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Gree @ 55 , and the "ganking" situation.


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As best as I can gather, people claim that you can get flagged because of your companion (somehow, I didn't see any clear description of how this is supposed to work), or because of stealthers in your AOE. These may or may not be possible, but even if they are these claims seem way overblown. I have never seen nor heard anyone in-game say they've been force-flagged since the main issue was solved shortly after launch.


That said, if the exploits do exist they should be fixed.


Since launch ? Lol I guess you don't read the forums much then , the exploit was working in the 1st and 2nd gree events . I'll let you know if it's fixed or not over the next few days.





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Since launch ? Lol I guess you don't read the forums much then , the exploit was working in the 1st and 2nd gree events . I'll let you know if it's fixed or not over the next few days.






I am quite aware of the complaints on the forums in the first and second Gree event. There were also many claims which were false (e.g., doing an AOE near anyone will get you flagged) that were being circulated. I also did specify that I had heard no claims in-game. I tend to take claims of exploits on the forums with a grain of salt. It's very easy to make unsubstantiated claims of exploits, which may or may not hold any truth, out of either ignorance or malice.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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I am quite aware of the complaints on the forums in the first and second Gree event. There were also many claims which were false (e.g., doing an AOE near anyone will get you flagged) that were being circulated. I also did specify that I had heard no claims in-game. I tend to take claims of exploits on the forums with a grain of salt. It's very easy to make unsubstantiated claims of exploits, which may or may not hold any truth, out of either ignorance or malice.


It happened a lot to me and my two party members , about 5 times. General chat was full of people saying it happened to them too. Anyways it wasn't a false claim at all and as I said i'll let you know if it hasn't been fixed , but mind you I'm not all that bothered about the actual dailys this time round . Apart from the heroic.





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Going to Ilum (on a PvE-RP-Server) was a horror today. On all 3 instances, the chat was flooded with complaints about gankers/griefers and there were as many fights going on with words in chat than on the planet's surface.


Obviously, there have been several groups out there (both rep and imp) whose only goal was to annoy other players. I find it absolutely sad. Don't these people have anything better to do?


I was blue all the time and I had all my companion's AoE attacks disabled - just in case. It happened several times that I got surrounded by a group of four yellow marked players around me while I fought some mobs. They were obviously hoping that I would somehow get flagged.


Think about it: These groups drive around Ilum for hours, hoping to find a single flagged player. And they actually have fun doing that. The only thing sadder is the one lvl 55 imp hiding behind the GSI terminal at the Alderaan republic spaceport for a good week now hoping to find a flagged lowbie. ;)


Funny thing is, the complaints in chat were exactly the same on imp and on rep side. It appears that nowadays the j3rks are evenly spread out on both factions. During the first Gree event, it was mainly imp groups ganking rep players.


Anyway, my playing experience today on Ilum was so terrible because of the situation that I do not bother getting enough tokens for the speeder anymore.

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Notice there are pvp achievements now for the event. One of the big complaints last time was line bombing. Guess what, theirs achievements for it. So I will be applying liberal doses of death from above to the lines tonite when I get home. Don't whine about, it's a pvp achievement, pvp mission, don't do it unless you are willing to be attacked. No I am not looking forward to the scared pve-ers that will wine in chat. I'm looking forward to the sport of hunting the other great pvp-ers in an open map, no holds barred, lol. The great hunt begins anew tonite, cya all there , and may the best player win. (ie if zu goes there and kicks my *** repeatedly, I won't be wining like a little kid in chat.
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idk... i guess the last thing I have to say is i rolled on a PVE server cuz i dont like pvp. call me a noob, not pro, gay...whatever. I do WZ for weekly and thats that. I do ALL the gree missions. I sneak in the pvp area during low pop times. do my quest then QT back. I am usually in and out without being attacked. When i am attacked i switch instances and sneak better. Usually i will block the attackers and claim in chat that i am headed back to fleet...just so i can quest in peace. I work around pvp without fighting...and still get my max rep i can earn...

Cry me a river PvP players....

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If you get flagged all you have to do is go to a safe zone for 5 minutes and you will lose your PvP flag. Since you go to the base when you die in PvP, you just have to go grab a sandwich or let the dog outside and you'll no longer be flagged.


There is no "ganking" if you are flagged in a level 55 daily area and a player in the other faction attacks you.

