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Very High Graphics Setting: Who is this for, NASA computers?


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Will this get me there? Mostly liking this as it's hard to find many of these close-outs and such that are expandable to 32Gigs.


Or maybe:

http://www.amazon.com/iBuyPower-GAMER-POWER-AM699-Desktop/dp/B009O7XGGA/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1376440175&sr=1-1#productDetails or http://www.amazon.com/iBUYPOWER-GAMER-POWER-AM677-Desktop/dp/B00BF9MVDO/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1376440175&sr=1-3


This is literally the only PC game I bother with at the moment so I really don't want to go crazy on spending. Any thoughts are appreciated.


These guys are currently the top build shop imo, I have 2, I have friends with another 7 of their gaming rigs (both laptops and desktops) and I give them my highest recommendation - they are as good as the computers I've built myself, top shelf builds all along http://www.ibuypower.com/info/backtoschool.aspx

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Stow the Nvidia hate - it is completely unfounded. I run a single GTX 660 on ultra high settings with no issues anywhere in game, and I know plenty of folks with Nvidia with no issues.


No comment on Alienware, other than... sorry.


I have comment regarding anyone basing performance expectations solely on the brand their hardware wears.


It is this:



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Look, I can show links too! This one, however, has 12 pages of various benchmarks, not just one.


Your link is actually over a year old and actually useless.. Video game are actually the worst way to benchmark a video card.. Many game makers design their games around one video card maker or another.. You either see the nVidia logo at the start or the ATI logo.. The game engines for those games are streamlined for the respective drivers.. So even if a card has better specs, it will most likely perform worse than the card the game was meant to be played on..




This link is current as of todays date.. Not to mention that all the cards are tested using unbiased software.. There is no streamlining here.. So cards that are better will reflect that.. No helpful coding in the engine specifically designed for a specific set of drivers.. Sites that use games to benchmark cards are actually useless.. They don't give an honest representation of the performance of any card.. Good or bad.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Funny, if you read my entire post I was specifically talking about when the cards came out.


Funny.. If you actually read your link none of the new cards from ATI or Nvidia are ever mentioned or in their benchmark listings..


Do you really think the GTX 680 is the current card for Nvidia?? :rolleyes:

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I'm a computer technician. Im A+, Network + and security+ certified. 10+ years of experience.


nVidia and Intel is BEYOND superior to AMD.


AMD is a failure company. I would NEVER EVER EVER buy a product from them.


Second, Im playing on nearly high settings on a 4 year old laptop. And I can set graphics to high and never fall under 10fps.


2.4ghz core2duo, 6GB ram, 5400rpm laptop HDD, nVidia GeForce 9600m GT w/512mb



no issues.


Don't buy AMD anything. They fail more often and are not as powerful or as fast as Intel or nVidia products.

They are cheaper though. :rolleyes:

Edited by Smuglebunny
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That unparking cores thing really helps a lot btw. I would give that a try OP. it increase my FPS by 20 on fleet. It fluctuates from 60 (GTN) to over 100 FPS now. I would also try turning off class symbols and nameplate scaling. Turn off AA in game and us the Nvidia control panel to adjust it.
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Don't buy AMD anything. They fail more often and are not as powerful or as fast as Intel or nVidia products.

They are cheaper though. :rolleyes:


That said its important to keep Intel and nVidia on their toes with competition. They are becoming quite arrogant and their prices are becoming rather exorbitant...

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It's become pretty clear this game is a crapshoot, apparently. I ve been playing SWTOR since launch on a system I built two years ago for ~$700 containing a Radeon 6950, i5 2500k, a damn Biostar motherboard and 8gb of 1600 RAM, and I have always played with max settings and have never had any technical issues aside from slow loads when I have too many browser tabs open or something. AND I've moved four times covering many thousands of miles and had a truly terrible ISP for a few months; it was still fine.


And yet people come in here with Haswell chips and video cards two generations newer than mine and the game runs like crap. Not sure if anything we have to say will be of any help.


This game has always ran like crap on new comupters. The closer it is to top of the line the worst this game seems to run, or the more you have to tweek it. It's kinda sad really that we have to do this much work to play a game on a machine that should have little to no issues at all.

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Sorry if this is already been mentioned , got lazy didn't want to read every page.

I7 3930K 16Gb 670GTX @2048x1152 run fine for me (but this is a desktop)


Best advice - Create a specific swtor.exe profile in the NVidia control panel, - ensure windows power settings are on "High Performance"


try going back to a 310-311 driver series and see if any different the last few have caused issues for some.


Edit - see disabling nameplates helped you.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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EDIT: Just saw the guy above me's comment. I believe your problem is you are trying to play an MMO on a laptop.


I play on max settings in a two year old laptop and the only time I lag is on the fleet. So playing on a laptop is definitely not the problem.

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I just built a new gaming rig.


I-7 4770k

32GB Ram

SSD drive

Nvidia GTX-670


I run it on triple monitors at 5760x1080 resolution and run with all settings on and maxed out.


I don't get lag on fleet or the new daily area, however I don't do warzones as I don't PVP.


Because of the resolution my FPS ranges from 30 to 60. If I only used one monitor I'm sure it would be a lot higher.

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You spent 4500 dollars on a computer?


I have a i7 3770K with two GTX 670's 2 SSD's and 64 gigs of memory and I built mine for well under $1500.


