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Make Legacy Level 40+ Mean Something!


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Still not seeing my point. I am not talking about me. I am talking about the whole game and the precedent it sets for them making people pay, whether it be by CC or in-game credits for content that should be included for free. That is my point.

No one's making anyone do anything. That's the point.


You seem to think that I am thinking about me in my comments. I am thinking about the game as a whole. And I am not the only one who thinks this way. If you've read from the beginning of this post or any of the other posts in General Chat about this, then you would see that.

And you and these hypothetical others know what's best for the game? Perhaps I know what's best for the game. Perhaps Andryah knows. Perhaps Darth_Moonshadow knows. Perhaps Lord_Artemis knows. It's rather presumptuous of you to think that your notions are necessarily the best. Wouldn't it be easier for you to just play the game the way you like and ignore the parts you don't like? Or are you one of those people who enjoys finding things to be dissatisfied about?

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Of course I enjoy playing the game. However, it seems my time was wasted. i could just roll F2P today, spend 4 hours getting to level 10 (if even that long) and buy tons of cool stuff on the cartel market. As I said, that trivializes the legacy system.


So the 400 Presence bonus that you got from your Legacy, which turns your companions into demi-gods is now completely trivialized? Plus an additional 100 if you bothered to get a Human to 50. Also trivialized no doubt.

And all because someone new could buy something for real money while you could spend a pittance from your vast fortune of in game money to get it too? :rolleyes:

Maybe the fact that your Heroic moment lasts much longer, and that if you use all your Heroic abilities you can melt an elite enemy in a matter of seconds also got trivialized by the guy with the credit card? Even though he can't actually get THAT.

Don't hide behind excuses like the Legacy system being trivialized - this is a simple matter of "I want the new shiny to be mine exclusively."

Edited by Callaron
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No one's making anyone do anything. That's the point.



And you and these hypothetical others know what's best for the game? Perhaps I know what's best for the game. Perhaps Andryah knows. Perhaps Darth_Moonshadow knows. Perhaps Lord_Artemis knows. It's rather presumptuous of you to think that your notions are necessarily the best. Wouldn't it be easier for you to just play the game the way you like and ignore the parts you don't like? Or are you one of those people who enjoys finding things to be dissatisfied about?


2 of the people you mentioned I respect what they say. And I never once said my notions are the best. I said it is what I believe. And as far as playing the game as is, I do. And I enjoy it. I have met great people on the game and made new friends because of it. There are flaws with it. When you see something is flawed, don't you want to see it get fixed or get better? You would just settle?

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The lack of reward for time spent into a system that was DESIGNED as a reward for time spent system is what burns me.


This. I was hoping that the legacy system would turn into an "alternate advancement" system like Everquest, and that it would have significance at end game. But maybe my expectations were too high.

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Quite obvious that some of you haven't played a game with advancement past level 50 other than strictly gear. Break free of the "warcraft mentality" and think about what legacy could have been. It's an empty promise, currently, but I guess that's ok with most people. Edited by Insidion
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Quite obvious that some of you haven't played a game with advancement past level 50 other than strictly gear. Break free of the "warcraft mentality" and think about what legacy could have been. It's an empty promise, currently, but I guess that's ok with most people.


Legacy was always meant as a bonus to those who've played a lot, without giving them a gigantic advantage that the more casual gamers could never hope to achieve.

And that is pretty much the reason most MMO's stay away from something that only really rewards those that are online 16 hours a day.

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There are flaws with it. When you see something is flawed, don't you want to see it get fixed or get better? You would just settle?

It's a game. Who cares? It's not worth getting upset over. That's what I don't get. It's either worth playing or it's not. If it is, just play it. If it's not, move on to something else.

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I don't have a single issue with them making Treeba or other companions available on the CM. The problem and uproar comes from the very real issue of them not doing ANYTHING to push the legacy system forward. It just kind of half arse came into existance with 1.2, left us all thinking it had a ton of potential... and then nothing. There is zero incentive really to connect toons via legacy, or to level legacy at all. The devs have done nothing to promote a system that was originally intended to reward players for time spent in game, and now this is the result. The outcry isn't over treeba being on the CM (or at least, it shouldnt be), the outcry is that in over a year they managed to only add one thing to legacy (Treeba) and then it was immediately turned into just another one of many empty or broken promises made by BW to the community.
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Give everyone who bought Treek through CM an option to switch on the Credit sign over Treek's head as a symbol so we all know they are awesome with their money. Give everyone who bought Treek with their Legacy and credits an option to switch on the Infinity sign over Treek's head as a symbol so we all know they are awesome with their time. :)
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Give everyone who bought Treek through CM an option to switch on the Credit sign over Treek's head as a symbol so we all know they are awesome with their money. Give everyone who bought Treek with their Legacy and credits an option to switch on the Infinity sign over Treek's head as a symbol so we all know they are awesome with their time. :)


He hee, that just might work lol. :cool:

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  • 6 months later...

