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Ship Customization: What do Players want?


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You know? I have seen people say. "Player Housing!" "New Ships!" "Clickable Beds!" But I don't think we have ever had a post where we try and gather our ideas for Ship Customization, and what it should be. Bioware said, That before they even consider any form of non ship player housing, they would add severe upgrades to ship customization so please don't say Player Housing on planets.


Something as little as being able paint our ship, change the lighting, on the ship, to more advanced features.




This is what I see when I think of Ship Customization options.


*Able to Unlock Class Ships and use the said ship. Ability to buy new ships via C.M.

*Companion Placement, Able to control what pre chosen spots you want X companion to be on your ship.

*Furniture optimization, Ability to add, remove, change furniture to your ship.

*Clickable Bed.

*Clickable Doors to Player Bedroom.

*Activate able Kolto Chamber.

*Change the colors of the Ship Blasters.

*Change the lighting in the Ship, Different colors, dim switch.

*Themed Toy items. Holocrons, Clickable Djarrik(?) game table to see things play around on, Force Altar,

*Closet to put the ship droid in and never see again.

*Change the paint job on the ship's exterior.

*Seeker Droid can find relics to add to the Toy items on ship. Credits to the idea to chuixupu

*A non summon able ship companion which is a mannequin that holds a set of armor.

*Mod Station to apply augment slots. Credits to the idea to Claerie




What do you guys want as a Ship Customization.

Edited by Magnusheart
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*Closet to put the ship droid in and never see again.


*chuckles* Yes, please!!!! ;)


Anyway: a shelf for something collectable, perhaps? Silly but... well,. it's collecting ;).

A hangar to park and show at least some of your speeders

A room for your pets to be placed in.


All silly, useless, but somehow I'd think it fun ^^.

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Defiantly would love to see this!


The ability to customize ships interior and exterior would be amazing! Somewhere to show achievements, pets speeders love all the ideas!


there would be two ways in which this would happen. Either with a huge update were they revamp the whole space mechanics and allow free roam ships. So that ships become a worthy investment it would only be logical that they would add these features in as a new niche in the cartel market.


Or as a social expansion pack like the hutt cartel were you would buy the expansion for set amount of cartel coins in order to add the social aspect of your ship.


If they brought it out any sooner i dont think anyone would buy any packs from the cartel market such as ships or decoration packs as our ships are pretty much useless at the moment.

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I spend most of the time at my ship , using the mailbox and GTN to make some credits :rak_01: So I`ll love the idea to paint my ship or change the interior inside.


ps: oh , and the mailbox and GTN on the Defender are too far away from each other , so if I can move things around would be gread and spare me the running like crazy up and down the stairs :D

Edited by iankalo
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All these have been said, but I wholeheartedly agree:


1) The ability to place where your Companions are located and ideally even the ability to set their stance or give them a limited animation. I'd love to have Xalek and Ashara sparring in the cargobay of my Inq's ship, even if its just a loop of the same three or four slash/block motions, have Vette leaning against a wall with her arms crossed on my SW's, have people sitting in the co-pilots' chairs, etc. Heck, they can put some of the non-standard stances/animation loops on the CM to monetize this whole thing.


2) Ability to change the outside colors of the ship. It'd be best if you could just change all the colors by using sliders in a menu, but if that's too much, just add a customization slot in the Ship's gear tab the way companions have and release a few preset looks (another potential CM item if it's the only way to see it happen).


3) Ability to add/move/replace furniture. Things like paintings, different style chairs/couches, a dejarik (holochess) table, sith and jedi relics. Some class-specific ones would be great, such as the Ratkata Mind Trap that plays into one Inq. companion's questline, or a bounty target frozen in carbonite for the BH.


4) Further down the line, I agree that we should get the ability to swap ship models between legacy characters, or get a new ship that becomes available through an HK-style questline.

Edited by DarthDymond
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All I want is to be able to pick which ship type I own. The bounty hunter ship is ***-ugly, so please let me get rid of it - even if it's just from the outside.


Yeah, how about cleaning supply customizations? BH interior looks like the inside of a septic tank, or some of my apartments years ago.

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You know? I have seen people say. "Player Housing!" "New Ships!" "Clickable Beds!" But I don't think we have ever had a post where we try and gather our ideas for Ship Customization, and what it should be. Bioware said, That before they even consider any form of non ship player housing, they would add severe upgrades to ship customization so please don't say Player Housing on planets.


Something as little as being able paint our ship, change the lighting, on the ship, to more advanced features.




This is what I see when I think of Ship Customization options.


*Able to Unlock Class Ships and use the said ship. Ability to buy new ships via C.M.

*Companion Placement, Able to control what pre chosen spots you want X companion to be on your ship.

*Furniture optimization, Ability to add, remove, change furniture to your ship.

*Clickable Bed.

*Clickable Doors to Player Bedroom.

*Activate able Kolto Chamber.

*Change the colors of the Ship Blasters.

*Change the lighting in the Ship, Different colors, dim switch.

*Themed Toy items. Holocrons, Clickable Djarrik(?) game table to see things play around on, Force Altar,

*Closet to put the ship droid in and never see again.