I would like to know where you are sourcing your parts at that price. Here's what I get:


325.00 - Intel i7 3770k

300.00 - GTX 670 (#1)

300.00 - GTX 670 (#2)

520.00 - 64GB RAM


I'm already at $1,445 and we haven't even gotten to your dual SSDs yet. I don't know how big they are, but if we assume you kept it fairly modest and put in a couple 256GB SSDs that adds at least another $350. So now we're at $1,775.


The cheapest motherboard I can find that would support all this runs about $220. We're now at $2k.


We still need a power supply, optical drive, case, cooling, and an OS to install. We're in it for at least $2,400 now. I of course am leaving out keyboard, mouse, monitor, shipping if any, tax, etc.



I'm all for building your own system, and I have. My modest little i5 3570k, single GTX 560ti 448, 8GB RAM, SSD + platter build came in well under $1500, but I also bought my components on black friday and cyber monday using every coupon code known to man. It was a tight budget for an Intel build.


I basically agree with what you're saying, but I'm calling shenanigans on the $1,500 figure.

Edited by Smirk_Gunface
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Just a note. That PassMark Chart is made up of limited amount of users that submit results and of which may be Extreme OverClocked results. It skews the results and does not really represent an accurate account of what may be the Best OverClocked or just plain Stock Results. This is because it only relies on users submissions and the best may not even be submitted to them. Also it is only results from the PassMark G3DMark which will give different results from other benchmarks. Best results come from In-Game testing. After all it is the results from specific games that we desire the most. Not to say that Benchmark software is not good. They work and serve a purpose, but if you want more accurate result go straight to the games and test the GPU's or look for such results. That is just what I have learned over the years and from quite a few experts. :)


I personally prefer to use specific games when checking how good a GPU is. BF3 is my main one at the moment. Certain games is what I also look for when checking reviews Online on certain GPU's. As for those charts I do not really pay much attention to them because they are just made up of a limited amount of submitted results from specific Benchmarking Software. :p

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First of all

SSD and SWTOR = very badly used SSD ... DiscCasheArena on SSD is like Windows Swap file on SSD.

So if you care about your SSD life - just move this file on RAM drive (unleashed or manual).

With 16 GB or more RAM you don't need Windows swap file larger than 1024 MB on HDD partition (only for dumps and crashes).

Your SSD will thank you.



Your PC is messed... sorry.

I am playing on Asus g75 laptop on Very high but without shadows... and this laptop CPU & GPU (i7 2.4 - 3.3 ; Nvdia 670GTXm) are far behind yours.

Common FPS between 50 and 80, no lag, no stuttering... fleet or 16 man OPS = 35 - 50, pretty viable.

Only way I see issue is to charge in center of very large group of players on fleet - around GTN can be more than 40 - 50 of them.

If I had same hardware as you game would run on 110 FPS at 99% of the time...


I have no idea where is your mess, hardware compatibility, OS, drivers, bloatware, torrents, viruses ... only one that can explain further is you.

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I'm a computer technician. Im A+, Network + and security+ certified. 10+ years of experience.


nVidia and Intel is BEYOND superior to AMD.


AMD is a failure company. I would NEVER EVER EVER buy a product from them.


Second, Im playing on nearly high settings on a 4 year old laptop. And I can set graphics to high and never fall under 10fps.


2.4ghz core2duo, 6GB ram, 5400rpm laptop HDD, nVidia GeForce 9600m GT w/512mb



no issues.


Don't buy AMD anything. They fail more often and are not as powerful or as fast as Intel or nVidia products.

They are cheaper though. :rolleyes:


ATI are not so bad... if you go for price/performance or middle range GPUs.

AMD CPUs on other hand are far behind Intel ... actually there was only one series I remember when AMD showed similar results as Intel.

About failing - not clear, have (or take care of) working stations with both components from years.

Most failings come from low cost PSU/MB than from AMD/ATI

So if the choice is - AMD or low cost PSU/MB ... AMD on at least middle range MB/PSU will work for years.

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OC'd 2500K & OC'd 3570K



Max settings @ 2560x1440 and completely smooth gameplay in fleet/PvP over multiple sets of drivers.


Oh, and one last thing... To the guy saying AMD GPU's suck while playing on supposedly max settings on a 5+ year old laptop.... Stop trolling.

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I know people hate to hear this, but:


This is one of the reasons why I don't build systems with SLI/Crossfire and don't recommend it to others unless they want to run multiple screens. As much as you want it to be normal, mainstream computing, the use of SLI or Crossfire drastically increases the chances that you stumble across bugs or un-optimized code in games. In order to support SLI/CF properly, there needs to be a decent amount of tuning between drivers and game code. In theory, this should be straight-forward, in practice its not.


You don't need a bleeding edge video card to run at full detail on a single monitor in this game. My GTX-660 is plenty powerful. If you're running something better than that in SLI and don't get smooth performance, try it without SLI enabled.


And before you whine about devs at Bioware, remember that SLI/CF support needs to start with the drivers, not the game. It's up to AMD/nVidia to create workable drivers and profiles before the devs at Bioware can optimize the game to handle it. And since the game is not a particularly high-profile showcase for video performance, nor does it attract the "must-have-110fps" shooter crowd, there isn't a lot of push for either of them to spend time tweaking their driver support for SWTOR.


Once again, you are over-exaggerating the problems. Yes, SWTOR has issues with SLI/Crossfire... So?


TONS of games don't. I game at 2560x1440 and without a 2nd card, that's not possible on newer titles unless you want to turn down the settings.


Crysis 3, Max Payne 3, Hitman: Absolution, Far Cry 3, etc. These are all modern games that only a dual-GPU setup can play at max settings on resolutions above 1080P.

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