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But what's the incentive to add CE items to the CE store?


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If the CEs run out, I don't see how there would be motivation on Bioware's part to add items.


Now, if they want to make their expansion CEs more marketable it stands to reason that they would want their current crop of CE kids running around with cosmetic stuff that makes everybody wish they'd gone with the CE.


But then what happens at that CE? Is there a new store? For full access do we have to buy that CE too? Or will it be the same lounge for all CE owners with different stuff depending on what CEs you own? Or does everybody get access the new and old stuff?


What I think they should do, is make CE a springboard for new looks and designs that ultimately get made available to everybody but in different colors or slightly altered designs. As CE owners become more of a minority, we'd double as a sort of test-group for keeping the game from going massively ugly for designs that turn out to be a little too fashion-forward for Star Wars New Jersey.

Edited by Pherdnut
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sorry but i didnt uderstand any of that, are you sayign that they should release mroe Ce's? if so it kind of takes away the appeal

Hes taking about the collectors edition store that's ingame. I think he's wondering if Bioware will have any incentive to add new items to the store monthly.

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If I was BW, I would offer access to the CE on an ongoing basis for $40.


If that carrot is always out there with new items being added, then you get money over and above the $15 per month...


i went to the CE store and there's like only a set of imperial armor, is that all that is available? I feel very let down by the CE store to be honest...i thought it was going to have "items to help you through the leveling process" as they said

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i went to the CE store and there's like only a set of imperial armor, is that all that is available? I feel very let down by the CE store to be honest...i thought it was going to have "items to help you through the leveling process" as they said


What you see in there is all that's in there. The CE vendor is a bad joke.

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Any one can gain access to the store you can buy the wristband for a million credits just you get it free with CE


No, you get access to the VIP area and the VIP vendor EAware added to stop people blubbering because they couldn't or wouldn't buy the CE but felt they needed to be "special" anyway, not the CE vendor.

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