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Bioware, now would be the perfect time to bring back killing companions.


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You should have just got another officer to replace quin who didn't have a story he's just there to fill the spot. Honestly.


They'd have to add something, otherwise you'd be at a disadvantage when it comes to crew skills. I'd be fine with a mute ship droid to replace my deceased companion.

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As the title says, right now is the perfect time to reintroduce the ability to kill companions. As some of you may or may not know, players were giving the chance to kill companions back in beta. This was removed before the game was released for reason(s) I don't quite understand. (My guess was people complained because they weren't fully aware of the impact, or it would put them at a disadvantage to those who hadn't).


If the second one was true, it doesn't apply anymore. With the introduction of HK-51, and Treek as additional companions, any of the in game roles companions filled could now be replaced (HK can replace any of the DPS comps, while Treek can replace the Healer and Tank comps). Additionally, the limit is still set to where you can only have five companions deployed on crew skills missions at once. If you were to unlock Treek and Hk, you would have a total of eight companions. Now you wouldn't have any disadvantages if you killed off one or two of your comps. Additionally, as other threads bringing this idea up, have suggested putting in more droids like your ship droid, or some other extremely generic place filler, to bring you back on par if you feel you need eight comps, so you wouldn't have any disadvantage.


Putting this in game, is probably the hardest part. I'll be honest, I don't how it was like back in beta, or how you could implement it now. I'm guessing the best way to do this is have a new conversation added to each of the companions, which could lead to the demise of them if you so choose to go down that path, if not, it just goes away. Another idea, this would probably be a lot harder, and might not work due to some people beating the story and or finishing the all of the conversations, but bring back exactly how it was in Beta. Everyone who has played the Sith Warrior story knows what I'm talking about when I say there should have been this option at a certain part. I'm almost positive this is how it was like in beta. Plenty of warning needs to be given though. If people complain about it after all of that, oh well, they were warned.


There it is. I really want to be able to kill some of my companions, (I'm looking at you Mako). I listed how it would not negatively affect anything (I think, might have missed something), and possible ideas on how it could be implemented. Reading other threads that have suggested this, I have seen very little to no opposition on this idea. So, I don't see why not.


Comments, ideas, concerns, are all appreciated. A yellow post would be awesome.


I thought for sure you were gunning for Quinn. How refreshing that you want to waste Mako. Ha ha. I love Quinn, I'd totally keep him but Ashara and Elara Dorn, would both lie dead at my feet. I hate those two companions with the flaming hatred of a thousand hateful suns.


Even still, I don't know...I'd much rather just humiliate and torment them. Every time I deny Ashara something and she -2's me, I smile a little inside, because there is one thing I hate more than whiny snivelling brats, and that's whiny sniviling brats who can't be jedi or a proper sith.

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They could make it Mass effect 1 style where you choose wich one you send to the deadly mission.


Seriously though, i am all for story, but the ammount of QQ would be enormous.


I am also of the opinion that planets should have a fixed level that your character gets deleved for when he is in it, ala GW2. This would allow for the story to send you to planets in any order without it beeing predicatable.

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God I want to kill Quinn so badly. Heck, killing Quinn, Ashara, Kaliyo, Skadge and Scourge would be SUPER fun.


If there was an option to convert Ashara to DS (like we had with Jaesa) she'd be a far better companion. The way she is now it just makes zero sense. So yeah, she'd probably die too. As would Scourge and all of my Agen'ts comps aside from SCORPIO.

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This is a silly idea and BW was right to drop it.


Deep down, I agree with you, but I do enjoy the idea of murdering the hell out of Ashara and Elara.


I just don't understand why people would want to bump off Scourge. He's made of awesome. <3 <3

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Agreed. As long as you could easily get low cost droid replacements for all those dedicated crafters, out there (probably not that many).


I've not played all the stories to the end but at certain points / characters there is a feeling that your relationship with them is going down a certain path - yet nothing ever happens.


As to how it would work? I figure something similar to the mini storyline that you get with a certain character that empire players run into on Taris. And of course, KOTOR.


If you're a republic player, it would show the dramatic arc of descending to the dark side where you'd even kill those closest to you (i.e. Kira) and for the dark side it would show how twisted you are, prepared to let anyone suffer (ie Vette).


And come on: is there anyone out there who has played a smuggler who DOESN'T want to kill Corso?:)

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Pretty sure that ship has sailed long ago.

They probably want to avoid having to solve tickets every day from people that misclicked and then didn't realize that they could escape the conversation. :rolleyes:

Or worse, the ones that click an option and then afterwards go "I didn't realize it would actually do that! Give me back my companion Bioware! Plz, plz, plz!!!!!"

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Deep down, I agree with you, but I do enjoy the idea of murdering the hell out of Ashara and Elara.


I just don't understand why people would want to bump off Scourge. He's made of awesome. <3 <3


I agree he's awesome, but I could see it from a story perspective.