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It happened a lot to me and my two party members , about 5 times. General chat was full of people saying it happened to them too. Anyways it wasn't a false claim at all and as I said i'll let you know if it hasn't been fixed , but mind you I'm not all that bothered about the actual dailys this time round . Apart from the heroic.






Sorry - you're saying that your AOE caused you (or your friends) to become flagged?

No - it didn't.

It would have done if you were actually targeting the flagged player. If however they happened to run through your AEO or even intentionally stand in it you would not be flagged.

So yes - false claim.

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Will something be done about the abusive ganking done outside the pvp area?


Like removing the flag 30 secs after one's gone out of the pvp area, to give those lowbies some actual fun instead of some cockhead who couldn't handle a proper PVP server, and resorts to gank said lowbies instead, in what's meant to be the PVE area of the event?


you know there is a simple solution. Sit at the base for 5 mins and guess what you will not longer be flagged

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Personally I think "PvP areas" should be done away with completely, especially on PvE servers. Gankers are the lowest of the lowest forms of gamers and its about time we stopped supporting them. Or at the very least, there should not be missions in them or other event objectives.


PvP should always be optional. If I am not in the mood for PvP, some other player should not have the right to decide that I am going to PvP. Especially since that player will only make that decision when (s)he is at a huge advantage over me via level, me being in combat already, or me being at low health.


or simply don't go into the pvp area.

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GROUP CONTTENT, OPS CONTENT! Form up a group/ops and then try to get ganked again... ;)


The General / PvP Channel is there to write something in there (Like to shout for help, form a group/ops, call coords, ask for reinforcements etc), not to turn it off and dont read it at all or dont use it at all.


If there is a pvp-griefer... just grief him back, pretty sure after the 2nd or 3rd time he dies he wont come back again (at least not solo, but there where the open world pvp content starts).


And if you dont want the finally awaited open world pvp content, then i dont know what you did in the past time since beta, when Ilum become broken....

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And if you dont want the finally awaited open world pvp content, then i dont know what you did in the past time since beta, when Ilum become broken....


I avoided the PvP ilum zone like the plague. I rolled on a PVE server for a reason I don't care about PvP. Nor do i await with anticipation an open world PvP that isn't broken.

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Because some people specifically target you personally and kill only you personally because they think its funny.


Having come from an FFA game (no factions anywhere, so like Ilum central area for the whole game), I've found this to be really rare. Unless, of course, you make a ruckus in general chat -- then they know it bothers you and it paints a huge bullseye on you. You make it much worse on yourself.


And if you know you are regularly targeted -- bring a few friends. If they keep failing to kill you, they'll eventually stop trying. If they're successful ... well, you still only "lost" the trip back from the rez pad. Don't put yourself in a vulnerable position unnecessarily if other players are around, etc.

Edited by Sarielle
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Having come from an FFA game (no factions anywhere, so like Ilum central area for the whole game), I've found this to be really rare. Unless, of course, you make a ruckus in general chat -- then they know it bothers you and it paints a huge bullseye on you. You make it much worse on yourself.


And if you know you are regularly targeted -- bring a few friends. If they keep failing to kill you, they'll eventually stop trying. If they're successful ... well, you still only "lost" the trip back from the rez pad. Don't put yourself in a vulnerable position unnecessarily if other players are around, etc.



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The solution to ganking is to switch instances. Its downright peaceful on the PVP side of the second instance of a server. Easy to get the PVP objectives done.


I swap instances all the time, so much so that the actual button on the map is constantly on CD and it says i can't use it so i use the other workarounds

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i feel the best option would be for those of us that play PvE(Co-Op), to have a little check-box for "Never Flag PvP" in our options menu... that would be never flag anywhere for any reason at any time, basically disabling th flag system altogether...

honestly i rolled on a PvE server cause i wanted Co-Op play, if i wanted competitive i would have rolled on the appropriate server, a PvP one... it seems simple PvE= Co-op, PvP= Competitive, allow me to keep the competition out of my Co-op...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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I admit: since they implemented achievements for this event, if you have an energy orb I WILL attack you. Need to deliver killing blows on 50 orb carriers. Simple as that. I will even attack same faction for this purpose.


News flash: you don't need to do the pvp dailies. They don't give helix components. Just some WZ comms and a rep token. The only daily you should care about is "Primary Testing" and maybe "Advanced Analysis" since that one rewards a blue rep token I believe. And there you go.


