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Gree @ 55 , and the "ganking" situation.


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I'm not looking for a bolster, I'm asking if something' been done that keeps low-level players on PVE servers safe from the ganking little ***** in the PVE area of the event.


but... they are bolstered to lvl 55 O_O so they are not technically lowbies anymore and can fight back, run away, use tricks not to get flagged (yes, its bloody annoying to have to do that, but its still an option) etc.


I do wish that they changed that "flagged by AoE" stuff. I don't think they did. (its not a bug btw, or if it is - it sure persists through a lot of games)


but its not really THAT bad on pve servers from my experience. I did get ganked here and there, but pretty rarely. and almost never when in a group. (almost due to someone assuming I was alone, just because I stood to the side. it was very amusing watching my hapless attacker get squashed :p )


P.S. if being flagged after leaving pvp area is an issue, do like me and head over to the sanctuary area for 5 minutes, until it wears off (or better yet - go to gray secant and stand just ahead of that droid by the entrance that one shots everything not the same faction as you are :D best revenge)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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You are correct , as i said the important word here is COMPANION or COMPANIONS. Can't actually spell it out to you as i don't want people ganking others this way in this next event.






No, that doesn't happen in the Gree event as neither faction has friendly NPC's.

It happens on planets, but not in the Gree event.

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I'm not looking for a bolster, I'm asking if something' been done that keeps low-level players on PVE servers safe from the ganking little ***** in the PVE area of the event.
lol he gets mad at pvp in a multiplayer game


dude just relax, have fun

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I just gonna bump in for my 2 cents as well ...


First, it did happen during the last event, not sure what exactly it was (group member healing, buffs or whatever - and no it wasn't me hitting a yellow pc as I don't have autotarget enabled and even during dailies I pay attention to what I hit).


Second, I am fully ok with ppl being pvp flag'd for entering the pvp area to grab the event goodies from there ... nobody is forcing you to go there, but they could change the camp maybe to a rested zone and allow you to get rid of the flag and reduce the time too, maybe.


However, something that should get added is a simple 'nevar flag' option:


In Rift you had the problem that on raid rifts (time limited) one sneaky pvp flag'd player ran into the AoE, all the raid got flag'd ... and surprise a full raid of pvp geared players showed up to have their fun.

After some time they added a feature that would prevent you from getting flag'd, with the restriction that you couldn't heal, buff or interact with any pvp flag'd allies. You could spam all the AoE you wanted on top of flag'd enemies without bothering to get flag'd yourself.

Of course would you still get flag'd for entering a marked pvp zone, enemy base etc, but once you got rid of the flag ... no more 'pay attention' like a dog on guard duty.

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OP: You don't have to do the PVP quests in the Gree event. If you choose to do them and enter the PVP area, you will be flagged for PVP because you chose to PVP. If it continues outside of that area, you accepted that would happen.


Either skip the PVP dailies altogether, or why not do them last? Once they are done, QT back to base, hand in and get the hell out of Ilum.


It's really not hard...

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Ganking happens when someone is flagged in the world boss ops group and someone uses profession buff or an aoe heal and bam they are flagged and opposing faction are sitting there waiting for it to happen.
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OP: You don't have to do the PVP quests in the Gree event. If you choose to do them and enter the PVP area, you will be flagged for PVP because you chose to PVP. If it continues outside of that area, you accepted that would happen.


Either skip the PVP dailies altogether, or why not do them last? Once they are done, QT back to base, hand in and get the hell out of Ilum.


It's really not hard...


And this is actually what this whole thread boils down to. It may well have a new thread title, in fact it has been carefully worded to make it sound like people are just continuously griefing.

However what this thread is simply doing is once more saying "I want to do the PvP part of the Gree event, however I do not want to be attacked by other players"

If you go into the PvP area you are flagged. You are given a 10 second count down, so you can easily get back out before being flagged.

To be flagged is a deliberate action and once you have been flagged you are "game".

You really have a few choices:


1. The easiest one. Do NOT do the PvP element of this event. You won't get flagged, you won't get attacked.

2. Do the PvE element of the event first and get that out of the way. Then go and do the PvP part - you're going to get flagged then anyway.

3. Do the PvP part first. Return to your camp and wait the 5 minutes for the flag to disappear before going out and doing the PvE element of the event.


You have choices and if your choice is to get yourself flagged then you can expect to be attacked, ganked, etc.

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I am glad i am at max rep with gree as all I ever had was hassle from players who were flagged trying to get me flagged so they could kill me.I never did any of the pvp quests,but I got flagged a few times due to players running into my aoe's with which they got reported and apart from that the general chat was full of raging and QQing due to various issues with stealing mobs and down right stupidity within own faction etc. for me it was and still is the worse designed event since the game went live as it wasn't fun for me anyways. Edited by Avorniel
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It may well have a new thread title, in fact it has been carefully worded to make it sound like people are just continuously griefing.


I'm not going to say anything about the pvp area. People go in there, they better be ready for it. Never, ever said anything about that.


But yes, outside of the pvp area, people are just doing it for the griefing, and if you haven't experienced it, good for u, but it is happening, a lot of it.


Oh, yeah, inb4 someone says i'm butthurt cuz I can't complete my stuff, I'm just 2k points short of legend. :)

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But yes, outside of the pvp area, people are just doing it for the griefing, and if you haven't experienced it, good for u, but it is happening, a lot of it.


However my argument is that to be flagged OUTSIDE of the PvP area you still had to make a conscious effort.

As described above, there are only very few ways you can become flagged and in 99% of cases during the Ilum event this way was to go into the PvP area.

