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Commando Rep 3 Questions Discussion

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i already did :p



i think there's still some confusion about what my suggestion would entail, so here's a better breakdown:


it would be a summation of players concerns and perceptions of the class and things we would like to see changed.


then followed by an actual question (ie: a sentence that ends in a ?) that asks about the design intent that brought us here and what sorts of things they're planning for the future to address player perception and alleviate concerns for the listed issues.


there's only one very insignificant difference between what a question that does and one that doesn't ask about it. so, for what i did for my edit for cashogy's healing question was very simple and as you can see, does not detract from the question at all:




in fact, i would consider it necessary to actually be able to address our concerns.


We can agree to disagree on how necessary it is, given the kind of conversation we seem to expect from the devs on this. It's not like I've been arguing for short questions so might as well throw it in. Might even get us an answer /shrug

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Sorry, I'm kinda confused now. Were these questions (or any others for that matter) answered for the Commando class ? I can't find them. And then they putting the class representative thing on hold now until 2.5.


Did I miss something ?


Assassin and Mercenary questions will be the last ones answered for the time being. All other ACs that have not had their questions answered will have to wait until after 2.5. Class reps and unanswered questions will be on hold until after 2.5 because that's when Bioware plans to have done another round of balancing to all the ACs. They will bring back class reps and answer questions for the ACs that didn't get done yet after that round of balancing.


Commando is one of the ACs that get to wait. We will see answers for our mirror AC, the Mercenary, some time Soon though.

Edited by BobaFaceroll
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Solid questions Kylynn. I think if the devs added a talent box (like gunnery/arsenal currently has) for Body-Guard/Combat-Medic healers having their Energy Shield cooldown lowered every time they are hit, it would greatly increase the utility and use of the class. This would allow Healer Merc/Commandos to have their uninterpretable energy shield available to them more often.


As for the Utility skills like TSO and KO and what not, I agree the cooldowns are insanely long and hopefully the devs can do something about them.

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1. Commando Combat Medic

Our current situation as a combat medic in an 8 man is that our overall hps if lacking severely due to lack of proper aoe heals. Due to this lack we are pigeoned into only healing on 16 mans or farm content. For 8 man nightmare operations they are viable yes however far worse choice than any other healer due to aoe viability and overall healing output. which plans do you have to fix the overall raid healing role rather than only tank healing?


2. Commando in general

Our current energy management is a bit too tight especially so in PVE content. Several healers have been saying that there is no point in even using supercharge due to the lack of energy regen thus any class advantages there are to using supercharge become next to useless. Gunnery/Assault suffers from these aspects


3 left blank for pvp issues.

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Hey everyone,


Unfortunately I am the bearer of bad news today. It looks like the Combat Team will need some more time to finish your questions, so we will be posting these next week. While it may seem like a quick and easy thing to answer these questions, the team wants to make sure you receive thorough answers, which does take time. I understand this is not ideal, but we appreciate your patience and apologize for the delay!


Oh Lawd! LOL

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Every other round: done in 1 week or less.


Shadow + Merc: 2+ weeks.



I just dont get it. Even with some crazy in depth responses how could it take 2+ weeks worth of work to put these answers together?


they have 2 options, admit class balance is messed up and they have done nothing, making them sound like incompetent idiots.

or deny the problem and get another h2f/perception problem. theyre probably deciding which is better

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I think Commandos need the Tooltip mercenaries have, we have no indicator on our bar saying x/100 energy cells or what percentage of cells are lost.


I've been leveling up a Merc and its vacation, not having to memorize the cost of each ability.


Honestly I have never had a problem on my Commando with this. I did main a Merc for basically a full year, and I never really looked at the number on the heat resource bar. I usually just glance at the bar in general; you can what your heat/ammo is at just by glancing at how much of the bar is filled/depleted.


I do think they should be the same since they are supposed to be mirrored, but its just nitpicking and there are probably 100 things I would recommend fixing first.

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Completely disagree, next to the set bonus its the most important issue for me. Just glancing at the bar doesnt work for me, i need to know the exact energy Level to maximize dps.


I would have to agree with Cass, after playing the commando class for the past year, you can just sense what your energy is like from your rotation at a quick glance. This issue is not game breaking when compared to previously in which rounding errors in the Commando ammo scheme actually meant the Mercenary would have more energy to use abilities and could use them sooner when compared with commandos.

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I would have to agree with Cass, after playing the commando class for the past year, you can just sense what your energy is like from your rotation at a quick glance.[/Quote] Of course you can guess but its never 100% perfect. I used a overlay software to indicate critical energy levels on my Commandos, its a completely different game if you can see whether you have 75 or 76 ammo left. Its invaluable in a heated boosfight.


This issue is not game breaking when compared to previously in which rounding errors in the Commando ammo scheme actually meant the Mercenary would have more energy to use abilities and could use them sooner when compared with commandos.

I wouldnt disagree with that but to me its one of the most important issuses remaining.

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Simply coming from a Combat Medic in PvP players perspective, these are my issues. (I am rolling a Gunnery ATM so I may come back)


It's not much but these two go hand in hand sort of:

1. If BioWare won't nerf healing, then buff Mando healing. I want Trauma Probe to be spread around like Slow-release Medpac and Force Armor. It makes sense, they get HoT's, we should get HoT's.

2. We need a point in our tree that reduces the cost of Medical Probe. To have a healing ability cost the same through all three trees isn't good. I know that AMP reduces the cost by 8, but it's still got a CD. Seers get A)Reduced Force cost on Deliverance by 4, and again by another 30%. B) Reduced cost of Salvation by 30%, and C) Reduced Force cost of Force Armor by 30 Force. Scoundrels get a reduced cost of Kolto Cloud by 4 and SRM by 6, which makes it easy for them to spam it and when things get heavy, use KC. Yes I know there isn't a Energy reduction on UM or KP, but like they hardly use it anymore.