"But I need the rep so I must do ALL of them every day!" Then that's the risk you take. You can't complain. But really--just farming the two mentioned above on 2-3 toons plus doing SM and HM Xeno will get you all the rep and Helix you need.

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While this "issue" has personally never bothered me while participating in the Gree events in the past... I understand that a lot of players are quite put out by it.


Easiest way to fix it?


Do away with the current state of PvP flags. Make them work as such:


1- If you are on a PvP server, there is no such thing as a flag, You are attackable in all areas, all the time. This is something you chose to agree to when you rolled on a PvP server.


2- On a PvE server: IF you enter an open-world area (Gree Contested Area, Outlaw's Den, etc.) then your "flag" is automatically turned on. If you leave that area, it automatically turns off. While in all other areas, you cannot attack nor be attacked by any other players regardless of faction. This would stop flagged or opposite faction players, from flagging you by stepping in your AoE, because it simply would NOT target/hit them.


That would pretty well solve the "problem".... however, as I stated I don't see it as too much of a problem, but it appears that enough of the playerbase DOES, so my individual opinion seems a bit outweighed.


I think this sounds like a good solution. Once you're done with the pvp area, you should be done with it, and able to move on. There are too many sadistic losers making the game unfun for others on PVE servers.



i feel the best option would be for those of us that play PvE(Co-Op), to have a little check-box for "Never Flag PvP" in our options menu... that would be never flag anywhere for any reason at any time, basically disabling th flag system altogether...

honestly i rolled on a PvE server cause i wanted Co-Op play, if i wanted competitive i would have rolled on the appropriate server, a PvP one... it seems simple PvE= Co-op, PvP= Competitive, allow me to keep the competition out of my Co-op...


Completely agree, we should have the option to shut it right off on PVE servers. Some of us just don't want to have anything to do with PVP accidental or otherwise.

Edited by Lunafox
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I think this sounds like a good solution. Once you're done with the pvp area, you should be done with it, and able to move on. There are too many sadistic losers making the game unfun for others on PVE servers.

Knowing that a PvP flag would drop as soon as a PvP area on a PVE server is left would be great, although my preference is to not have any PvP areas on PVE servers.

Completely agree, we should have the option to shut it right off on PVE servers. Some of us just don't want to have anything to do with PVP accidental or otherwise.

Yes. Anyone who has not flagged themselves for PvP with the check-box on a PVE server will never be flagged for PvP.


It could make entering PvP areas a sort of instance with a barrier, like entering certain areas are only allowed by characters of a certain class, who have completed a certain amount of their class story line. Only those who have checked the box allowing flagging for PvP could enter.

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Knowing that a PvP flag would drop as soon as a PvP area on a PVE server is left would be great, although my preference is to not have any PvP areas on PVE server.


Well, tbh, this would be my preference too, but it seems that the devs are forcing it on us, and some of the people in the pve servers actually like it. (why? because I suspect they're bored and sadistic lol) But anyhow...


I agree with you about having a barrier up of the pvp area, just like for other classes quests to keep those who have check off the 'no pvp box' in their profile out. I think this would be a great solution, and hopefully people will no longer be upset.

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Just as PvP servers have PvE, PvE servers have PvP. On a PvE server, you have to flag yourself either by entering an area that flags you, attacking a flagged player or toggling yourself flagged.


If you get flagged on a PvE server IT IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT. You did something to flag, and if you "didn't mean to" then you should have been paying attention.


The Gree area doesn't need fixed because it isn't broken. If you get flagged, go back to the base for 5 minutes...or die and respawn back at base. Either way the flag goes away after 5 minutes and you can go back to PvE with impunity.


Besides, dying from PvP has no consequence so I don't get what the whining is all about. I rarely PvP and when I do get flagged I either deal with it or I go to a safe zone for 5 minutes. Either way, it's no big deal. People are making mountains out of molehills.

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Besides, dying from PvP has no consequence so I don't get what the whining is all about. I rarely PvP and when I do get flagged I either deal with it or I go to a safe zone for 5 minutes. Either way, it's no big deal. People are making mountains out of molehills.


The whining is about the fact people are trying to accomplish something and want to be left alone to accomplish it but the PvP people are constantly killing them making it not possible to accomplish said task regardless of it working as designed and "you're in the area suck it up" or whatever you wanna say to justify it people are pissed off there are players who limit their ability to accomplish tasks because those PvP people are jerks

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