Everyone knows there is a 5 minute wait until a PvP flag disappears, so if you're worried about being attacked outside of the PvP area then you need to let that flag disappear first - it is only 5 minutes.


If people cannot be bothered to wait for that flag to wear off - then really it is fair game...however much it annoys.

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As a "carebear", I don't mind the ganking and attacks during Gree event. Most of the area is already PvE, so if you are not flagged, nothing threatens you. If you come flagged, well, you should expect being attacked.


PvP zones are different animal - if you enter it, you are wanred that you anter them, and you should realise, that you will be killed, spit on, killed again. Unless you come in full party and ready to defend yourself. Also it's not needed to enter PvP zone to get the biggest prize - the purple tokens. The only reason PvE people go there is that the HC quest is easier there (at least that's why I'm heading there).


Yes, I died a lot, had to switch instances, or got a group. But I don't mind, I know the risks when I'm entering PvP zone in my PvE gear. And it's really thrilling, when you click the portal to deliver the cube, only to see 4 stealthers decloak and go after you :)

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Maybe. But I don't see how that affects the flag situation. If you get bolstered then that makes you "even" with everyone else.


Bolstering does not make you "even" with everyone else. It does not give you any attacks, or talents that you have not already got outside of the effect range of the bolster. So if you were somehow to be flagged by a level 55 player when you yourself are only level 40 or so, you would still be curb stomped because the level 55 player would have 15 additional levels of talents and attacks that you do not have access to. Same goes for if you are only level 50 when it happens, that's still 5 additional levels of abilities and talents that you do not have at your disposal.


In fact the only advantage of Bolster is that it gives you hit points, defense, and expertise equivalent to that of a player who is level 55 who is wearing identical gear to yours that has been scaled up to 55. It does not however grant you any additional stats that are not already on the gear you are wearing, and if there is no gear in a given slot, then that slot does not get scaled up either. So in effect the Bolster effect is not the end all be all when compared to a level 55 character fully decked out in PvP gear. A Level 55 player with fully decked out end game gear under the effects of bolster, or arguably wearing fully decked out PvP gear, will always have better stats than someone who is below level 55 and thus not able to wear the end game gear. The possible exception is those few players who have the pre-2.0 PvP and PvE gear on characters who for some reason still haven't gotten to level 55 yet.


Aoe doesn't hit "yellow" players.


To hit a pvp flagged player and become flagged, you have to target and hit them.


Then please do explain how I got flagged for PvP when I used a Smash on a group of NPC's that were near enough to a PvP flagged and stealthed individual to catch him in the AoE while doing the Gree Event the last time it was active? If what you say is true, that shouldn't have been possible, but it did happen.


P.S. I was no where near the PvP zone on Illum at the time, and I am on a PvE server.

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Do not do PvP quests without PvP gear.




I don't want to have to have PvP gear just to do the quests one requires for the reputation you need to get the legacy weapons i'm missing. Either don't make it a requirement to go into a PvP area or give me the quest rewards that come from the PvP based missions in that area without forcing me to go into the area.

I don't like PvP i rolled on a PVE server for a reason.

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I don't want to have to have PvP gear just to do the quests one requires for the reputation you need to get the legacy weapons i'm missing. Either don't make it a requirement to go into a PvP area or give me the quest rewards that come from the PvP based missions in that area without forcing me to go into the area.

I don't like PvP i rolled on a PVE server for a reason.


You do NOT need to do the PvP quest. You will reach your weekly reputation cap over each of the two weeks WITHOUT even considering popping into a PvP area.

You are not entitled to the rewards from the PvP area without going into that area - it's risk Vs reward. Do you risk the PvP area and get the reward, or do you stay outside and not get a reward.

It is NOT a requirement to go into the PvP area.

You don't like PvP (don't go into the PvP area) and rolled on a PvE server for a reason (so that you don't do PvP and you still don't have to do PvP).

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Will something be done about the abusive ganking done outside the pvp area?


Like removing the flag 30 secs after one's gone out of the pvp area, to give those lowbies some actual fun instead of some cockhead who couldn't handle a proper PVP server, and resorts to gank said lowbies instead, in what's meant to be the PVE area of the event?


If you want to run with the big dogs, you've got to learn to pee in the tall grass.

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Then please do explain how I got flagged for PvP when I used a Smash on a group of NPC's that were near enough to a PvP flagged and stealthed individual to catch him in the AoE while doing the Gree Event the last time it was active? If what you say is true, that shouldn't have been possible, but it did happen.


P.S. I was no where near the PvP zone on Illum at the time, and I am on a PvE server.


We will never know as there are far too many factors at work here.


Initially we've only got your word for it. Although no reason to doubt you, you are here arguing against PvP, so there is definitely motive to exaggerate or make up exactly what happened.

There will be no available logs from that day, so nobody anywhere would be able to go and read through them to see what happened.

However there is plenty of evidence (mainly anecdotal - however once a lot of anecdotal evidence starts to appear it does start to become tangible evidence) to indicate that unless you specifically target the flagged player you will not yourself get flagged.


So if it happened - the simple answer is nobody knows. However unless you go targeting flagged players or go popping into the PvP area during the event there is zero chance of you being ganked - as simply put, you won't be flagged.

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When I get ganked I go "hey guild lets go to the pvp area of the Gree event and camp" they say ok, then i make a 16 man ops group full of PvP players in my guild sit near the gankers spawn point and then they destroy him everytime until he gets so pissed off he rage quits. Problem solved
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