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Who do you hate to see in PvP?


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Got some great games on my jugg today, shoutout to Death-Sentence for some of those games.


As well to the guys in Bro, they have a couple players that can actually play thier classes well like Dig'it, makes matches more enjoyable when your enemies arent completely stupid :D

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Who said I had to be on the other team to refuse to heal you. ;)


Oh sooooooo TRRUUUUEEE... but Squirrels and Myessa aren't around it looks like i have to L2flirt to get you to heal me.


We had some good matches last night teaming up with DeathSmile and KungFu... it was all derpage until you guys started queueing up. Our backs were starting to hurt carrying people.. haha.

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Got to say in general i hate to see Bamacare and deathsmile in huttball. Only beat them in randoms when our team was pretty stacked, which on the pub side is becoming less and less common now days.


Woops, Death Smile, Feeling Cute Staying cute, Feeling Cute Staying Cute (would say wanted but not sure if I have run into them... or I have and my memory is bad:o) have got some premades that can make the going hard. I got to say while Unconquered has some good players they tend to either be too healing or too tanking heavy (does anyone other than Deebs dps when running with Kyarrra) in the premades they run, but Kyarra has learnt the act of not being noticed super quickly, unless somoene on her team is stupid enough to e-mote her before the wz starts. Or it was a civil war and she was flagged before she landed.


On the pub sides, I get happy when there are people in the wz who hit as many buttons as I do in 30 seconds in the entire wz... But some of the usual suspects still around...

*IT... well lets face it is it just Cielo, but he is arguably best pub pvper... by a long margin

*Gray Order - still bring up some decent pvp teams from time to time

*Carnage Gamging - have a few pvpers who do quite good, but often see them queuing in 1s and 2s

*Undercon - has some good pvpers, mainly from Krath's group... so sad to see Cjuice not seem to pvp anymore

*Eternal - still got some decent pvpers... just need more deeps as opposed to stacking heals/tanks

*OMGpink - dont run into them often but they are still around and normally bring some decent pvpers to the table

*BMU - still got some guildies that pvp a bit but not so much since 2.0 hit, kind of wish there was no bolster at 55 myself but got to make do with what there is

*The odd random players not in above listed guilds, there are good pvpers not in the above guilds but they tend to be few and far between...

*and to be honest I would take kill squad, wook over most of the randoms in wzs... especially kill squad coz they dont tend to have an attitude

*Can I say I miss churb:eek:


I kind of wish there was more competititveness in non-ranekd wz atm as it seems to be either steam roll one way or the other... not a lot of matches going the distance... I particularly dont like civil war change, have not seen a close wz since it happened.

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I play mostly Imp side with my GF. Her and i Q togther. The odd time we also have another RL friend Q if he's online. Non ranked.



So Pubs we dont generally look forward to playing are:


Wook: Only because they are organzied and have some annoying tactics. IF we have a someone decent team, they are easy to shut down if you work well together. Sadly PUGs dont listen. Wook is fairly predictable in there tactics and has a few awesome players that easily carry there teams.


Grey Order: rarely see them in non ranked. Wipe the floor with us fairly consistently.


Undercon: Had my first game against them the other night. Voidstar. they had the door down in about 15 seconds. Pretty sure a few of our team mates didnt even realize the match had started! it was over fast. Well organized. but only seen them once so far.




As far as Imp side goes...



-Death Sentence: Pretty good. Doesn't communicate well with the rest of the pug. but they are good players.


-Deathsmile: A few of them can be *****s when they are losing. But overall...great PVPers, love playing with them!


-Lookin cute feeling cute: also great PVPers. haven't seen as many of them this week as i'd like.




There are a few others that do well, but didn't make the list because i'm at work and can't think of them all lol


Honorable mentions go to OMGPink though...


Haven't gone up against a guild run of them, nor have i been on there team. But last night my GF and i were defending a turret (snow) and two assassins gave us one hell of a fight. VERY organized and well played.

I'm Immortal Jugg, and gf is Operative healer. Normally we can hold off 4-5 people with ease. These two assassins gave us a run for our money. we wont most of the encounters...barely. And lost the final one because they got the jump on us when more of there team finally showed up. But mad props to them! Haven't seen people use team work like that in a LONG time in a PUG lol

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You would specifically target me if we were on opposite teams? D:


As for who I hate to see, it's absolutely any marauder jumping to me (especially ones with 30k health) which they love to do cause ive got that symbol over my head telling them im a nice squishy sorc just waiting to be smashed. Then thy proceed to jump to me and try to kill me for the rest of the match.

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You would specifically target me if we were on opposite teams? D:


As for who I hate to see, it's absolutely any marauder jumping to me (especially ones with 30k health) which they love to do cause ive got that symbol over my head telling them im a nice squishy sorc just waiting to be smashed. Then thy proceed to jump to me and try to kill me for the rest of the match.


Pro tip: If you aren't healing, start healing. They're guaranteed to leave you alone! After all, most people like to let healers free cast. :confused:


It happens on every server. :eek:



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You would specifically target me if we were on opposite teams? D:


As for who I hate to see, it's absolutely any marauder jumping to me (especially ones with 30k health) which they love to do cause ive got that symbol over my head telling them im a nice squishy sorc just waiting to be smashed. Then thy proceed to jump to me and try to kill me for the rest of the match.


smash is overrated, its the good carnage/combat ones you need to fear =P


also queing with people who know how to peel for you is helpfull

Edited by eavn
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Pro tip: If you aren't healing, start healing. They're guaranteed to leave you alone! After all, most people like to let healers free cast. :confused:


It happens on every server. :eek:




No it's much worse when I'm healing, not a "pro tip".

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smash is overrated, its the good carnage/combat ones you need to fear =P


also queing with people who know how to peel for you is helpfull


Ok let me rephrase it: They see I'm a squishy sorc just waiting to be smashed, gored, massacred, annihilated, or pretty much anything that involves me being killed with 2 lightsabers.

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No it's much worse when I'm healing, not a "pro tip".


I see healers left to free cast a lot. Even though there's a big shiny target over their heads.


I also see DPS sorcerers getting marked. :confused:


Maybe they attack you so they can get those 8k smashes...Though, yesterday I hit a sorc for over about 9500 with my jugg..I can see the temptation to keep smashing that person.


Perhaps they just don't like the way you look or are just jealous of your looks. :o


Don't worry, my jugg frequently gets jumped by multiple knights/warriors. Good time to be a tank with a pocket healer.

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I hate to see "wook" tags, not because they are good, but because I solo Que frequently in the morning and they like to focus fire me regardless of who else is on my team. It sounds like q.q. but really it just makes me angry, it feeds my passion and fury for devouring anyone with the wook tag. If u see u, u will die. lots.


I especially hate to see youbecool on his pt, cause i know he will taunt me then i have to go smash him to death for 9000s right through his tank set. Ill never tell u how but its fun.:D


By far i hate to see cocoabunny cause shes the only sorc i ever have to work for in killing and man does she make me work for it.:p if she is on my team tho, i love her, lots.


I love/hate seeing sage too, love cause he is an awesome guy, and hate cause i know he is going to make my team cower in fear.

Edited by Lafay
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