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PvP LvL Brackets


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Should I point out how many times I've topped medals, damage, healing or other quantifiers at level 15 in groups with level 30, 40 or even 50s? Or how I can still defend a node or get kills at lower levels?


Is it unbalanced? Yeah, of course, but it's not so unbalanced that I don't feel I'm gonna be one shot or can't do anything- I've capped huttballs, I've stopped ball handlers. Frankly, even with a 30 level difference I feel more balanced than I do in WoW where everyone's the same level... but gear makes such a massive difference a new 85 is like a gnat to an old one.


TL:DR- this isn't WoW, it doesn't need WoW's brackets.


im actualy getting 2 shot right now at lvl 13 lol i get hit dam hard and i dont have many abilitys to defend myself against lvl 50's


same goes for the rest of the players at lower lvl's.



my point proven and justified again why can you not understand the bolster system how it is now is unbalanced and unfair.

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the warzone bolster system is being heavily exploited right now. alot of new players and pvp is fun so loads of low lvl's are joining. the lvl 50's are just rubbing there nuts on the lower lvl's specialy the bounty hunter and sith warriors im getting hit for 3k to 6k from them like 2 times a second.



so your wrong the bolster system is being exploited and lvl brackets do need adding


So your solution is Unbolstered brackets with long queue times... I actually like to be able to do WFs when I feel like it and this works and I can... So change it for what? Brackets that you can then complain that another class is better than yours in that bracket? I am yet to see a solid reason for brackets or that bolstering is bad. Just ppl crying cause they are not better then someone who has put in more effort....

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im actualy getting 2 shot right now at lvl 13 lol i get hit dam hard and i dont have many abilitys to defend myself against lvl 50's


same goes for the rest of the players at lower lvl's.



my point proven and justified again why can you not understand the bolster system how it is now is unbalanced and unfair.


As i said, this system will not be getting changed no matter how many little ***** posts you manage to put out. Learn to adapt, play, level up or move on. You aren't gonna change anything and all that whining only makes you look like you need to l2p and quit ************, end of story.


he bolstering system may not be perfect, but bracket's are far from perfect aswell. Stick with wow and let the none *****er's play the game like adults, kthxbye.

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Expand on that then, maybe suggest an idea rather then "yeah it sucks" ...


dont mind if i do


"There is a reason why WOW pvp battlegrounds sucked


There is another reason why SWTOR warzones suck too


To this date, WAR and RIFTS Scenarios were the best thing ever created...i wonder why "


While WoW had one extreme, 'Twinking' new players to the brackets often found themselves as 'gankbait' for the lvl 19s, 29s,39s ETC (you get the picture)


While STWOR has gone to the other end of the extreme with bolster. Bolster on the other hand is a step in the right direction but it only gets you so far



take this video for an example..a lvl 50 IA sniper carving up 10-20ish lvl players in Alderaan


Is this guy OP? HELL NO, he knows what he is doing, guess who doesn't


Bolster forgets one thing in particular




How many 'new pvpers' know how to deal with a sniper?


How many PVPers know how to deal with a Good Sniper?


on top of


Skills (remember in WOW, how some skills we given at the beginning of new brackets? they would have been deversatating for the lower players in that bracket)


Talent points ( a level 50 will have extra crit chance, lower skill costs, "instant skill' procs)


whats the lower lvl player got? just the base skills



Also the skill sets between the lvls are vastly different,


Whats a lvl 12 IA going to do after he drops a flash bang blinding a group of players? throw a frag grenade


Whats a lvl 50 IA going to do? Drop a fricken Orbital bombardment on that same group, that contains said lvl 12...


What is he meant to do with that?


In come Warhammer and Rift


They solved the bracket issue with Bolster themselves, but RETAINED the brackets making it the most balanced and even PVP battlegrounds that i know of.


Is it too hard to ask for both?

Edited by Mooseb
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From what I gather this is full of a bunch of lvl 50s who just enjoy destroying lvl 10s. I'm sorry but I'm not asking for wow pvp I'm asking for balance. When I come across someone who is half the lvl I am I basically 3 shot them and it's reversed when I face someone twice as high as me. You say team work trumps lvl but when someone tosses me the ball and a lvl 49 stuns me and drops me in 3 seconds it's not a whole lot of fun.
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This system is awful and anybody defending it is a moron. Higher levels have more abilities and better gear. I don't understand what is so hard to understand about that. Other games have bolster and ten level brackets lol. Put down the crack pipe if you think this is working well. Why would you be against tighther brackets it makes no sense. Team work is going to help a group of level 15 beat a group of level 50's. Get your noses out of Bioware's butts. No other MMORPG has a system like this. Yes there are other systems where you are bolstered but no there are no other games where levels 10's are in with level 50's. It is quite obvious to me that Bioware has spent very little time on pvp. Edited by Kwll
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So your solution is Unbolstered brackets with long queue times... I actually like to be able to do WFs when I feel like it and this works and I can... So change it for what? Brackets that you can then complain that another class is better than yours in that bracket? I am yet to see a solid reason for brackets or that bolstering is bad. Just ppl crying cause they are not better then someone who has put in more effort....


