cammack Posted August 18, 2013 Posted August 18, 2013 (edited) Rules: Please format your posts like the following: Guild Name Empire or Republic What raid you are doing What boss you killed What day/time you killed it with your timezone Sceenshot or video proof Tatooine Royal Navy Republic 8 Man NMEC Kephess 11/27/12 10:08pm PST Post a screenshot of all kills: Must have proof of difficulty mode. All screenshots must be unedited screenshots with the game clock clearly shown. Please post a direct link to the screenshot/video. I don't want to have to go digging through your guild's webpage to find it. There are a few different ways you can post an acceptable screenshot/video: 1. Take a screenshot the second the boss dies and the "Achievement Unlocked" is still on your screen. 2. If you were too slow in getting the screenshot for option 1, you can just open your achievement list and show the difficulty beaten there. 3. In the event one of the first two options aren't avialable due to weird glitches, another option would be to show the boss corpse with the raid difficultly shown, like so: A screenshot just showing the boss health will no longer be accepted, due to the glitch shown here. 4. Post a screenshot showing the loot the boss dropped. 5. Videos are also great. Ranking: Ranking for this is going to be real simple. Guilds will be ranked by whoever is the furthest, and whoever got there fastest. In the long run, the winner will be whoever clears a raid first. Note that unlike last time around, the two raids will be tracked separately this time. The time of everyone's most recent boss kill will be posted in PDT. Please make sure your clock is visible in your screenshot, and you post your timezone. If I can't tell when you killed the boss, I'll use the time of your post instead. Pugs and Full Guild Kills: All progression kills have to be full guild kills. All screenshots for proof of kills have to be in the instance shortly after the boss dies, and all 8/16 people must be seen in the raid frames in the screenshot. What constitutes a guild kill should be fairly obvious, but things like alts and people switching guilds make it way too complicated. Here are some general guidelines, but ultimately the call is up to me. I plan on being pretty lenient about this. Get kills with your guild members, don't try and use ringers, and you will be fine. Additional PUG / Guild kills rules, guidelines, and exceptions (again, some are gonna be subjective) Screenshots must show that your kills are full guild kills. No more just posting your achievement by yourself on the fleet after the fact. In your screenshot you need to have the raid frames shown, so that everyone can see the name of every person that took part in the kill. Preferably have nameplates turned on so that everyone can easily see that everyone has a guild tag. This rule will ALWAYS be strictly enforced. For example, I am a member of Tatooine Royal Navy. If an imaginary guild called "Super 1337 Awesome Guild" posts a screenshot, and you can see Denchet in their raid frames, then its obviously not a full Super 1337 Awesome Guild kill, and they wouldn't get credit for a guild kill. A character becomes "locked" when it gets a kill for a guild. For example, lets say I get a kill with Tatooine Royal Navy on my main, Denchet. The character Denchet is now locked to TRN. If I try and help another guild on Denchet, that kill won't count. The only way to become "unlocked" is if the guild you are locked to disbands. This rule will be loosened two weeks after the raid is cleared in order to allow characters to permanently switch to a different guild. People constantly switching back and forth to different guilds to act as ringers will never be allowed, though. This will obviously be somewhat subjective and the final call is up to me. Quote: Originally Posted by KarethRiker View Post Quick question on pug rules. If a member of my guild has an alt in another guild and that alt is part of our guild does it count as a guild kill? (probably only relevant for us on 16 man). I can see both sides of it since it's hard to verify/toon truly not in guild, but it's also not a pug. Worth getting clarity in advance. Good question. That will count as a guild kill, as long as you can prove it. Just have them post a picture of their legacy window if anyone tries to challenge the legitimacy of your kill. For example, lets say I had an alt creatively named Denchetalt. Lets assume this alt is in Chatos Paladins. If Tatooine Royal Navy then clears content with Denchetalt, they would still get credit, even though Denchetalt is in another guild. To prove it, I would log in on Denchet, open my legacy window, take a screenshot showing that Denchetalt is also my character, and post it here. I hope that makes sense... I know its kind of confusing. Any kills that have pugs will be recorded, but they will be unranked (put on the bottom of the list) and have an asterisk indicating they were pug kills. If the guild later clears the content as a full guild, the pug kill will be removed and replaced with the new full guild kill. All PUG rulles will become more lenient over time. The only rule that will always be strictly enforced is the rule that all 8/16 people need to be seen in your screenshots. I may give leniency on the other rules after the main race amongst the tops guilds is over if I don't suspect foul play. Must have a screenshot for each boss: No more just putting up a screenshot of the last boss, you need one for each boss you kill. The reasons are: 1. You could theoretically skip straight to the last boss by killing all the other bosses on HM, and then just killing the last boss on NM. This is not allowed, obviously. 2. You could do something similar on 16-man, killing all the bosses other than the last boss on 8-man then switching it to 16 for the last boss. Again, not allowed. 3. Just showing your achievement list of all the other bosses being beaten isn't good enough, I need to see that every kill is a full guild kill. If you just post a screenshot of the last boss being killed, you will only get credit for killing the last boss. Skipping Bosses: Skipping the Dread Guard Council (or any other boss) is not allowed. If you skip them, any progression you make after them that week WILL NOT BE COUNTED. You will NOT be banned from the thread. If you come back next week and kill the bosses in the correct order, it will be counted. Cheating: Any cases of blatant cheating will be disqualified. And by blatant, I mean blatant. Clever use of class mechanics, positioning, etc won't count as cheating. For example, sages pulling people to prevent damage from standing under the walker on EC Kephess, ignoring the rock throw mechanic on the T&Z fight, positioning yourself outside the range of Vorgath's turrets, etc are all legitimate strats as far as this thread is concerned. Things that would count as cheating include hacking, the old holostatue glitch, the old bring 16 people into 8 man glitch, etc. I really, really don't want to have to DQ anyone for cheating. I hope to never have to do it, and will only do so in the most extreme of circumstances. Key: Republic Empire Boss is killed Killed with Pug Boss has not been killed Inactive guilds will be removed from the list. Edited September 25, 2013 by cammack
