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Are Kolto Jets useful? PVE


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Simple question I tried to heal with it on some FPs and usually I ended with enraged tank yelling I threw one of his mobs away or with heat meter reaching upper levels. I found kolto missile more universal because of it's range and buffs. In some guides I found it described as situational but most gave it in build as "alternative" talent. What do you think? Use it or not?
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I will say don´t use it!

I have been experimenting with it in a few flashpoints and operations and to me it seems to do more harm than good. It can be very frustrating for the tank that the mobs gets pushed around all the time especially if they have been stacked up for aoe damage. Kolto jets are very difficult to position because you only want to hit allies with it and not enemies, since that will push them around or might break a croud controll (because of aoe dmg).

the total healing output from kolto jet throughout a fight is also very small, because of its long cd.


That being said there is few exceptions on bosses in operations where kolto jets can be usefull, but in FP and 8man ops i would recommend not using it.

Edited by NeNiMel
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Don't use it on trash packs. It's really great on bosses though. You're basically talking about a heal which does about 2/3 what Healing Scan can across as many as twenty people as a free instant. That's nothing to sniff at.


Pretty much this. An ideal use would be boss fights where the group stacks on the healer. My only problem with it is that it usually either wastes the heal or the knockback.

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This skill is useful on operation bosses for multiple reasons:



  • It can heal an unlimited amount of players.
  • While it does not heal an absorbent amount its a nice quick AOE burst that can ease some of the pressure in operation encounters.
  • It can cost 0 heat, and this means you have a free unlimited AOE heal that can be used every 30 seconds.


For this reason i use this build in raids. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rfRRR0cdzfGzZMccZb.3


With this build, that Kolto jet aoe heal costs 0 heat and can help towards heat management. I take heat damping over Cure mind because in all nightmare encounters the debuffs can be removed with the standard cleanse, there is no mental only debuffs and i personally do not value the heal on cleanse that highly.


Personally, i don't like the idea that a crowd control move has a heal attached to it but we have to take what we are given and use it to its best capabilities :)

Edited by Bmilwip
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