After all he does kinda vow that he'll turn your kid into a proper Sith, fit for the Dark Council - since it's too late for him to make you realize your potential he'll just do it to your offspring instead.


Many a Jedi probably take offence at that! :p

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... and all of my Agen'ts comps aside from SCORPIO.


Great idea, except... not really.

If you kill your agent's 5 out of 6 companions, even replacing two of them with Treek and HK you'd still be shooting yourself in the knee when it comes to Crew Skills. You'd be losing possible Crafting Crits, the ability to send 5 companions out at the same time and, generally speaking, it just doesn't make sense.


If you don't like a companion, don't use him. If you don't craft, all the better - you don't even have to hear their line as they go off on a mission.


At this point, I think we can safely assume they will not introduce anything that radical. At best we might get a "Carbonize your Companions" so that people will be able to bring them back should they regret it - and people WILL regret it, because people don't really know what they want or what's best for them 90% of the time.

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Great idea, except... not really.

If you kill your agent's 5 out of 6 companions, even replacing two of them with Treek and HK you'd still be shooting yourself in the knee when it comes to Crew Skills. You'd be losing possible Crafting Crits, the ability to send 5 companions out at the same time and, generally speaking, it just doesn't make sense.


It's the "Dur... I'm an evil character. Watch me kill everything" crowd that wants this the most.

You'll probably find a few of the avid "Let us kill Satele Shan!" posters on this thread too.

Some people should just play some GTA if that's what makes them happy. :p

Mind you, some have valid reasons for wanting certain companions dead - but it's still hardly worth the hassle for the devs.

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Mind you, some have valid reasons for wanting certain companions dead - but it's still hardly worth the hassle for the devs.


To be honest, only wanting to kill Quinn makes sense.



He betrayed you. You're a Sith Warrior. Sith Warriors aren't exactly known for being forgiving, so I get that.



Even if we don't take into account the fact that you'd be losing companions that you would normally send out on missions to gather mats or craft, even storywise it doesn't make sense that you'd want to kill any of the rest. Why kill Vector? Why Lokin? Or Talos?


There's a very fine line that separates being evil from being utterly stupid - why kill the people that serve you?

And for Republic classes it makes even less sense that a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Consular would ever kill one of their friends-companions-padawans just "for fun".

Edited by TheNahash
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This is a silly idea and BW was right to drop it.


Any more reasoning other then "silly?" I just want to see how this was a silly concept.


I mean it isn't new... Kotor 1 & 2 had this remember if you pissed off your companion enough, they'd turn on you. It added a sense of realistic interactions...unlike TOR after this feature was disabled - i.e. DS V Jedi and no one gives a damn.

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Before they do anything like this I would want to see two things happen....


The crafting of droid companions.


The breeding and capture of animal companions.


Both should be combat capable, neither should craft, nor should they have any affection or storyline.


You would be able to kill them if desired, or dismiss them permanently...if they die or are destroyed they are gone.


Only after something like this is implemented do I think they should consider bringing back companion killing.

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There it is. I really want to be able to kill some of my companions, (I'm looking at you Mako). I listed how it would not negatively affect anything (I think, might have missed something), and possible ideas on how it could be implemented. Reading other threads that have suggested this, I have seen very little to no opposition on this idea. So, I don't see why not.


Comments, ideas, concerns, are all appreciated. A yellow post would be awesome.

To echo Darth_Moohshadow's post, if you want to kill Mako just because she's sometimes annoying and bossy, you have issues. If you want to play a game where you can exercise your fantasies of being a "bad-a**" sociopath, perhaps you should play GTA.

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It wasn't just killing them, you could make them leave you as well if you pushed them too far. it added a greater sense of realism and your choices mattered more. It was one of the great thing that were sadly removed in Beta because BioWare listened to all the people that complained that they were now "hindered" (the options to kill the Companions were clearly labeled)


As to the person who said its not worth the Devs team. All the voicework/coding is done, it just needs to be re-enabled again. It was fully working in Beta.

Edited by Cailahan
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It wasn't just killing them, you could make them leave you as well if you pushed them too far. it added a greater sense of realism and your choices mattered more. It was one of the great thing that were sadly removed in Beta because BioWare listened to all the people that complained that they were now "hindered" (the options to kill the Companions were clearly labeled)

Pushing them to the point of leaving, that makes sense story-wise. So would killing if they dun you wrong. But killing them just because? Silly. And juvenile.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Problem is, certain companions are a required part of your class story. After the class story is over, perhaps. Bioware has no intention of giving us a chapter 4 or more companion content..


However, C2-N2 should be killable no matter what. He's only required for one cutscene and he is annnnnnoooooying.

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Nice idea, simply letting Quinn off with a little choking doesn't really cut it, and I really wanted to kill gault and get the bounty the first time I went though the bh story, maybe have Khem challenge you to a fight to the death since he is always talking about killing you at some point and maybe Kaylio trys to betray/leave the agents crew with all those imperial secrets.....
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