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I'm just wondering if when I unlock HK at lvl 10, should I swap his gear for lvl appropriate gear, or keep him in his lvl 50 gear he comes with.


99.998% sure that the gear he has on (LvL 50) will not affect him at all if you are sub-50.


So, Naked HK or Geared HK?

Except weapons. Replace the mods, crystals and enhancements in his weapons but leave the barrels, for some reason they retain their damage even on a level 1 HK.
Whatever you do don't trash the items of his. Just store away and you can reequip them at lvl 50. I've leveled 10 toons with HK now and I took all his inital stuff out and added level appropriate stuff. Even removing the mods and putting in lower level mods I had some issues where his accuracy was affected and his wasnt as successful with hits for his assassination ability. Not to mention its an avoidable expense by not removing mods and just changing to level appropriate gear.
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