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My wish for the "Peacekeeper" skill

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I really love Merc healing, it's a very active and engaging style. One of the biggest frustrations though, is the inability to fill time with Rapid Shots when you (the player) are the only one that needs healing. It forces you to use a totally different rhythm when healing yourself.


The "Peacekeeper" skill is not very helpful for this. It's very awkward. I usually don't want Kolto Shell on myself, and even if I do, I really don't want to spend my GCDs spamming Rapid Shots on an enemy to trigger some KShell healing.


It's not that it doesn't sort-of serve the purpose in practice, it's just that's it's very awkward and has way too many 1-2-3 flowchart steps to get it set up. Not to mention, sometimes I have KShell on myself and I really don't want the charges soaked up at like 92% health just because I fill some time with RS. I know this is annoying feedback from players, because it's vague, but... Peacekpeer just doesn't feel good in gameplay.


Here is my wishlist for Peacekeeper, to keep the spirit but make it a lot more fun:

While Combat Support Cylinder is active, using Rapid Shots against an enemy or ally will also cause you to be healed for 100% of your Tech bonus healing.


Basically, when you shoot Rapid Shots at someone else, you also "shoot" Rapid Shots at yourself. But you're still not actually targeting yourself with RS, so it respects whatever animation or technical limitation prevents that currently. This would be a lot smoother and more responsive than the awkward Kolto Shell implementation we currently have.


If necessary you can nerf the Tech Bonus percentage if it's considered "OP", but I really don't think it would be. It would be somewhat similar to World of Warcraft's Resto Shaman talent, which caused X% of your Healing Wave to also heal you when targeting others. Situationally "great" double-healing, but usually nothing too crazy. And it would be fun, and liberating.

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I agree that the Peacekeeper skill is a bit awkward even for pvp, and is all but worthless for pve. At the very least Austin ought to consider flipping Peacekeeper and Bodyguard in the tree, so that the buff to Kolto Shell doesn't require taking the self heal.


I get your idea in concept, and in pve it would be a really unique way for mercs to perhaps even off tank a bit, but I can already see the nerf heals pvp crowd having a real problem with a Bodyguard who can kite ad infinitum while keeping up Kolto Shell, spamming Kolto Missile and self healing for free while dealing damage on the go.

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If merc healers had their own version of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=53563/beacon-of-light, they would be unstoppable.
Yes. Sure. But this isn't anything close to that, since it only affects Rapid Shots, a GCD-locked minor amount of healing and your only solution in-between waiting for Heat dissipation.


Beacon duplicates massive amounts of healing from every single heal in your toolkit, and Paladins are on a Mana system which allows them to burn heals "forever" — much faster than a Merc can put them out without pausing for resource regeneration. It's a significantly different animal and not really appropriate for comparison.


If an Operative can run around with Kolto Probe, Recuperative Nanotech, and a quick-off Kolto Infusion all ticking on them, while giggling and spamming endless Surgical Probes — I don't think hypothetically taking up all your GCDs spamming Rapid Shots on yourself is going to unbalance anything.


You can functionally accomplish nearly the same thing right now by slapping KShell on yourself and using Rapid Shots to burn the extra charges on-cooldown while running in circles. This is just a more intuitive version of that which doesn't punish your tank in PvE.

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