cammack Posted August 18, 2013 Author Posted August 18, 2013 (edited) Nightmare Terror From Beyond: 8-Man [WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Hatred 6/26 12:45 am[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Haterade 7/8 9:01 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Invictus 8/12 9:21 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Raze 8/13 8:40 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] YES 8/14 1:11am[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Ewokalypse Now 8/18 8:10 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Intrepid 8/25 8:40 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Phobos 9/29 7:52 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Knights of the First Order 8/13 10:06pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB]The Silver Order 8/19 10:30 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] MLP Friendship is Magic 8/23 8:32 pm pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Nightmare Council 9/8 4:47 am[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Force in Balance 9/8 5:36 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Midian 09/15 9:29pm [WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] The Chatos Paladins 8/11 10:14 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Select Few 8/13 8:27 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Solo's Cholos 9/4 9:51pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] We Shot First 9/8 9:05 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Animosity 6/12 5:39 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Psy-Ops 6/12 5:44 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Night Stalkers 6/13 12:53 am[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Fearless Arms 6/13 1:02 am[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Excession 6/20 5:09 am[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Catalysts 7/21 7:04pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Sinister 8/5 7:50 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] SouthernCross Oppression 8/12 10:25 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Limited Edition 8/15 10:45 pm 16-Man [WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Hatred 9/5 11:56 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Intrepid 9/12 9:36 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Select Few 6/18 7:07 pm[WH][DG][Op9][KU][TFB] Midian 6/27 4:40 am 2-Hour NM Title Unlocked (8-man or 16-man):Hatred 7/2 8:44 pmHaterade 7/23 8:28 pmRaze 8/20 8:16 pmYes 8/20 10:49 pmIntrepid 9/19 7:51 pm Patches related to this content:6/25/13 2:45am: Dread Guard Council enrage timer increased by 30 seconds7/24/13 Dread Guards now deal slightly less damage and have decreased health in Nightmare Mode. Edited September 26, 2013 by cammack
cammack Posted August 18, 2013 Author Posted August 18, 2013 (edited) Nightmare Scum and Villainy: NOTE: The achievement for the Cartel Warlords is not sufficient proof of a NIM kill. Videos are the best proof of a kill in this fight, but if you're only taking a picture it must include the loot drop as evidence of a NIM kill. Key:RepublicEmpire Boss is killedBoss has not been killed 8-Man [DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Hatred 7/14 1:10 am[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Haterade 8/8 9:01 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Yes 9/9 10:46pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Raze 9/1 6:45pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] The Last Centurions 9/5 11:05 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Invictus 9/14 7:13 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Phobos 9/15 10:03pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] MLP Friendship is Magic 7/13 10:13 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Select Few 7/13 9:04 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] The Chatos Paladins 7/22 9:42 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Knights of the First Order 8/26 7:40pm pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Midian 9/26 6:50 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Solo's Cholos 9/26 8:59 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Animosity 7/12 8:48 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] The Silver Order 7/19 10:29 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak] Catalysts 8/25 8:36 pm 16-Man[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak][Entity] Intrepid 7/31 9:46 pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak][Entity] Hatred 9/5 12:57pm[DR][T6][Thrasher][OC][Olok][Warlords][styrak][Entity] Select Few 7/11 8:59 pm 2-Hour NM Title Unlocked (8-man or 16-man):Hatred 7/30 9:18 pmHaterade 9/10 9:35pmYes 9/28 8:44 pm Edited September 25, 2013 by cammack
cammack Posted August 18, 2013 Author Posted August 18, 2013 (edited) Everything should currently be up to date if changes need to be made please post here with your guild name, picture, etc... Edited August 18, 2013 by cammack
Carlenux Posted August 18, 2013 Posted August 18, 2013 Everything should currently be up to date if changes need to be made please post here with your guild name, picture, etc... nice
Cryssai Posted August 18, 2013 Posted August 18, 2013 Ewokalypse NowRepublic (GMT +10) Nim TFB complete The Writhing Horror06/13/2013 3:47:30 AM Dread Guards08/11/2013 7:53:16 PM IX07/07/2013 10:56:26 PM the Undying08/11/2013 10:54:36 PM from Beyond08/18/2013 8:10:03 PM Nim SV (still in progress)
krakl Posted August 18, 2013 Posted August 18, 2013 Ewokalypse Now Republic (GMT +10) Nim TFB complete The Writhing Horror 06/13/2013 3:47:30 AM The Dread Guards 08/11/2013 7:53:16 PM Operator IX 07/07/2013 10:56:26 PM Kephess the Undying 08/11/2013 10:54:36 PM Terror from Beyond 08/18/2013 8:10:03 PM Nim SV (still in progress) Nice work. Is that an APAC first?
