL


By the time the masses get wind of things it is already too late, except for those who first made money on it and are now hyping it so as to sell "my system" for upwards of $25,000.00. In this case, the game is that guy, and the only one that will reap the rewards of this sudden rush to fame and fortune. ;p

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And here I am, barely two months a player and with a highest level of 26-27, where 100k is a small fortune and my main character is nearly bankrupt thanks to the stupid price of levelling abilities...


What it is for 70k to be 'cheap' ._.


It is always like that on any MMO, you need some knowledge, time & high level character/s to make money.

Here you have an "easy" way... buy with CC & sell on GTN (not that would advise for it but it exist), at least this solve issue with "gold sellers".

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I think this is hilarious that people buying cartel packs in order to try sell them for high prices. some people have put the varactyl up for 20m....4 hours later its down to 6m....no one in their right mind would pay 20m for something thats just been released.
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I think this is hilarious that people buying cartel packs in order to try sell them for high prices. some people have put the varactyl up for 20m....4 hours later its down to 6m....no one in their right mind would pay 20m for something thats just been released.


You'd be surprised.

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