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Bioware, now would be the perfect time to bring back killing companions.


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How is this a bad idea? If you go down a certain conversational path with Kaliyo the two of you basically end up making death threats towards each other. I'm stupid or sadistic for wanting that story to play out? Give me a break, some of you trolls will say anything. :rolleyes:


Edit- The first question was rhetorical, I understand how it would affect crafters, I don't need a rant. If you're saying that's not an easy fix though you're just being difficult. Also, it's not like it'd be something anyone would be forced to do.

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It's the "Dur... I'm an evil character. Watch me kill everything" crowd that wants this the most.

There you go. The more wannbe bad-a** someone is in a game, the more small and insignificant they feel IRL. Being a bad-a** in a game gives them a sense of power and control, which they feel they lack IRL. That's why I said the desire to kill companions "just because" is juvenile.

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There you go. The more wannbe bad-a** someone is in a game, the more small and insignificant they feel IRL. Being a bad-a** in a game gives them a sense of power and control, which they feel they lack IRL. That's why I said the desire to kill companions "just because" is juvenile.



Pretty sure the majority of posters gave reasons why they wanted to kill certain companions...it's not "just because".


I'd like to kill Quinn, Skadge and a few others for storyline reasons (not going to put up all the reasons why in spoilers, if you played the story you would know why). It has nothing to do with RL reasons... its a game.


Saying that people want this because they can't be mean and powerful in RL is not even close to correct for the majority. You are simply demonizing people that disagree with your opinion.


Maybe your point is valid for a small few, but should that impact others doing it who have actual reasons why they want to no longer have a certain companion.


Some people actually care about story arcs, especially people that came from the originall KOTOR games (guilty as charged). Keeping crew members around that fundementally disagree with your characters premise and perspective takes away from the story, plain and simple. And some people don't like that. That is all.

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please bioware? :jawa_angel:


I didn't need his heals anyhow in this game. He was expendable and should have died. And also killing the ewok too. Even better would be the ewok pet is auto-flagged for PvP so others can kill it too.

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Killing Kaliyo makes just as much sense as killing Quinn does.



She's betraying you and the entire Empire by selling Imperial secrets. Sure it's to an old buddy at first, but she's gotten away with it with only a slap on the wrist. You don't think she's going to keep an ear to the ground for the highest bidder on some really juicy secrets? Like the big book of bad sith stuff you just dealt with?


Any Agent worth their Cipher Nine title is going to put a blaster bolt between her eyes, even if they defect. She's a dangerous liability and she's shown she's not afraid to risk your life to get her pay day. Time to die, pasty freak.



Killing companions willy nilly doesn't really make sense, but there are some that NOT being able to kill them is what doesn't make sense. For them, bringing this feature back would be great.

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There you go. The more wannbe bad-a** someone is in a game, the more small and insignificant they feel IRL. Being a bad-a** in a game gives them a sense of power and control, which they feel they lack IRL. That's why I said the desire to kill companions "just because" is juvenile.


Not sure what thread you're reading; I dig where you're coming from...but I think the reasons why this was in the game isn't registering with you. Not sure where all this negativity and GTA kids comments are coming from.


Some people want the story to matter...you know, like older games used to have instead of everyone wins a gold star, lets hold hands happy ending games. I think you are making "I wish X companion was killable" into something it's not. :confused:

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It's the "Dur... I'm an evil character. Watch me kill everything" crowd that wants this the most.

You'll probably find a few of the avid "Let us kill Satele Shan!" posters on this thread too.

Some people should just play some GTA if that's what makes them happy. :p

Mind you, some have valid reasons for wanting certain companions dead - but it's still hardly worth the hassle for the devs.


Oh yeah, hurr durr evil players! Of course, nothing else!


*SPOILER WARNING* just in case. Though the game is almost two years old, what spoilers are you talking about? Everyone who _really_ cared, played all stories already.

You want to say that having traitors like Quinn and Kalyo on warrior and agent ships makes total sense? Or having maniac Scadge on ship full of kids (Mako is 19 and Torian is 18, also Blizz might be not a child but still a small creature)? Or letting Guss, who set you up three(!!!) times in the course of one planetary quest, to board your ship?And insult to the injury, Guss keeps saying "I'm surprised you put up with me for that long". As if we are given a choice >.< Are our characters that idiotic? Don't know about you, but I do not RP my chars as idiots.