Legacy Prestige is what I think would benefit the game, and in the long run, it would ALSO expand the profit stream of EA.


I understand both sides here. I myself would also like Legacy to mean something in some way that, well, means something. So far, though I myself do buy some things for CC's, my purchases must adhere to a personal 'code' according to my Legacy itself. For instance, one of my legacy characters was born into wealth, so on occasion, she might loan freely to certain others in my Legacy.


So far, one thing that DOES in fact have me looking forward to legacy 40, is the ability to purchase Mercenary contracts and do the missions, which cost 1,000,000. credits, and which, as far I know, can NOT be bought with CC's. To me, 'Legacy' would (or should) equate to the 'gravity' of 'experience'. Like when I see, for instance, a 'General' or a 'Special Forces' soldier, or even a master woodcraftsman, all of whom somehow 'exude' palpable energy, energy from a depth of experience I guess.


Therefore, Legacy MISSIONS might be cool. If there were say, a specific Mission at every single legacy, with Major legacy missions, say, every five, and ten, it could be really cool. Also, I know it's kind of reaching, but, if you could potentially access certain rare gear ONLY once and never again, and make it absolutely bind on pickup, well, it just might be a great way to solve this dilemma, and appease EVERY one....including the more 'prestige' oriented players.


I usually don't leave replies, but I do read quite a few posts...mostly to learn . Legacy should have some type of real, palpable / actual 'weight' to it. The way it currently ties in with the CC's is totally valid. Without a healthy profit stream, this game could not exist, in which case nobody would even have the opportunity to complain.


'Legacy Prestige'...? Anyone else think it's a good idea..? I don't think ANY one would mind accessing some kind of 'Prestige' . I agree, playing the game IS in fact it's own reward, and yet, accessing 'Prestige' is not being vain or egomaniacal. Prestige is potentially cool.

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No, just the legacy system past a certain level no longer has a specific value. In fact with this character, level 40 DOES actually mean something if you refuse to buy cartel coins.


The entire system is not trivialized.


wait wait wait, are you suggesting we don't have to dump money into this game for every trivial little thing offered on the CM? Mind = Blown


yeah i'm not dumping in any more than my sub money into the game.so i'm going to have to wait until i hit legacy level 40 to get treek, and im fine with that, heck im getting quality time with HK before i supposedly will never care about a companion other than treek, as treek users always comment to me "you will never use a companion other than treek once you get her".


as for cashgrabs in the CM, im not concerned as long as it doesn't break balance, Bioware needs a lot of cash to allow them to keep running SWTOR and don't mind them running Cashgrabs as long as it doesnt break balance. now if they allow a Special Stim/armorkit/whoseywhatty that will allow a player to ROFLSTOMP everything in their path for only Cartel Coins, then i would be pissed. because its the P2W system that is my enemy.

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So far, one thing that DOES in fact have me looking forward to legacy 40, is the ability to purchase Mercenary contracts and do the missions, which cost 1,000,000. credits, and which, as far I know, can NOT be bought with CC's.


lol Mercenary Contracts, dude that is what gets you the Treek Companion, and IT IS available on the CM. so im afraid your dreams of special mercenary missions must be obtained elsewhere (Bounty Hunter week?)


as for prestige, well i think the main point was that you get legacy missions similar to the mercenary contract which i just invalidated. you might need to clarify your idea there more if there is more to it.

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Thanx Golanx for filling me in. Guess my bubble is burst. Being ignorant is sometimes bliss until someone fills you in... Oh well. Anyway....I still think that there could somehow be a way to inject some form of palpaple prestige into Legacy. Imagine if Merc. contracts WERE in the game and ONLY available, say, at Legacy level 40 and beyond. They'd have to be somehow a lot tougher than Kingpin bounties etc. Also, as I said, perhaps some type of Legacy Missions might be fun. To avoid predictability, say, they could be random to a degree, perhaps from a pool of 5 or ten...so you'd kind of never really know which one you'd roll out. That way you'd have a degree of actual excitement, which is usually taken away before hand due to everyone knowing everything in advance all the time....etc.