nope bolsterd brackets




10-25 would bolster you to lvl 25 excludeing gear and abilitys


if your impatient then thats your problem. people should not have to suffer because of it.

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As i said, this system will not be getting changed no matter how many little ***** posts you manage to put out. Learn to adapt, play, level up or move on. You aren't gonna change anything and all that whining only makes you look like you need to l2p and quit ************, end of story.


he bolstering system may not be perfect, but bracket's are far from perfect aswell. Stick with wow and let the none *****er's play the game like adults, kthxbye.


you cant addapt, to addapt id have to be lvl 50 with the same abilitys and traits/passives and gear etc



this is why bolsterd lvl brackets need to be adding in warzones

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Long que times lol thats what cross server queue's are for. Thats not an excuse for this awul system. Seriously rift which was probably made on 1/10th the budget of this game had cross server queues, bolster, and ten levels bracket queues, and almost instant pops at release and the instanced pvp experience was way better then this game is ON DAY ONE. Edited by Kwll
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dont mind if i do


"There is a reason why WOW pvp battlegrounds sucked


There is another reason why SWTOR warzones suck too


To this date, WAR and RIFTS Scenarios were the best thing ever created...i wonder why "


While WoW had one extreme, 'Twinking' new players to the brackets often found themselves as 'gankbait' for the lvl 19s, 29s,39s ETC (you get the picture)


While STWOR has gone to the other end of the extreme with bolster. Bolster on the other hand is a step in the right direction but it only gets you so far



take this video for an example..a lvl 50 IA sniper carving up 10-20ish lvl players in Alderaan


Is thie guy OP? HELL NO, he knows what he is doing, guess who doesn't


Bolster forgets one thing in particular




How many 'new pvpers' now how to deal with a sniper?


How many PVPers know how to deal with a Good Sniper?


on top of


Skills (remember in WOW, how some skills we given at the beginning of new brackets? they would have been deverstating for the lower players in that bracket)


Talent points ( a level 50 will have extra crit chance, lower skill costs, "instant skill' procs)


whats the lower lvl player got? just the base skills



Also the skill sets between the lvls are vastly different,


Whats a lvl 12 IA going to do after he drops a flash bang blinding a group of players? throw a frag grenade


Whats a lvl 50 IA going to do? Drop a fricken Orbital bombardment on that same group, that contains said lvl 12...


What is he meant to do with that?


In come Warhammer and Rift


They solved the bracket issue with Bolster themselves, but RETAINED the brackets making it the most balanced and even PVP battlegrounds that i know of.


Is it too hard to ask for both?


how many low lvl's get the abilitys to deal with the situation none

how many low lvl players can equip lvl 50 gear none

how many low lvl players have a full class speced out none

how many low lvl players have experience to use all the 3 abilitys you get not all



as i keep saying lvl brackets for warzones need adding

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From what I gather this is full of a bunch of lvl 50s who just enjoy destroying lvl 10s. I'm sorry but I'm not asking for wow pvp I'm asking for balance. When I come across someone who is half the lvl I am I basically 3 shot them and it's reversed when I face someone twice as high as me. You say team work trumps lvl but when someone tosses me the ball and a lvl 49 stuns me and drops me in 3 seconds it's not a whole lot of fun.


I have no 50s I have 1 of every class I love pvp I just play with friends in premades and we dont suck. We understand the game mechanics and our classes and we dont expect to have the same abilites as someone higher level who has spent more time and effort on their character cause PvP in most MMOs is progression.


Also experience with dealing with snipers is learnt from getting your butt handed to you by them not by brackets and never seeing them. You only learn how to deal with tactics when you see them and have to work out how to deal with it.

