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Armormech is a pain in the ***.


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So I'm trying to level this freaking crew skill when what do I find?

Yes, the items you are crafting require scavenged metals and compounds from level 10-16 mobs. So I send off my companion on mission after mission to get low level mats while I go to the low level quest zones and look for mobs to kill. I spend HOURS killing robots in various locations only to find not ONE GOD DAMN DROID in the level range seems to be salvageable. So I get to spend *********** hours waiting for 3-6 minutes at a time to gather the mats needed to level 15 points of armormech! Yaaaay! Lets play everyone's favorite game Hurry up and wait!


You people ****ed over the pre-launch, you ****ed over billing me for the game, you ****ed over the beta invites, and you aren't even smart enough to think, "Gee, maybe we should actually give crafters access to the materials we require them to level the skills with? "


*********** fail. You have a great game but your dev team needs an *** kicking. They have to be the sorriest bunch of middle management pencil pushers on the face of the earth.


Did you people hire the guys who ran the postal system to manage your game or something?

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On what planet? I went to all the starting planets and killed every droid I could find and none of them were salvagable for the parts I need. I got Desh and something else but not the actual mats you need to level the crafting like Aluminium and Laminiod. -Nothing- on any planet I went to dropped these mats.
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I've pulled aluminum and laminoid from random pickups on coruscant (Works, Justicar area). Additionally, I've looted bodies of droids during the Esseles and other flashpoints, and usually receive silica and desh but occasionally find better.


So they put the material I need to develop my armor as a trooper in rare spawns on a planet I don't even start on? So to level my crafting skill I need to go to a planet I have no quests on to look for lumps of random metal until I get the couple hundred pieces of mats I need to level the skill past that range?



Monumental *********** fail.

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Turn on "show gathering points" on your map. Each zone has multiple recurring gathering nodes, that will give you multiple pieces of your compound and metal.


Also, reverse engineer everything you make as you'll get around half of the crafting materials back on average, and the chance for learning an "upgraded" version of the recipe (green to blue, blue to purple)


I've only used the actual scavenging mission to fill in some gaps when I felt too lazy to gather at a node while questing.

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So they put the material I need to develop my armor as a trooper in rare spawns on a planet I don't even start on? So to level my crafting skill I need to go to a planet I have no quests on to look for lumps of random metal until I get the couple hundred pieces of mats I need to level the skill past that range?



Monumental *********** fail.


Try mining in the "game that shall not be named" without a mount in vanilla and leveling "armoring" at the same time. Then appreciate how easy things are here.

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So they put the material I need to develop my armor as a trooper in rare spawns on a planet I don't even start on? So to level my crafting skill I need to go to a planet I have no quests on to look for lumps of random metal until I get the couple hundred pieces of mats I need to level the skill past that range?



Monumental *********** fail.


eh? I would hardly say its rare, I came off corousant with loads of mats and my armortech around 90, I honestly don't see the problem with them making you work to get your desired results from crew skills.

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Have to agree with what's said above;

-Lots of salvaging nodes found in corusant in the sewers, and old market areas. Generally, they respawn every 10 to 15 minutes. (Maybe a farming issue at some point?)

-Salvaging levels super fast. Underground takes forever.

-Sort your armor tech by difficulty, then build the orange, and red items over and over again. (Green and Gray items dont really give any improvement on armortech skill.)

-Once built, reverse engineer the parts so you get salvaging components back to build even more items.

-Sometimes while doing Underground missions you'll get schematics.


With low level salvage materials you can buy them for as little as 1-2 credits per. On the more expensive stuff it can get pretty darn expensive. I'm at level 80 right now... and it's cool cause most of my manufactured gear is better than the items I'll get from quest rewards.


Also, the system is ALOT easier than it was in World of Warcraft. Which took ages, and you where stuck waiting in front of a retarded looking anvil staring at a progress bar.. :|

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So I'm trying to level this freaking crew skill when what do I find?

Yes, the items you are crafting require scavenged metals and compounds from level 10-16 mobs. So I send off my companion on mission after mission to get low level mats while I go to the low level quest zones and look for mobs to kill. I spend HOURS killing robots in various locations only to find not ONE gosh darn DROID in the level range seems to be salvageable. So I get to spend *********** hours waiting for 3-6 minutes at a time to gather the mats needed to level 15 points of armormech! Yaaaay! Lets play everyone's favorite game Hurry up and wait!


You people ****ed over the pre-launch, you ****ed over billing me for the game, you ****ed over the beta invites, and you aren't even smart enough to think, "Gee, maybe we should actually give crafters access to the materials we require them to level the skills with? "


*********** fail. You have a great game but your dev team needs an *** kicking. They have to be the sorriest bunch of middle management pencil pushers on the face of the earth.


Did you people hire the guys who ran the postal system to manage your game or something?


Nerd rage much?


You can send you companions on a salvage quest while you run missions or explore, so there is little downtime. There are some parts of each world that are rich in metals for Armormech and Armstech, and there are spots that have lots for Biochem or Archeology, you are most likely ust in a poor spot for your chosen crafting/gathering skill.


I play an Armstech and have had little problem getting what I need, I just send my companions out as often as I can, maybe farm a droid area if I am in the mood, and my skills are leveling up rather nicely. I am no where near the levels of some people around here, but I am satisfied with my progress.


You are still only lvl 15 in the crafting skill, it will get better.

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I'm tempted not to help you since you're raging over nothing, but here we go...


If I'm reading this thread right, you're doing it wrong. The game is designed for you to begin crafting at level 10, meaning you are already off the starter planet. That's why there is barely anything to farm there.


Y'know that planet people are talking about, Corsucant? It's the second planet, which has a ton of crafting material to gather.

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On what planet? I went to all the starting planets and killed every droid I could find and none of them were salvagable for the parts I need. I got Desh and something else but not the actual mats you need to level the crafting like Aluminium and Laminiod. -Nothing- on any planet I went to dropped these mats.


1. The starter planets aren't for crafting. You can't craft until level 10, and if you're going back to the starter planets you're being lazy. Continue on to the 2nd planet like you're supposed to. There are tons of quests for you there, and tons of nodes with the materials you need.


2. I leveled Armormech to 40+ using nothing but Desh and Silica. Not sure what your problem is.

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While I'm sure reason wont matter to the OP in their anger, I'm an armormech too, and other than not being able to get reliable drops from UT for my purple materials, I've got more Desh and other materials than I can use, and I'm crafting a TON of stuff for REing.

I think the system's working pretty good, just calm down.

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