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The animal mounts you guys want are huge


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Yes, I'm looking at you Dewback who I have just seen in game for the first time. We don't need any more huge mounts, and quite frankly something like the bantha, should be locked at a slow speed, it wouldn't make sense having them run.

The mounts added so far are reasonable (TT/Vera). But the ones wanted are huge, like a rancor is going to take the same horizontal space as the dewback, literally.

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The Dewback I don't think would be much of a problem. In fact, according to Wookieepedia they're smaller than Varactyls. I do agree with the general premise of this post though. I have to stop myself from facedesking every time I see someone call for a Rancor mount.
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The Dewback I don't think would be much of a problem. In fact, according to Wookieepedia they're smaller than Varactyls. I do agree with the general premise of this post though. I have to stop myself from facedesking every time I see someone call for a Rancor mount.


I mean, it's a lost argument since at any point someone an just use the -desler- argument and there is no defense to that, it's like the avada-kedavra of mount arguments. But yes, the rencor mount thing annoys me too. How would that even work on fleet...


I'm thinking they might go baby rancor or whatever it is.

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The Dewback I don't think would be much of a problem. In fact, according to Wookieepedia they're smaller than Varactyls. I do agree with the general premise of this post though. I have to stop myself from facedesking every time I see someone call for a Rancor mount.


Rancor pygmies or young rancors. Not the full throttled beasts you fight on Makeb and in Ops.

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Rancor pygmies or young rancors. Not the full throttled beasts you fight on Makeb and in Ops.


Well my big problem stems from immersion. No matter what some may want to believe Rancors have never been widely tamed and used as mounts; the notion is laughable. I also don't think people would be too happy to have Rancors the size of the Tauntaun, but any bigger and it just isn't practical.


Actually I just looked it up and apparently you need to be force-sensitive (ala Nightsisters) to even be capable of riding one. Even more reason to never include a rancor mount.

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Well my big problem stems from immersion. No matter what some may want to believe Rancors have never been widely tamed and used as mounts; the notion is laughable. I also don't think people would be too happy to have Rancors the size of the Tauntaun, but any bigger and it just isn't practical.


Actually I just looked it up and apparently you need to be force-sensitive (ala Nightsisters) to even be capable of riding one. Even more reason to never include a rancor mount.


immersion is a big problem in mmos. I dont think you will ever reach that level of immersion in swtor.



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immersion is a big problem in mmos. I dont think you will ever reach that level of immersion in swtor.




Yeah we could argue about that a hundred different ways, sure, but BW has already shown a higher level of commitment to staying true. They've always gone for a high level of immersion in this game. As it is some of the most lore-breaking things we've seen have been the Party Jawa or now the Sarlaac; maybe some player names. They're not going to introduce something just because the lolcrowd wants it. Otherwise they'd have conceded on beast species already.


I'm not saying SWTOR needs to be portrayed exactly as we've seen in other mediums, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. And a dozen mini-rancors crowded around the GTN certainly crosses it.

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Well my big problem stems from immersion. No matter what some may want to believe Rancors have never been widely tamed and used as mounts; the notion is laughable. I also don't think people would be too happy to have Rancors the size of the Tauntaun, but any bigger and it just isn't practical.


Actually I just looked it up and apparently you need to be force-sensitive (ala Nightsisters) to even be capable of riding one. Even more reason to never include a rancor mount.


The witches of dathomir and the nightsisters want to have a word with you.

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The witches of dathomir and the nightsisters want to have a word with you.


I already brought them up; you have it quoted actually. If you look into the Nightsister plot it is said only force sensitive beings can even ride Rancors, so that argument doesn't help your cause.

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They're not going to introduce something just because the lolcrowd wants it.

How would you call KOTOR outfits then? It is logic and immersion breaking to have 50 people on Republic fleet running around dressed up as Darth Malak. Not to mention all the new disco speeders, hair, outfits (thx to many eye-soaring color dyes), gigantic Cartel skiffs with grapes on floating bowls, disco balls, party lasers, Gangam Style dances etc. You walk into a fleet and it feels like a circus sometimes.

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Yeah we could argue about that a hundred different ways, sure, but BW has already shown a higher level of commitment to staying true. They've always gone for a high level of immersion in this game. As it is some of the most lore-breaking things we've seen have been the Party Jawa or now the Sarlaac; maybe some player names. They're not going to introduce something just because the lolcrowd wants it. Otherwise they'd have conceded on beast species already.


I'm not saying SWTOR needs to be portrayed exactly as we've seen in other mediums, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. And a dozen mini-rancors crowded around the GTN certainly crosses it.


Gangnam style dance says hi, made thanks to popular request ....

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How would you call KOTOR outfits then? It is logic and immersion breaking to have 50 people on Republic fleet running around dressed up as Darth Malak. Not to mention all the new disco speeders, hair, outfits (thx to many eye-soaring color dyes), gigantic Cartel skiffs with grapes on floating bowls, disco balls, party lasers, Gangam Style dances etc. You walk into a fleet and it feels like a circus sometimes.


^ nailed it.


I was all for immersion a long time ago, then i realised its not there anymore and im fine with it!

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Gangam Style dances


xD well I can't argue with that. But read the rest of that comment and I already answered what you're asking; I just didn't make a list. While bringing up that list you didn't seem so thrilled yourself, but as long as you get your Rancor mount right? :rolleyes: One ridiculous thing doesn't justify another.


Like I said, a line should be drawn somewhere and I trust BW not to overstep it.

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xD well I can't argue with that. But read the rest of that comment and I already answered what you're asking; I just didn't make a list. While bringing up that list you didn't seem so thrilled yourself, but as long as you get your Rancor mount right? :rolleyes: One ridiculous thing doesn't justify another.


Like I said, a line should be drawn somewhere and I trust BW not to overstep it.


So even if they didnt allow them on fleet? You still dont want them as mounts?

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So even if they didnt allow them on fleet? You still dont want them as mounts?


Well I wouldn't be particularly thrilled about it (Rancors I mean :p), but no I wouldn't hold any objections if they were to introduce large planetary mounts. If they wanted to do that I could get behind all sorts of requests.

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How would you call KOTOR outfits then? It is logic and immersion breaking to have 50 people on Republic fleet running around dressed up as Darth Malak. Not to mention all the new disco speeders, hair, outfits (thx to many eye-soaring color dyes), gigantic Cartel skiffs with grapes on floating bowls, disco balls, party lasers, Gangam Style dances etc. You walk into a fleet and it feels like a circus sometimes.


People dress up as historical people all the time and they may do the same in Star Wars. Keep in mind also that even in our own world there are people with unusual clothing/hair choices and colours as well as extravagant styles that we deem to be very odd and of course they are going to have crazy dances also.


As for the skiffs, well, even people in the Star Wars galaxy are prone to a overindulgence. As for the party stuff, there must surely be corporations that make party stuff for the people. Maybe Czerka? The thing that knocks it out of the immersion zone is the fact it is on the fleet... a military installation.

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