In any case, the only real solution here WOULD be to eliminate ALL possibility to obtain specific things / items / missions outside of attaining a certain high Legacy level. I'll have to give it some more thought. Well...I guess there's no reason for me to look forward to Legacy level 40 anymore. It would have been cool.

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Level 40? I've been waiting for almost two years for legacy level 50 to mean something. Guess I got a title when I resubbed last Nov. after almost all of last year off but, like so many other ideas that got implemented in this game... legacy is just flapping in the wind.


What's the family tree for? Idk but I used it to link my toons once for no good reason.


What is inheritance and birthright gear for? Idk but I've done nothing but destroy them all.


Legacy vendors were good to buy gear that allowed you to trade bound mods within legacy but the gear design overall is pretty awful to look at. (like ~60-70% of the gear in game and yes, that's my opinion but what genius puts antennas on knee-pads and gloves or hood ornaments on hats?)

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Hey Mokkh... Funny, I do the very same thing with my inheritance certs. Straight to the trash bin. It's all god awful, which is really too bad. So when my mission crits come back with inheritance gear certs., I't's like, crap...more garbage, at least give me another mission and get rid of this useless, ugly crap. Makes no sence, heck, the gear from legacy certs isn't even nice enough to give to my companions. It seems to me, that the way things are designed in quite a few area's of the game, they are purposefully making is so that you simply MUST use CC's IF you want any degree of nice looking gear while leveling. But even in that case, heck, I'm really surprised that they don't design gear that is ACTUALLY really nice to look at. Sure, there are a few nice pieces...but really only a few. I myself could design some gear that would be FAR better looking....???


Anyway, nice to know that I'm not the only one who tosses supposedly valuable stuff in the garbage. Can't even sell them either....even a grand or two might be somewhat better than the way it is now. But on the positive side, I still like playing the game. I don't even bother with my family tree either. There's no real point to it the way it is. There's no incentive, no nothing.

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Hey Mokkh... Funny, I do the very same thing with my inheritance certs. Straight to the trash bin. It's all god awful, which is really too bad. So when my mission crits come back with inheritance gear certs., I't's like, crap...more garbage, at least give me another mission and get rid of this useless, ugly crap. Makes no sence, heck, the gear from legacy certs isn't even nice enough to give to my companions. It seems to me, that the way things are designed in quite a few area's of the game, they are purposefully making is so that you simply MUST use CC's IF you want any degree of nice looking gear while leveling. But even in that case, heck, I'm really surprised that they don't design gear that is ACTUALLY really nice to look at. Sure, there are a few nice pieces...but really only a few. I myself could design some gear that would be FAR better looking....???


Anyway, nice to know that I'm not the only one who tosses supposedly valuable stuff in the garbage. Can't even sell them either....even a grand or two might be somewhat better than the way it is now. But on the positive side, I still like playing the game. I don't even bother with my family tree either. There's no real point to it the way it is. There's no incentive, no nothing.


Ditto that man, love the game (not that it doesn't have its flaws) but what a waste of implementation.

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If you want something that would be a godsend in this game. Once you hit Legacy level max, you can do what my Mentor System idea is. take a look ;)


Ha, I remember reading that post in 2012 just like i recognize your name (i think from even before launch but am a bit hazy). That is indeed a good idea and would promote interconnections within the playerbase.



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If you want something that would be a godsend in this game. Once you hit Legacy level max, you can do what my Mentor System idea is. take a look ;)


having read your Mentor system, i like the idea with one major exception. at level 20 i can one shot most enemies on the starter planets drag my level 55 in and the apprentice will have a hard time keeping up while never getting to land a hit, i personally don't like someone to do all the work for me, i reject having high levels help me when i'm low, i don't get to do anything and they are likely bored just plowing through like a bulldozer i cant be the only one who likes to play where there is the chance i might die.


so the 55 would need separate missions, or they can work together and the lowbie gets bolstered, albeit especially with a 1-10 there would still be no way to equate the power. taking this into account also only fixes instanced missions, how do you fix the Open world where the 55 can smash the trash mobs, and run the side-quests in 2 seconds


my best thought of how you could work it would be as the mentor would be on par if not a replacement of the players master (Jedi Master Orgus, Yuan, Havoc Squad Commander Tavus, Darth Baras, Lord Zash, Keeper, idk who for Smug and BH) in this case the Mentor would work speratly from the Mentee like for the inquisitor while your acolyte is searching the tombs you search through the archives in the Korriban academy (puzzle mission) to translate the texts your acolyte is bringing


just some of my ideas, perhaps if you could clarify how you believe the missions would go?

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