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Ok, so here is my stupid little question(questions) i guess. I am a new level 50 and its my first toon, without really doing to many Flashpoints under my belt. I was wondering how and where to actually get the gear needed to do the end game content. I do knw its through the SM, HM, OPS, Ect... Do I start with level 50 flashpoints and work my way up to 55 or do i try to swindle my way through Makeb with no gear til high enough to do end game content. Just really not having a lot of time to sit and play to fully understand the steps it involves for gear I guess. And not having a guild does hinder me I think. Any help would be truly appreciated

It really depends on you. Not being in a guild isn't a big deal, but once you reach 55, you will likely want to try and find one you might like as you will probably find it easier to get runs of stuff going.


Now that you have reached 50, I suggest that you:

1. Do 50 HM's and get some 61/146 gear. It'll help for when you do Makeb (It's not required since you get a variety of gear as you do the Makeb storyline but once you start getting to the level 53+ mobs, things can get a bit difficult without better gear).

2. Find a guild/wait for a long time in Group Finder and do some 50 operations. I recommend that you do some flashpoints first, just in case you get EC (Explosive Conflict/Denova), which even on SM, is not going to be easy in basicly leveling gear.

3. Buy/craft the mods. (If you have spare credits, this is probably the quickest and easiest way to get geared)


Once you reach 55, I recommend you try one of these methods.

1. Get some credits together and get some 66/156 mods for your items. (Same as before, if you have the credits, this is probably the quickest and easiest way to get geared)

2. Do 50 HM's if you haven't got a full set of 61/146 gear.

3. Do Czerka (CZ-198) (Main reason being that they are fast, give Basic Commendations and the Weekly/Flashpoints give some nice gear for new 55's) Makeb/GSI/Section X and the Bounty Contract Week missions while they are here and get Basic Commendations to spend on 66 gear.


After that, go into some 55 HM's, see how it goes. But most of all, take your time and have fun. Gearing up from 50-55 can be a pain if you don't have a guild/credits to help, but I've found it to be quite worthwhile and good practice for 55 stuff. If you have any more questions, let me know. I'll try and answer what I can. Good luck! :)

ok, so I should just skip the SM on flashpoints and jump right to HM? Cause the gear I have is just what I have got from quest rewards mostly, just replacing as I go. I have no gear from flashpoints or dailies, PVP... basically under geared IMO for any lvl50 content. I am basically a high lvl noob through and through, lol. Just enjoying the game but wanting to get more involved

If you have a decent supply of planetary comms use them at the Makeb comm vendor and get armors, mods, and enhancements to put in moddable gear. Those will be at the old Rakata level (Armor rating 140)and will be more than enough to do level 50 HMs. Since even maxed on the comm limit won't give you enough for all your armor and a comps, go back after spending what you have and rerun the H2s and H4s on the early planets to quickly and easily gain more comms.

Once set up in that you can start runnin the Lvl 50 HMs for basic comms and make sure to take the weekly missions to get extra basic comms. Also progress through the Makb storyline as it will also reward you with basic comms that will let you get the next level of gear (Armor rating 156) from the basic comm vendor from the station vendor. Once you have upgraded to the basic level of gear as well as a relic or two and comparable ear and implants you should have no problem stepping into the Lvl 55 HMs and earning the next level of gear.


Also as others have stated if you have the credits you can buy armor and mods and enhancements from the GTN comparable to the Basic armor vendor equipment but those can get pricey depending on your credit situation.

thanks for the info guys, making more sense now. And after HM 55 content with getting gear with lvl 156, is that when I start running OPS?
thanks for the info guys, making more sense now. And after HM 55 content with getting gear with lvl 156, is that when I start running OPS?


I'm not as up on the OPs as I don't run those often but most of the earlier OPs, specially in SM, can be run in the Armor rating 140 gear. The Armor rating 156 or basic level gear is the entry gear for the HM lvl 55 FPs. I believe there are also a couple of OPs that can be run at this level but I don't want to misinform on which are doable. Drops in them and the comms earned from the weekly missions will allow you to step up a gear level which is Armor rating 162 (I believe. Could be wrong on the exact number) Once you get equipped in that you should be able to do the newest OPS at story mode which will gear you to do them in hard then nightmare modes.

I soloed the game so when I reached 55 I had a lot to learn. I ran dailies for a few months and finally bought a gaming PC, my previous one was a Walmart special so I couldn't really group up before without lagging out so I stayed away from group content. Looking for a guild is kinda hit and miss but eventually you will find one that suits you and hopefully you will make some friends along the way who will help you run FP's. Learn what gear to buy and know what your stats should be, I thought endurance was my main stat and wasted a lot of creds buying the wrong gear lol! Youtube is your friend as far as learning rotations and I found it quite helpful (thank you mmoforce) so take advantage of all the helpful ppl out there. Have fun and good luck!
Where does this 61 or the 146 stand ? Where can I read it ? Is is part of the tooltip text ?




Notice that it ontop of the item says "1067 Armor (Rating 174)" and then after each mod, armoring and enhancement name it says (75), the first Raiting number stands for the amount of armor it gives, each tier gives more armor then the previous. The number 75 stands for the level of the mod, for example these are the newest ones. 61 is Black Hole / Campaign gear if I don't remember wrong.

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