Where's the option to send them rot in prison forever or kick their sorry asses from your ship?


Attacking a sith IS a crime punished by death in empire, it's not a hurr-durr-evil, it's the law . Go do that little quest on Dromund Kaas. Why Quinn is the exception? Kalyo always betrays agent, no matter how good you treat her. So why she cannot stay in prison? Because ex-Minister of Intelligence has a hard-on for her? So let HIM keep her. I understand keeping her if player chooses defection path, but why loyal imperials should put up with her?


Scadge has no place at neutral/light-sided Bounty Hunter ship. And, honestly, killing him would be one of the most light-sided acts in the game, since one less raving maniac is roaming free. As one scientist saliarian said " Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients; sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps."


Though you can still wear your tin-foiled hat and pretend all proponents of this thread are just hurr-durr-evil.

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I would really like to read your thread, OP, but spoilers. I do agree with the sentiment in the OP, but I am not sure why they removed it in the first place, so I'm not sure if they'll even think about adding it back.


It would seem that there are a fair amount of "this particular companion is needed for this quest in your storyline" plots going on, so if they were to re-implement the killing of companions, it wouldn't be possible until after those types of quests are completed, I'd think.


I don't understand your seemingly irrational hatred of Mako. I suppose I've missed something?


I would NOT be opposed to killing Theran Cedrax; however, he is the most annoying, slimy little weasel.


Quinn is a traitor? I'm just now leveling my Sith Warrior, don't say these things! :(

I suppose I should have gone with flirting with the Lieutenant, when I ad the chance? Ugh.

Not that he's really much of a romance option, anyway.

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Oh yeah, hurr durr evil players! Of course, nothing else!


Despite the fact that you quoted my post, you seem to have chosen to ignore the last line completely.

So I'll repeat it; some have valid reasons.

Quinn being the one that immediately comes to mind, Kaliyo is up there as well.


The rest of the post was pretty much devoted to people like the one who said "I wanna kill my whole crew! Except for the obviously psychotic droid so we can go grind babies into dust and fieldkick puppies! YAY!" (slight paraphrasing there, I know) and other similar posts to that.


As for the original point, I sincerely doubt it's ever going to happen - they decided it was a bad idea back when they actually HAD a fully functional support team rather than the skeleton crew they have now.

Do you really think they are ever going to reopen that can of worms?

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Well, my DS Warrior for one, intends to keep Quinn around for extended torture sessions... and since he is also the only romanceable for her in the game...



As is to be expected from one of those DS Sith. :p

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As for the original point, I sincerely doubt it's ever going to happen - they decided it was a bad idea back when they actually HAD a fully functioning support team rather than the skeleton crew they have now.

Do you really think they are ever going to reopen that can of worms?



Back then the decision to forbid killing companions was made because people could stay without healers. If in case with Kalyo or Scadge you get the option of second tank, in case with Quinn there was no real option, as ship droid is pain to gear and is still inferior to actual healing comps. And that was a valid point.


But now that we have Treek who is as good or even better than default healing comps (since she has all her abilities at start, she is waaay better than any healing comp while leveling), why not?


Reworking existing storylines - no, I do not believe this is going to happen, too much work etc, but there will be new story updates (this new planet coming in November, for example), why not add some quest there that can let your companion die?


Maybe, this option should appear only if you have Treek and HK-51, so people without them won't gimp themselves because they spacebarred through convos and chose dark option just because it gives dark points, without looking at text.


So yeah, I believe they can do it now. We have two spare companions that cover all three classes and the number of companions you can send on crafting missions was not increased, so why not bring some removed options back in new form? Yeah, killing Quinn on some other planet long after the story-appropriate moment will not have the same impact, but still wil be better than nothing.


And even if someone wants to kill someone just for pure hurr-durr-evil reasons - this is roleplaying game, and to boot - Bioware's game, and in their single-player games you always had an option to decide the fate of at least some companions. So it is not unreasonable expectation from the company.


So why should not we ask for adding extra features in new story content? You would prefer to have less options?