iSythe Posted August 18, 2013 Posted August 18, 2013 We think so, lol. Not much of an achievement though. Just happy we have survived the transfer and a few people disappearing during the start of nim tfb
Timodruid Posted August 18, 2013 Posted August 18, 2013 Invictus 8 man S&V NiM Titan 6 8/17/2013 7:06 PM PST <-- Kill <---- Achievement
CERMINE Posted August 18, 2013 Posted August 18, 2013 Quote: Originally Posted by Risti View Post Invictus Republic TFB NiM Terror from beyond August 13 2013 12:21am EST Not that it matters a ton, but our TFB kill was posted in Eastern time - that would make it August 12, 9:21pm PST (server time).
Trouvian Posted August 19, 2013 Posted August 19, 2013 <YES> 8man Dashroode: Titan 6: Thrasher: Operations Chief:
cammack Posted August 19, 2013 Author Posted August 19, 2013 <YES> 8man Dashroode: Titan 6: Thrasher: Operations Chief: Need the date that you killed OC and time would be nice as well
Trouvian Posted August 19, 2013 Posted August 19, 2013 That should work
wbuffs Posted August 19, 2013 Posted August 19, 2013 (edited) <Raze> Empire S&V Thrasher 8/18 9:21 Central - City Infiltration 8/18 9:59 Central - Also correct date for our Terror kill is 8/13 not 14 Edited August 19, 2013 by wbuffs
Trouvian Posted August 19, 2013 Posted August 19, 2013 (edited) <YES> 8man Olok: Warlords: time are est Edited August 19, 2013 by Trouvian
Carlenux Posted August 19, 2013 Posted August 19, 2013 <YES> 8man Olok: Warlords: time are est very impressive nice
CERMINE Posted August 19, 2013 Posted August 19, 2013 Quote: Originally Posted by Risti View Post Invictus Republic TFB NiM Terror from beyond August 13 2013 12:21am EST Not that it matters a ton, but our TFB kill was posted in Eastern time - that would make it August 12, 9:21pm PST (server time). Thanks for fixing the time, but the date is still incorrect on this thread. The kill was on August 12, 9:21pm server time - you still have it listed as August 13.
justgladtobeme Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 (edited) IncursioRepublicTFB NiMDreadguards8/19/13 7:01 PM PSTKillshot and Timestamp Edited August 20, 2013 by justgladtobeme
cammack Posted August 20, 2013 Author Posted August 20, 2013 Incursio Republic TFB NiM Dreadguards 8/19/13 7:01 PM PST Killshot and Timestamp Congrats on the kill!! If you could i have tried to find a kill of WH for you guys but dont seem to be able to locate it. If you would could you also post that as well.
shadynut Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 The magic of having 3 ranged continues! The Silver Order Republic TFB Nightmare Kephess the Undying August 19, 2013, 10:30pm PDT Screenshot with loot, timestamp for PDT and achivement timestamp in chat window
justgladtobeme Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 (edited) Congrats on the kill!! If you could i have tried to find a kill of WH for you guys but dont seem to be able to locate it. If you would could you also post that as well. This was ages ago. We didn't bother to take a timestamp with this one. Writhing Killshot Edited August 20, 2013 by justgladtobeme
wbuffs Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 <Raze> Empire Terror From Beyond Timed Run 8/20/13 10:16 Central
Balroa Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 <Raze> Empire Terror From Beyond Timed Run 8/20/13 10:16 Central Well done guys:D
Carlenux Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 <Raze> Empire Terror From Beyond Timed Run 8/20/13 10:16 Central Gratz guys
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