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★ 8v8 Ranked: How to save it.


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If bioware were to actually organize a global tournament with a tournament server. And a noteworthy reward... see what it would do to the PvP community.


It would be an AMAZING incensive for people to start playing ranked and learn to play it to top level.

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If they actually supported it then I see all the reason in the world to keep 8v8 but they don't want to spend the resources. Leaving both ranked 8v8 along with 4v4 with absolutely no support is a bad idea to me. After it's colossal failure at launch I don't think they want to chance anything and are going to continue to line their pockets with the money from the cartel market pushing out meager content every 6 months. Competitive PvP can only be a success in this game if the both the community and Bioware want to work hard for it. Seems only now that the community is coming together, but I fear it may be too late to change Bioware's mind.


Not many were queuing for 8v8. Someone made the argument that their guild played more teams then people did NiM in another thread. How many of those teams they faced still around? Probably very little. There was only a few dominant teams on each server who absolutely crushed any new team starting out as well as all the trash talking, exploiting and macro abuse. You guys destroyed your own community and Bioware didn't care enough to do anything about it.


Hell, If we had cross server queues or a tournament server where you can copy your characters similar to PTS with spectator mode we wouldn't even need Bioware to organize tournaments.



Edited by Gren-Aluren
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I think BioWare's decision is kinda stupid. Sure, I can understand that 8v8 doesn'T get too much attantion and is quite niche, but on the other hand BioWare removes on of their gretest assets they have on the PvP side from rated games! Huttball, that is! Hope that we will see a return of 8v8 matches in the future, maybe just with huttball or huttball like maps, I think that could draw more people back into ranked 8v8, if the only have to worry which huttball map the get, but can be sure it will be some form of huttball (makes the creation of teams easier I think).
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Rated Warzones are only half pvp. They often require tactically dying, letting people die and not killing opponents. On the other hand, arenas are so imbalanced that if it goes live with current class balance then less than half the classes, let alone specs, will be viable.


It's definitely a quick way to force a large portion of your competitive pvpers out of the game.

Edited by Xeraz
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I wouldn't doubt that they are sacrificing some of their current PvP player base in order to cater to current and future casual players; it's just good business. I think pushing current and future populations into the 4v4 queues in hopes to correct the mistake of low population ranked 8v8 queues is probably the right decision for the time being. A game I did QA for failed because they couldn't correct their population issues involving 10v10 queues. They disabled the 10v10 for a peroid of time and enabled 5v5. Queue times dropped from an hour to about 5-20 minutes. Did it upset people? Hell yeah, but did it fix the issue? Kinda, but it only slowed their inevitable death since the population never recovered because they failed to respond in a timely manner. Edited by Gren-Aluren
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  • 1 year later...
please dear god bring back 8v8 ranked warfronts. if you dont have 3 buddys that like to pvp with you its impossibly frusterating to get in a ranked match much less achieve victory. 8v8 should be a chance to gear up where as 4v4 should be a chance to show off your skils and prove your the top in pvp like a ladder system
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please dear god bring back 8v8 ranked warfronts. if you dont have 3 buddys that like to pvp with you its impossibly frusterating to get in a ranked match much less achieve victory. 8v8 should be a chance to gear up where as 4v4 should be a chance to show off your skils and prove your the top in pvp like a ladder system


Only a little over a year late to this party :rak_03:

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Do people actually want to play 8v8 ranked on Quesh Huttball?


I know, for me, that if they did bring 8v8 back, I'd want a more huttball centric gameplay as opposed to pylons. 8v8 was terrible unless you ran with 6-7 juggs and an op healer. with that many jump/smash on one focus target, they were dead instantly, and rinse repeat. wasn't that fun. At least with huttball, there was gameplay, and focus killing wasn't a priority because a toon was just going to spawn back at the goal line.

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Do people actually want to play 8v8 ranked on Quesh Huttball?


Why not? I keep hearing that supposedly 8 vs 8 ranked was unsuccessful, and no one queued for it. People saying this, did they actually play then? I played a 50 lvl dps sorc then, and ranked 8 vs 8 popped frequently. Never had times when i thought "omg when is this queue going to pop!" Never.


They need to re-introduce 8 vs 8 ranked PVP. End of story.

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