Edited by Purrt
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Every recent game has bolster. Bolster is not an excuse to let level 50's in with level 10's. Do you people really think Bioware was the first dev to come up with Bolster lol. Bolster was in Warhammer and Bolster was in Rift. Those games still have brackets for a 10 level range. Bioware knows better though AM I RITE? Edited by Kwll
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Long que times lol thats what cross server queue's are for. Thats not an excuse for this awul system. Seriously rift which was probably made on 1/10th the budget of this game had cross server queues, bolster, and ten levels bracket queues, and almost instant pops at release and the instanced pvp experience was way better then this game is ON DAY ONE.


i agree with you but not on the game. swtor is more polished than any game ive played but it does have its problems. pve is fine love that but pvp warzones need a few lvl brackets that are bolsterd that is all.


so bolsterd lvl brackets all agree yup :)


10-25 26-39 40-50 <--- perfect lvl brackets

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Every recent game has bolster. Bolster is not an excuse to let level 50's in with level 10's. Do you people really think Bioware was the first dev to come up with Bolster lol. Bolster was in Warhammer and Bolster was in Rift. Those games still have brackets for a 10 level range. Bioware knows better though AM I RITE?


it will most likely get added later for now the low lvl's are not going to be very amused and might even quit because of it which i realy dont want to see players leave because of this :/

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i agree with you but not on the game. swtor is more polished than any game ive played but it does have its problems. pve is fine love that but pvp warzones need a few lvl brackets that are bolsterd that is all.


so bolsterd lvl brackets all agree yup :)


10-25 26-39 40-50 <--- perfect lvl brackets


I disagree. The perfect level brackers are 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 and 50. Seriously I just dont get it the extra abilities and gear are huge. If you implement cross server queuing the pops will be instant. I don't understand why you people like such big spreads. 10 levels has been tried in other games and it works excellently. There is no reason for huge brackets.

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Low level characters simply don't have the utility required to face a level 50 player.


Bolstered brackets solve everything, and if queue times are an issue, then cross server PvP should be implemented. There is no reason not to implement cross server PvP.

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NOOOOOO cross server queues will bring down a rain of fiery brimstone, causing the inevitable crash of this game. I don't know what you guys are doing, but it's the 2nd day of the games live career. If you find that your not doing anything in the WZ then don't do them, i leveled quite a bit through pvp, and through MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, they are very balanced.


And Jediduckling, stop talking out your *** and learn how to troll, your to obvious about it so you can't min/max your trollage.

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Most of you just cant play your class i have done more damage at level 22 bolstered than anyone in my warzones i absolutely devestate anyone one on one. :D i think i could use another cc ability tho that would make me more capable in 2 on 1 fights :p
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PvP warfronts need LvL brackets.


of 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-50


i know joining warfronts increase's your stats but its realy unbalanced and there is a problem as putting a lvl 11 again a lvl 35 that has better gear and more points to add to there specs which a lower rank will not have makeing him an easy kill easy target.


pvp warfront lvl brackets needs implamenting fast



other than that and bounty hunter being majorly OP pvp is fine


Disagree 1000%. I think it your issues may have to do with skill. My level 14 Consular has no problem placing in the top 3 in damage and even healing in every match against 50's. My trooper...Well he has just been owning since he hit 10.

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PvP warfronts need LvL brackets.


of 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-50


i know joining warfronts increase's your stats but its realy unbalanced and there is a problem as putting a lvl 11 again a lvl 35 that has better gear and more points to add to there specs which a lower rank will not have makeing him an easy kill easy target.


pvp warfront lvl brackets needs implamenting fast



other than that and bounty hunter being majorly OP pvp is fine


Agrees with OP, bolster system or no.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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it will most likely get added later for now the low lvl's are not going to be very amused and might even quit because of it which i realy dont want to see players leave because of this :/


Then these low levels just plain suck at PVP and brackets aren't going to make them any better

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NOOOOOO cross server queues will bring down a rain of fiery brimstone, causing the inevitable crash of this game. I don't know what you guys are doing, but it's the 2nd day of the games live career. If you find that your not doing anything in the WZ then don't do them, i leveled quite a bit through pvp, and through MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, they are very balanced.


And Jediduckling, stop talking out your *** and learn how to troll, your to obvious about it so you can't min/max your trollage.


they are not balanced at all bolstering only goes so far and its not enough to make it balanced or fair.


pvp lvl brackets must be added

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Most of you just cant play your class i have done more damage at level 22 bolstered than anyone in my warzones i absolutely devestate anyone one on one. :D i think i could use another cc ability tho that would make me more capable in 2 on 1 fights :p


you cant realy play your class because when your a lower lvl you dont get all your class to play with.

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Disagree 1000%. I think it your issues may have to do with skill. My level 14 Consular has no problem placing in the top 3 in damage and even healing in every match against 50's. My trooper...Well he has just been owning since he hit 10.


i doubt you do in damage but healing you will defunatly as a consular/sage

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