I honestly think Combat Medic is a great class and it's my favorite healer, but it needs really only one thing to help, and that's a Ammo reduction on Med Probe, because that's what we rely on so heavily.

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Gut Frontline Medic. Replace with the following functionality...


2 point talent

Allows you to place Trauma Probe on 1/2 additional targets.

Every time Trauma Probe heals a target you regenerate 2/4 Ammo.


The more people take damage, the more ammo you regen. Better ammo management when your team is under heavy pressure (when we need it), and more proactive healing, without making our ammo meter something we can simply ignore in a single target healing situation.


Just a thought.

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Random late night thought time: having full auto, rather than costing 16 cells upfront, drain cells every second it is channeled to the same overall cost.


Largely because it stands more to reason that it'd work that way, and also because I've long grown tired of having to cancel my full auto as soon as I start it (or near enough to be noticably detremental) because of Random Target Boss Mechanic or the like and effectively wasting the cells. And as resource twitchy and reliant on regular full auto casts as gunnery is, I'll take what I can get.

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I would have to agree with Cass, after playing the commando class for the past year, you can just sense what your energy is like from your rotation at a quick glance. This issue is not game breaking when compared to previously in which rounding errors in the Commando ammo scheme actually meant the Mercenary would have more energy to use abilities and could use them sooner when compared with commandos.


I would kill for that ammo display actually. As tight as ammo management is in PVE, you'd be pretty shocked what a difference a little change like that would make. Actually KNOWING you're gonna dip into mid-tier regen or not, I know you PVPers don't see it as a big deal, but trust me I was very pleased when they said it should be simple to give us that display.

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Resource management is not that difficult, just a matter of getting into the swing of a rotation.


Recent changes to commando Assault are actually quite fantastic, but I still think we need one thing.

Healing Debuff. We went a good three patches after launch without an interrupt, I also really do not understand while a pure ranged DPS class does not have an ability to keep healing from completely wasting them.


Marauders, Sentinels, Guardians, Juggernauts, Snipers, Gunslingers. All these classes have an ability to limit the amount of healing a target can receive ( Which funny enough, is horribly unbalanced considering the massive buff healing has gotten in this game ). Commandos should be able to bring that utility to the table as well.


I just find it funny we're forced to lug around massive cannons that almost scream "this will hurt" but compared to Gunslingers taking pot shots with two tiny blasters, both in PvP and PvE, we're a rather lame rDPS.


Good job on the top tier Assault Change though, working fantastic.

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Resource management is not that difficult, just a matter of getting into the swing of a rotation.


Recent changes to commando Assault are actually quite fantastic, but I still think we need one thing.

Healing Debuff. We went a good three patches after launch without an interrupt, I also really do not understand while a pure ranged DPS class does not have an ability to keep healing from completely wasting them.


Marauders, Sentinels, Guardians, Juggernauts, Snipers, Gunslingers. All these classes have an ability to limit the amount of healing a target can receive ( Which funny enough, is horribly unbalanced considering the massive buff healing has gotten in this game ). Commandos should be able to bring that utility to the table as well.


I just find it funny we're forced to lug around massive cannons that almost scream "this will hurt" but compared to Gunslingers taking pot shots with two tiny blasters, both in PvP and PvE, we're a rather lame rDPS.


Good job on the top tier Assault Change though, working fantastic.


Well, the classes that have heal debuff can't heal! It's a part of our utility (jk).

And yes, love the new assault changes. Though it's not quite enough, as it laks the REAl burst that gunnery brings (I'm talking the 25k damage burst here). BUT, assault is great to kite and solo marauders with (again) :D

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Resource management is not that difficult, just a matter of getting into the swing of a rotation.


Recent changes to commando Assault are actually quite fantastic, but I still think we need one thing.

Healing Debuff. We went a good three patches after launch without an interrupt, I also really do not understand while a pure ranged DPS class does not have an ability to keep healing from completely wasting them.


Marauders, Sentinels, Guardians, Juggernauts, Snipers, Gunslingers. All these classes have an ability to limit the amount of healing a target can receive ( Which funny enough, is horribly unbalanced considering the massive buff healing has gotten in this game ). Commandos should be able to bring that utility to the table as well.


I just find it funny we're forced to lug around massive cannons that almost scream "this will hurt" but compared to Gunslingers taking pot shots with two tiny blasters, both in PvP and PvE, we're a rather lame rDPS.


Good job on the top tier Assault Change though, working fantastic.


Most of the resource management complaints come from Gunnery and Combat Medic.


Additionally, only Sent/Mara and Sniper/Slinger can inflict the trauma debuff. Guardians and Jugss are, as far as I know, unable to put a trauma debuff on the enemy. Or at least I seem to have missed that on my jugg. The relevant Sentinel ability is Pacify and is specific to that AC.

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Most of the resource management complaints come from Gunnery and Combat Medic.


Additionally, only Sent/Mara and Sniper/Slinger can inflict the trauma debuff. Guardians and Jugss are, as far as I know, unable to put a trauma debuff on the enemy. Or at least I seem to have missed that on my jugg. The relevant Sentinel ability is Pacify and is specific to that AC.


You're right, I was confusing my saber throws.

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Gut Frontline Medic. Replace with the following functionality...


2 point talent

Allows you to place Trauma Probe on 1/2 additional targets.

Every time Trauma Probe heals a target you regenerate 2/4 Ammo.


The more people take damage, the more ammo you regen. Better ammo management when your team is under heavy pressure (when we need it), and more proactive healing, without making our ammo meter something we can simply ignore in a single target healing situation.


Just a thought.


I love this idea.

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