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Very High Graphics Setting: Who is this for, NASA computers?


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I just built a new gaming rig.


I-7 4770k

32GB Ram

SSD drive

Nvidia GTX-670


I run it on triple monitors at 5760x1080 resolution and run with all settings on and maxed out.


I don't get lag on fleet or the new daily area, however I don't do warzones as I don't PVP.


Because of the resolution my FPS ranges from 30 to 60. If I only used one monitor I'm sure it would be a lot higher.


curious what monitors? and is that a single card runing all 3?

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I play on a 2011 m17x R3 Laptop with a 560m, i7 and 16GB of RAM


My fps is not stellar but everything is turned up max except for tree/grass which are down at 50% and visible chars is set at medium, and the game remains very playable, stuttering a bit on the fleet around the GTN and suffering badly in the new daily area (which I assume is due more to overcrowding than anything)


Now bear in mind when I say playable I mean between 20-50 fps at 1920x1080 so its not enough for the fps snobs, but for a non twitch game with a 1.5 GCD its more than fast enough for me.


TL:DR - OP's machine has issues.

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OP's machine doesn't have issues. Runs great with nameplate resizing off. For some reason SWTOR nameplates don't play well with SLI.


I play on a 2011 m17x R3 Laptop with a 560m, i7 and 16GB of RAM


My fps is not stellar but everything is turned up max except for tree/grass which are down at 50% and visible chars is set at medium, and the game remains very playable, stuttering a bit on the fleet around the GTN and suffering badly in the new daily area (which I assume is due more to overcrowding than anything)


Now bear in mind when I say playable I mean between 20-50 fps at 1920x1080 so its not enough for the fps snobs, but for a non twitch game with a 1.5 GCD its more than fast enough for me.


TL:DR - OP's machine has issues.

Edited by BlackSpin
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OP's machine doesn't have issues. Runs great with nameplate resizing off. For some reason SWTOR nameplates don't play well with SLI.


OP could physically remove 1 of his monster video cards and still play on full details ... it is doable with lesser GPUs.

So it has issues.

Whole game don't get well with SLI... just create profile for SWTOR with SLI disabled and single GPU selected for rendering and physics.

Set profile to max performance (Windows power profile also on max performance), pre-rendered frame to 1 ... and came back to tell us that it works :)

(Check with Ambient occlusion on & off)


P.S. - as SSD Raid 0 was mentioned ... use unleashed only for DiscCasheArena file - it even doesn't need unleashed remove when patching - this file can be deleted/recreated as many times as you wish if game is not running at the moment.

Edited by morfius
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i have a 3+ year old setup with just an updated GPU and run it decently on very high...

Interestingly after fps struggled a little in busy event area getting up to the sniper, i changed settings to medium, it looked worse...and my fps was worse, put back to very high and fps increased :confused:

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i have a 3+ year old setup with just an updated GPU and run it decently on very high...

Interestingly after fps struggled a little in busy event area getting up to the sniper, i changed settings to medium, it looked worse...and my fps was worse, put back to very high and fps increased :confused:


It happens some time (didn't get the reason behind) - there was advice in CS forum to reset graphic settings to very low - apply, then very high - apply - then to tune if needed... before some patches.

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  • 8 months later...
is bioware or anybody even noticing this ****? i mean for real all we can do is ***** and moan til they notice us so i guess we havent been doing a good enough job.... is there anyway we can contact the people themselves who have control over this to help us or am i just being delusional?
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I have my settings on a relatively high setting except low on the Shadows setting. I have lag spikes but everyone experiences those once in a while. My computer is far from high tech. Paid $650ish, have loads of games and music on it still runs Swtor extremely well.
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nvidia cards never run well. There's your issue. :t_eek:


Uh, that's not correct. I have a Core 2 Quad OC @ 2.8Ghz with 8GB RAM. I also have an MSi Twin Frozr II GeForce GT X 560 Ti. Run everything on max settings with no lag. Ever. Never had lag since this game has launched unless it was network related.

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This is my current system I bought about 4 months ago. Runs this game on max settings with no issues at all in any of the content. Before this laptop I was running a custom desktop with a Core i5-2400, 8 GB RAM, Asus ROG MOBO, and EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 2 GB, and a 120GB SSD on WIn7 Pro x64 and that system was able to run on max settings as well.


Now, both these systems would bog a little in fleet and a few of the planets, but never below 45-50 fps. It is not the computer all the time rather than the engine is just not that great. The real proof of this is turning down settings to minimum and still seeing the fps drops in high traffic areas and pvp.

Edited by BlownSi
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The lag people are getting is from a lot of unoptimized code and is generally server lag and not graphic lag. It happens when you get a lot of players in one area and the server has to update their positions with your view and it turns into a *****fest. Edited by Elfa
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Heh, nice necro...


Anyway, I run it just fine at very high on my computer and it is by no means a powerhouse. (i5-2500K @ 3.3Ghz with 16GB ram and GeForce GTX 550 Ti card)


Of course, I consider "just fine" anything above 30 fps.


Mind me asking? whats your curent graphics driver?

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I have a i7-3770k running 32MB RAM, and a GTX 660 Ti FTW+ 3GB and I have everything maxed out with no lag. Sure it's not your internet connection? I'm not running Unleashed and I don't even have it installed on my SSD, just a standard 1TB 7200RPM drive.



^^^ This.


I also run an i7 3770K 32GB RAM. My video card is the ASUS branded HD7950 and I run everything maxed out. I very rarely get any lag. When I do, a quick reboot of my router and modem usually does the trick.

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The lag people are getting is from a lot of unoptimized code and is generally server lag and not graphic lag. It happens when you get a lot of players in one area and the server has to update their positions with your view and it turns into a *****fest.


Even thought this is a necro, the OP is explicitly talking about his low fps, and consequently, graphics lag.

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I have:

Inten i7-4770 @ 3.5GHz


GeForce GTX 560 x2


All running on Windows 7 x64. The game is also installed on a 80gb SSD drive.


I run everything at max at 1680 x 1050. I'm usually at a good 40-60FPS. The only issues I've come across graphically are in some densely rendered instances, such as S&V, where mobs that are 40-50m ahead of me aren't rendered (I see their nameplates but their models don't appear until I get closer).


My point is that I do not have cutting edge stuff... but the game runs just fine at max.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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I just got a new computer, and probably spent a little more than I should have. It's an i7 4900, dual GTX 780's SLI, 2 SSDs Raid 0 ('marked at 1100 mb/s.) I even installed SWTOR Unleashed and have ALL of the assets and DiskCacheArea running from my 32G of RAM...........and I still have to turn off bloom, set shaders to low, turn off Anti Aliasing because I still get LAG where FPS drops under 20 in the PvP, and the PvP area of the fleet. What else do I need to turn down to speed this up? Where the hell is the bottleneck?


I run game at max settings on a AMD Athalon 2 635 possessor 2.90 Ghz

8 gigs Ram

64 bit operating system

and a Radeon 1 gig gaming graphics card


Ran that system no issue in TOR and Rift at max settings for 3 years

Did the whole hard core raiding stuff last time I was in TOR (took 12-14 month break, just returned)

No issues at all


Video card just burned out and got a Radeon R7 249 2 gig card

(which strangely enough required me to turn down some setting here and there. But ultimately nothing that you notice from max settings)

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