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please bioware? :jawa_angel:


Very exactly. I'll pay extra CC for an animation of a particularly painful death.


But twisted as their arguments have been in the past *cough*ME3*cough* they will consider such strong emotions a success of their writing team and continue to keep us dreaming violently about Quinn's death.


Personally, I find him so annoying that I learned to do everything with either Jaesa or Pierce.

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And even if someone wants to kill someone just for pure hurr-durr-evil reasons - this is roleplaying game, and to boot - Bioware's game, and in their single-player games you always had an option to decide the fate of at least some companions. So it is not unreasonable expectation from the company.


So why should not we ask for adding extra features in new story content? You would prefer to have less options?


In their single player-games you also have the option to simply reload a back-up save game if you've made a mistake or you've decided that's not what you want after all, here it quickly becomes a ticket for support to deal with.

As for the not being able to gimp themselves anymore, not really.


HK-51 is a companion that requires you to either be a subscriber or to have bought access to Section X before you can get him, and that's not even mentioning the level 50 part - if you can kill off all your companions you might end up ruining your game experience sufficiently to quit before getting there (especially when support says "Sorry, we can't help you with that").


Treek requires you to either be a long time player (Legacy level 40) and to at least subscribe for a little bit so you can get past your credit limit - or you can never pay the one million credits. That or drop quite a few bucks to outright buy her off the CM.

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Great idea, except... not really.

If you kill your agent's 5 out of 6 companions, even replacing two of them with Treek and HK you'd still be shooting yourself in the knee when it comes to Crew Skills. You'd be losing possible Crafting Crits, the ability to send 5 companions out at the same time and, generally speaking, it just doesn't make sense.


If you don't like a companion, don't use him. If you don't craft, all the better - you don't even have to hear their line as they go off on a mission.


At this point, I think we can safely assume they will not introduce anything that radical. At best we might get a "Carbonize your Companions" so that people will be able to bring them back should they regret it - and people WILL regret it, because people don't really know what they want or what's best for them 90% of the time.


You're taking my post too serious. But anyway, I said earlier that companions would have to be replaced by droids/mercs so there would be no problem with crew skills.

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In their single player-games you also have the option to simply reload a back-up save game if you've made a mistake or you've decided that's not what you want after all, here it quickly becomes a ticket for support to deal with.

As for the not being able to gimp themselves anymore, not really.


HK-51 is a companion that requires you to either be a subscriber or to have bought access to Section X before you can get him, and that's not even mentioning the level 50 part - if you can kill off all your companions you might end up ruining your game experience sufficiently to quit before getting there (especially when support says "Sorry, we can't help you with that").


Treek requires you to either be a long time player (Legacy level 40) and to at least subscribe for a little bit so you can get past your credit limit - or you can never pay the one million credits. That or drop quite a few bucks to outright buy her off the CM.


As I said in my post, as failsafe, devs can allow this option only to people who already have HK51 and Treek.


In same post I said about FUTURE content, aka 50+ one, so requirement of lvl 50 to get HK is not a problem, you won't have access to that story point before hitting 50 anyways.


Also, subs with low legacy levels can purchase cartel legacy-free version of Treek from GTN (and if you are a sub, you get at least 500 CCs every month, plus some for achievements, so you can unlock Treek for alts with those complementary coins). so no need to spend any real-life money on this companion at all.


Do not want spend credits, grind legacy, wait some time for needed amount of complementary coins to arrive or search for HK51 parts? Well, no killing annoying comps for you. It means, you do not hate them enough to jump through hoops to get rid of them.


Yeah, less content for non-subs but they are missin of HK quest and convos anyways, and on convos with Treek (when they fix the convo bug), not to say on companions themselves, have no access to operations without buying weekly passes from CM and so on. So one more story limitation is not a big deal, IMO. They should get used to it by now.


Also, where I said about ALL companions? You could never kill all of them, iirc, only some, in story-appropriate moments, like with Quinn. So why not re-implement this feature, rework it to fit the future content now that many people won't be gimped by loosing one of the companions? Lock it for those who would get gimped(aka, no Treek and HK51), sure, just to be safe from whines. Just give the option for those who have spare comps to actually roleplay the roleplaying game.

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Pierce is more a fling than a romance option.