*Change the paint job on the ship's exterior.




What do you guys want as a Ship Customization.


I would love to see all of this happen.


My main thing is having the ability to use any ship I want for any class I want. I hate being stuck with one ship based on my class. We also need a lot more ships to choose from and to have them all craftable by the players as part of the Crew Skills. Maybe even a new Crew Skill entirely.


The second main thing is customizing the interior buy placing all types of items from furniture to armor and even speeders, pets, and even companions where ever I like. That would go a long way to satisfying my desires for any type of player housing. After all as a smuggler my ship is my home.


Those to main areas of improvements would be enough to satisfy my for some time in regards to Ship Customization. :p

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What do you guys want as a Ship Customization.


I know a lot of people want something like this, however I don't care for it.


I'm not inviting others to my ship, it's used for me to get from A to B and then I leave it. I don't spend time there.


I'm not saying, 'BW don't spend your time on this." I just know it something I care nothing for.

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@ OP


Ship customization, or at least skins where in the game with Alpha/Beta. Before launch it was taken out of the game with no explanations at all. All EAware kept telling us during the final days of Beta was that they would add it back shortly after launch...


It's better to assume that this won't happen along with virtually any promise or idea EAware creates.


Sadly TOR won't be nearly as good as SWG in this aspect and many others.

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If bw didn't make the ability to customise your ship during development then they are daft. Its the perfect thing to be in a space flight themed expansion. I'm sure they had skins for your ship during beta testing. I bet they tookot out with the intention to add it as an expansion.


Also I totally agree with op suggestions I'm all for ship customisation. They could make a lot of decent quests to get new exterior interior items.

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Your list is fine OP. Anything too much and they're wasting their time. I love the idea of customization, I truly want player housing...but this game has a lot of other much more pressing issues right now. Player housing should have been in from the start.
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Here are the things I would like to see


*New paintjobs

*Companion Placement: (for a military ship, my Trooper's crew is woefully unprepared for an ambush with no one in the cockpit.) This would include prechosen locations and basic animations (what the comps do now + a few others like sitting) with new locations and animations being available on the CM. And while we're at it, move the droid to an out-of-the-way corner of the ship and give him a cleaning animation; save us the time of having to do it ourselves.

*Furniture Optimization: Runs into "Clickable Panels" below. Clickable things like dejarrik tables, weapon racks, and prisoner cells that run animations like the table setting itself for a game, picking up a weapon and checking it (the blaster preview animation is what I imagine), and turning the cell's energy walls on and off.

*Lighting Change: Pretty self-explanatory, just changes the color of the ship's interior lighting. This includes dimmer versions as well as "brighter" versions (by this I mean Klingon-like ship lighting where the whole room is washed in the color).

*Clickable panels: Kinda like the Bengel Morr messages on the JK ship (which I never noticed until Voss). Pretty much just some panels we can click that run animations or short cutscenes (like the beginning of the Makeb storyline) so it seems that we can do stuff on the ship. Could have a lot of fun with this: A clickable panel that makes the lights flicker for a few seconds before the resident mechanic yells at us would be pretty funny.

*Clickable panels (Class-based mission): This is for if they released this as it's own separate Game Update or part of a space-based expansion, but maybe having a panel that is a mix of the space mission panel, the crew skills mission list, and the Bounty Week Event. Basically, a panel that gives us a list of weekly missions that are class-specific (smuggling runs for the smuggler, black ops for the trooper, espionage for the IA, bounties for the BH, etc. etc.). However, unlike the space mission panel the list is like the crew skills mission list - it's randomized so that we aren't given the exact same list every week.

*Clickable Bed: I never use this room because it has no purpose. Maybe make the bed clickable with a romantic scene of PC + LI (like them cuddling or something)? It would also give the illusion that the romance doesn't stop as soon as you run through the comp's convos.

*Change ship blaster's colors: This one should be a no-brainer.

Edited by Ireul
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I don't care too much about customizing the interior of the ship, but would like more options for the space fighter mini-game (particularly for classes with ships I can't stand). Would be a minimum of effort on their part as they could leave the 'travelling' ship alone and just pretend you have a fighter you use for the cause.
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*chuckles* Yes, please!!!! ;)


Anyway: a shelf for something collectable, perhaps? Silly but... well,. it's collecting ;).

A hangar to park and show at least some of your speeders

A room for your pets to be placed in.


All silly, useless, but somehow I'd think it fun ^^.


that was a rather amusing unexpected reward to reading his post :p

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All I can say is look at Star Trek Online. All the customization for your ship in it would be great to see in SWTOR... Granted, when I want space battles I play STO, ground fun I play SWTOR because lets face it, rail shooters get old very, very, very fast.
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I would really like to see ships with different stats and each ship having its own special ability.


The Smuggler ship could have the ability to set its gun to automatic for a set period of time for instance.

Let the Bounty Hunter ship drop mines.

Agent ship deserves a short span cloaking device in my opinion.


Just a bunch of little things like that. I can see that balance could be somewhat of an issue, but unless they add PvP content I dont think it will be much of a problem.

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