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Trauma Probe stacking


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Question: I noticed in our most recent raid that you can now stack two trauma probes on a single target. We were running with two commando healers in S&V and at one point I (the tank) noticed I had two separate trauma probes going. They would both heal when I took damage. When I pointed it out, folks were all surprised. I don't think this used to be something you could do. Only 1 probe could be active at a time. With two, the healers could pretty much put two on a tank and then hardly ever have to heal him. It was actually really useful. I'm just wondering if this is a glitch / error, or if this was an intended change that is here to stay?
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Certainly an interesting thing since TP is probably the most efficient heal in the game at about 14500 health before crits with 72 gear. Instant application with a trivial cost.


Two of those with a limit of 2s per tick and you're looking at massive damage sponging.

Edited by Gyronamics
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It's always been possible to put multiple trauma probes on the same target and have both of them activate.


Speccing for trauma probe, placing it on someone, and then respeccing used to not remove the trauma probe. Will need to check if it still works.


Edit: Yeah,

a vid of how to do it. Unfortunately I couldn't recreate the bug where you get multiple trauma probes from a single Commando healer. Edited by MGNMTTRN
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It's always been possible to put multiple trauma probes on the same target and have both of them activate.


Speccing for trauma probe, placing it on someone, and then respeccing used to not remove the trauma probe. Will need to check if it still works.


Edit: Yeah,

a vid of how to do it. Unfortunately I couldn't recreate the bug where you get multiple trauma probes from a single Commando healer.


Interesting, but certainly not what I was talking about.


From my recollection, in the past if two combat medics both put a trauma probe on the same target, there would only be 1 stack of 13 probes. If healer 1 put it on, and its been getting used (say its at 5 stacks left), and then healer 2 appliues a trauma probe, it just resets the stacks back to 13. Now if the same case were to happen, there would be 1 stack of 5 and a new second stack with 13.


So you can start a fight with 2 active probes with 13 charges each on your main tank. When they take damage, they will both trigger. Its amazingly useful in PVE raids.

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From my recollection, in the past if two combat medics both put a trauma probe on the same target, there would only be 1 stack of 13 probes.


i remember it stacking on test.


i never felt any cause to test it really, because before 2.0, we never had more than 1 commando healer in a raid at the same time.

of course with 2.0, we had a few commando healers testing, but didn't really think it was strange or notable that they stacked.

Edited by oaceen
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TP has stacked as long as I've been commando healing (since just after 1.2). It's definitely nice to take advantage of that. I've done 16 man raids with 3 commando healers, and once you get all the TPs stacked on the tank, you really only have to worry about sudden spike damage. It's like they get a 4k heal every time they take any damage. :-)
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