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Arsen/Pyro-Merc Hybrid (0/28/18) for Mainly PvP: Viable?


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Yeah, what the title says.


This is the build I have in mind, as above, with Combustion Gas cylinder loaded, naturally:




So what do y'all think, can this build be viable in WZ, O/W, and in the odd Flashpoint?


'Cuz I loooooves me my Arsens forever, but after so long, the spec has gotten a bit boring. Besides, I like to be able to actually use those dual blasters a bit more, it just seems wasteful with them just sitting there on my hips :cool:


Cheers, everybody. Pew-pew!

Edited by midianlord
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If you want to go with an non-viable hybrid, go Bodyguard/Arsenal. Its the best non-viable hybrid out there!


But seriously....its a fun hybrid if you don't mind a loss. Take most of Arsenal, and half of bodyguard. The main "quasi-advantage" of that build is that you are extremely hard to kill since you can HO all day long with an improved Kolto Missile and improved healing.



Low Heals

High Fun Factor (as long as there are a few bads on the other team to balance you out)

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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I was thinking that if Unload can (75% probability) reset RailShot, then that would make up for lack of HSM if Barrage proc's? (Usually every second or third TM or alternating/"fake-casting" PS for me, and the RailShot proc is "front-loaded," off an Unload, IIRC.)


Also, TM's Armour debuff (freeing up the first RailShot) and Power Shot's equal chance to proc Barrage and RailShot mightn't balance that as well?


It's unfortunate that Merc AC doesn't seem to lend itself to hybridisation at all well.


I'll have to do some in game testing, but I think my GPU might have gone "urp" so ATM I'm stuck in safe-mode :(


Thanks for the responses mates, keep 'em coming!

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I also checked out this hybrid spec on my mando, I do like the double proc every 6 seconds, and I think it has some room for improvement. Seeing that the majority of gunnery/arsenal dmg comes from Full auto/unload I don't see why an added HiB every 6 seconds (which vents 8 heat or something) cant make a good rotation. One good thing I would say about this spec is resource management! hitting the Dummy for 5 mins and I didn't even have to worry about resource management


Its also quite fun to play in pvp, (at least a nice change from the usual gunnery rotation) and I was averaging 300k+ in WZ's. idk if it would ever be viable RWZ's but still fun to play :p Ill continue to do some testing and try to find a reliable rotation

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Its not viable in PvP at all. Too much dependence on procs and on casting. You need to be using Power Shot and Unload constantly to maximize your Barrage/PPA procs.


^^That's^^ kinda what I thought. I can't get into game at present due to hardware issues, but naow I haz a sad :confused:

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My guild's top parsing commando gets a 3k in gunnery. He actually does (sort of) serious parsing with this spec to tease me, since I have run it in casual raids just to fool around. The best he's been able to do in this spec is about 2.6k. You're super-incredibly dependent on RNG. If you get very lucky with your Full Auto/Unload procs, the DPS will be quite solid (but no where near as solid as full gunnery/arsenal with the same luck). Weaving in Grav Round/Tracer Missile as filler between High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot procs is where some of the skill comes in, since that boosts your Charged Barrel/Tracer Lock.


At the end of the day though, the ammo/heat management is terrible, since you don't get the regen/vent proc from Armor Piercing Cell/Cylinder, and this converts the rotation into a fairly horrible downward spiral of Hammer Shot / Rapid Shot spam.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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If you want to go with an non-viable hybrid, go Bodyguard/Arsenal. Its the best non-viable hybrid out there!


But seriously....its a fun hybrid if you don't mind a loss. Take most of Arsenal, and half of bodyguard. The main "quasi-advantage" of that build is that you are extremely hard to kill since you can HO all day long with an improved Kolto Missile and improved healing.



Low Heals

High Fun Factor (as long as there are a few bads on the other team to balance you out)


This. If you're planning on PVPing with a hybrid spec, bodyguard/arsenal is the only reasonable option. That being said, i still doubt it would be better than primary arsenal. But I have seen a couple hybrid merc's do work in rated wzs with their self heals.


OP, With the spec you posted, you would be overheating like a mofo. Regardless of any spec, vent heat (0/3) in bodyguard spec is an absolute must.

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