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Is Cover Fire Useful in PvP?


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That's the question, is Cover Fire Useful in PvP?


Is it really worth the 2 points? My Commando is 54 and I'm beginning to wonder at it's value to the point that the Merc I'm leveling has not spent points there, yet. I'm honestly thinking of switching the 2 points to Tenacious Defense as I think the reduced cool downs would be more useful to me. As our only slow it feels pretty worthless tied to a DPS skill.


Now I don't play rated and have no intention of it so take that into consideration when responding.

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Since Full Auto is a self-root, Cover Fire is useful if the target is moving out of range or trying to approach within melee range (after a knockback, for example). It can buy you a bit of time before either happens. It's useful in other scenarios too (slowing the ball carrier, etc.) although there are always ways it could be made even more useful considering the investment.
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Yes and no.


For slowing someone down that is trying to get closer to you? No its not worth it


For slowing someone down that is trying to run away from you? Yes it is worth it.


I spec into it b/c it is great for reducing the trolorolling that operatives/scoundrels can do.



I suggested it having the same hindered effect as Electronet in my other thread; I think that would be better than just a slow, without being overpowered.

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