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Love the class in PvE, hate it in PvP


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I have found it harder these days to PvP on my Merc. i love the class, the burst we can do is silly, but PvP is getting much harder.

Pyro gutted to the knees worthless (what fights last 12-18 seconds)

Arsenal easily shut down with interrupts

I mean if we get left alone, we are lethal.. but lately thats not happening much as people have figured that part out, lol.


I wonder if rather than having to channel tracer, if it was an instant cast that had a short cool-down so that wee got off the same number of shots per GCD if that would help?

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I love my arsenal merc in PVP. Barrage and heatseeker missles were a huge DPS boost for me and especially the heatseekers because they can be used on the move (instant cast).


I have noticed, to your point, more players keying in on me and trying to take me out. If left alone where I can just turret and spam, I can drop players in a few seconds. You have to get used ot playing on the run and being opportunistic about standing and hitting them with the CD's.


When all else fails, range over melee opponents can be a savior. If I get engaged by a jedi I will usually stun or push then run backwards while spamming instants and kolto missile on myself. I only stop if there is a good distance and barrage procs. I have pinning shot so that slows them so they can't close the gap.


Hope this helps.

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Speaking strictly arsenal spec, merc's are one of the best PVP classes in the game right now. Pre 2.0 i would agree that they could easily be shut down with interupts and had little survivability but that isn't so much the case anymore.


However, i do feel that the arsenal class can potentially be trickier for many people because despite being somewhat of a "turret class", competing at RWZ levels really do require little room for error when faced with 1v1 situations and heavy reliance on secondary tools like Kolto missle, hydrolic override, interupts, knockbacks and power surges.


As far as pyro, I don't think many would disagree with you.

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Shame on you for even playing Pyro! I know how bad it sucks because I played it for 3 weeks after 2.0 released.


Arsenal is bad ***. If you are getting shut down via interrupt, you may be able to adjust your playstyle to eliminate that problem.


Its usually melee toons that give up the most interrupt problems. If there is a melee toon on you, you shouldn't be trying to cast Tracer Missile. You should use one of the 3 following escapes:

1) Rocket Punch + Hydraulic Overrides

2) Jet Boost + HO

3) Electro Dart + HO


Electro Net is great for a 1 on 1 with a melee. Power Surge+Concussion Missile is also another good escape as a last ditch.


But my favorite thing about Arsenal is when I'm closing in on someone that doesn't see it coming, and just let loose with everything:

Power Surged Tracer


Power Surged Fusion Missile


Electro Net

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If you don't kite, this class is very very underwhelming. You can't just sit there and cast, that's for the Snipers. If a melee jumps you, you have many tools to escape. Read your abilities, they are pretty self explanatory. Simply put Arsenal Mercs are in a really great place in PvP right now. Once you learn to kite you'll see this.
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