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Pre-Hutt Cartel Arsenal Merc Battlemaster here... Have things changed?


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Hey guys,


Just a quick background (like many of these threads start)... I played BETA, early access, and played non-stop for the first few months this game was booming. I mained an Arsenal Mercenary and achieved Battlemaster as one of the first on my server the long, grindy way (for whatever that's worth). I understand that there are further progressions that have surpassed Battlemaster, but I played PvP and learned this class from front to back.



Arsenal Mercenary was kind of broken. A stationary turret that had zero chance against melee... All you could really do is knock them off the ledge and run away, or simply just die trying to kite. I recently started playing again and started a Sorc (I'm having a blast by the way, currently LvL 20). But I was wanting to ask, have they fixed us in high level, competitve PvP? Are we worth coming back to playing (for PvP)?



Let me say that I loved played an Arsenal Mercenary back in the day and I definitely held my own by being near the top of the charts in damage, but due to gap closers and our lack of get-aways... Arsenal Mercenary definitely had a cealing.

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