I never had problem with Quinn because I still haven't done much romancing at the time. Around 4k affection due to lack to credits? The last conversation I had with him was him abandoning his previous avoidance and asking for permission to kiss the Lord.


Then came the betrayal. Whoopdedoo. Well, I'm a LS SW, so that conversation played out in character.


After Act 3, I got more credits, got him gifts and did the conversations last to bump my affection along. It was complete coincidence but it looked like Quinn was trying to redeem himself thereafter. No airlocking from me.

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Do all class stories have a justification for the execution of a companion? All I see are posts for Kaliyo and Quinn. If all it is just for two class stories, I would hardly call that worth reimplementing.


I'm ok with there being justifiable reasons to kill them but if the only reason is you don't like them and they've done nothing to wrong to you personally, that would be just plain ridiculus.There needs to be a plot related reason for such action.


Also I can imagine all the people complaining, (I killed off most of my companions. Give them to me back Bioware!):rolleyes:


Also to OP. I would pay CC to kill off all your main characters for wanting to kill off Mako. :mad:.

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Do not want spend credits, grind legacy, wait some time for needed amount of complementary coins to arrive or search for HK51 parts? Well, no killing annoying comps for you. It means, you do not hate them enough to jump through hoops to get rid of them.


Yeah, less content for non-subs but they are missin of HK quest and convos anyways, and on convos with Treek (when they fix the convo bug), not to say on companions themselves, have no access to operations without buying weekly passes from CM and so on. So one more story limitation is not a big deal, IMO. They should get used to it by now.


Also, where I said about ALL companions? You could never kill all of them, iirc, only some, in story-appropriate moments, like with Quinn. So why not re-implement this feature, rework it to fit the future content now that many people won't be gimped by loosing one of the companions? Lock it for those who would get gimped(aka, no Treek and HK51), sure, just to be safe from whines. Just give the option for those who have spare comps to actually roleplay the roleplaying game.


Hah, I can just imagine someone grinding credits for the soul purpose of killing off a certain companion! :p

"Must do more dailies...! Quinn needs to DIE!!!!"

And no, you never said to kill all companions - but several others have.


With a lot of failsaves in place, yeah - it could be possible to kill off the most "hated" companions, but they would pretty much have to make them "relapse" and commit a new offense to make it plausible for your character to suddenly decide to murder them so long after the fact.

Or put them in a situation where you can choose to save them (LS choice) or let them fall to their doom or whatever (DS choice) - but it'd be pretty forced at that point too.


Still, it seems like a lot of work to please a small group of players that are dead set on seeing certain (or in some cases all) companions die - while devs are notorious for trying to make content that's aimed at the community at large.

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Also to OP. I would pay CC to kill off all your main characters for wanting to kill off Mako. :mad:.


I don't even get why he's that set on killing Mako in the first place.

One of the best ways of showing what a DS scumbag your character is, is by having a LS sidekick there with you IMO.

Some of my most hillarious conversations in game have been with Mako as a DS BH, and with Elara on my DS Trooper.

Sure, you lose affection for it - but the dialogues are often priceless. :D

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Definitely have missed some stuff, will try to catch up.


First things, the whole Mako is thing isn't me being really serious. I knew a lot of people would come in here talking about Quinn and Kaliyo, so I just thought it would be fun to mix it up a little. And so far, she is my least favorite.


Which leads me to another thing, I wish I would have put this in when I was making the OP, but I don't just want the ability to kill companions. There should also be a way for them to leave or you drop them off some where. Some companions just don't fit being on my crews, and it wouldn't fit for me to kill them.


Some of you mentioned that the old beta way would not work anymore, I could see that. Will probably remove that from the OP and explain the convo idea more.


A few of you were talking about the only people who would want this are the "hur-dur evil FTW" crowd. Well, one, as mentioned in this post, and will change the OP, I don't want, and I'm sure the others don't want to JUST kill the companions. A way for them to leave would be a great inclusion as well. Secondly, who cares if they want to do it for that reason? It's an mmoRPG, and those choices would not effect anyone but them.


Alec, you mentioned the story reset idea. Would be perfect to co launch with this. Might even be able to bring back old beta way if they did this.


I think that's everything, keep the comments coming :D

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