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Petition: Resize the Varactyl Mount


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Ok, i would sign off with this, if, they BAN any Oversize Mounts, and i do mean, Any Oversize MOUNTS, from Any and all Social indoor environments. Such as Fleet stations and social dwellings. Normal size Mounts is fine in all environments.


If the Mount can cover a player or a few players all the way or just about, all the way up, it shouldn't be in a SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT!

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Yep they definitely need to be a bit bigger; a little taller at least. A player (male) with body type 3 stands taller than body size 1/2 when mounted on a Varactyl. That's just a little ridiculous imo. I'm not an advocate for huge mounts by any means, but that doesn't mean I want them to be miniature either! I saw a Varactyl standing next to one of the new Deslars and it was just pathetic. No reason thy should be that small; I think slightly smaller than the ones on Belsavis, like someone previously suggested, would be good. Edited by Inflicktion
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I know why they aren't that big? They are still growing, their just a few years old it takes them 30 years to be full grown adults. By then you all be crippled up with arthritis, you wouldn't even be able to climb atop of it....



No, not buying it?


Oh Well, I tried BW, I Really Tried

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True. Then again.. the tauntaun is easier to work with because it's a compact biped... kind of a cross between a chicken and goat. The lizard body is spread out like it just popped off it's hotrock. :p


No no, a kangaroo! (Check google images).


edit: Speaking of real life comparisons.. this is probably more what we ended up with for the veractyl.

Edited by stockmks
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When animals are domesticated IRL they often end up smaller or more compact. Granted, Boga and the other Varactyls we saw in ROTS weren't compact but they seemed more 'free ranged' than the one's we get in this game. Perhaps the mount is smaller because it's took so much breeding to get the docile result the breeders wanted...


Or, quite simply, the danged critters take up too much space as it is and we all have to get over it :p they're big enough as is without taking up the whole walk-way on the fleet

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The size difference between the preview window and the actual in game varactyl makes me feel people are getting cheated. Of course, the easiest solution is the preview window varactyl smaller. However that is not the solution I'm looking for.


In short: I agree that it is too small. It should not be as big as the Belsavis varactyls, but still bigger than it is now.



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No we do not need giant Varactyl Mount running around fleet just because you want a varactyl as big as the belsavis ones.


Well, I agree that the Belsavis one would be too big as a mount, but right now it's ridicolous. Just scale it up to 125% and it's enough (which means 25% bigger).

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Well, I agree that the Belsavis one would be too big as a mount, but right now it's ridicolous. Just scale it up to 125% and it's enough (which means 25% bigger).


Yeah, lets not get too large here. However, increasing the size enough so it looks like it could actually carry body type 3 without breaking its back would be welcome.

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I vote no. One thing that irritated me about WoW was when people with huge dragon mounts sat on top of vendors or whatever so I couldn't click things, wandering around taking up screen space. Huge mounts just allow people to be jerks/trolls in one more way. In my mind, mounts that aren't quite as big as they are in the wild are a small price to pay. For that matter, domesticated versions of animals are often smaller than wild versions, so it's not like it's hard to justify logically.
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I vote no. One thing that irritated me about WoW was when people with huge dragon mounts sat on top of vendors or whatever so I couldn't click things, wandering around taking up screen space. Huge mounts just allow people to be jerks/trolls in one more way. In my mind, mounts that aren't quite as big as they are in the wild are a small price to pay. For that matter, domesticated versions of animals are often smaller than wild versions, so it's not like it's hard to justify logically.


Just make the covering of quest givers and mailboxes reportable offense. This is how wow solved it.


Obi wan's veractyl was bigger.


Also, many domesticated breeds of horses and dogs are larger then their "mother breed".

Edited by Spatology
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Yeah , Belsavis varavtyls are too big for a mount but maybe 20-30% resize as you all assume would be great. Well , what problem do you have with mailboxes and mission givers ? Ive never had this problem. You can click easily on the maibox through these big speeders. In WoW I had a problem with this , but in SWTOR mount doesnt bothers you to make contact with what you need to click. Edited by iankalo
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