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My first pvp recording attempt :D!


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Hi all,


Ok so I'll try to start uploading Gunnery Commando PVP videos of all the different warzones.

I did this first one to test recording resolution and that kind of stuff and in the end it didn't go so bad so I post it here anyway xD


Nothing impressive, in fact I made a lot of mistakes, bad targeting, and dead times, but still you get my gameplay: lots of GR and try to stay unnoticed all the time


All advices are welcome pvp-wise and recording-wise


Ancient Hypergate



I just uploaded a second video, the same warzone, this one is shorter. Again I was lucky to have an amazing team (not premade) to play.


Ancient Hypergate 2

Edited by RGimeldo
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watch a few minutes.... seems alright. youre definitely better than most.


couple of suggestions tho:

- zoom your camera out more.

- less backpedaling. this seems nitpicky, but its going to improve your game if you break the habit

- moar knockback.

- moar kolto bomb


your knockback and kolto bomb are the biggest ways you can immediately help your teammates. at one point about 4 of your teammates are bunched up in a melee with 4-5 enemies. you could have used your knockback to knock the enemies away, and then thrown a kolto bomb to help with a bit of off-healing on your friendlies.


i always try to make it a priority to peel for teammates. if they live longer, chances are you will live longer as well.

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watch a few minutes.... seems alright. youre definitely better than most.


couple of suggestions tho:

- zoom your camera out more.

- less backpedaling. this seems nitpicky, but its going to improve your game if you break the habit

- moar knockback.

- moar kolto bomb


Indeed mate, in that particular warzone I had a lot of problems taking big chunks of HP out of anybody, like I felt like I was hitting the tank the whole time, hitting and then change target everytime. As you can see recently I put Kolto Bomb in a binded key in my second bar but still I dont grow that habit to use ir whenever its possible, great skill we have now.

Thanks for your advice!

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Enjoyed it, thanks for posting.


Nothing really wrong with your attacks, perhaps use mortar volley a bit more.


As already said, work on getting rid of the backpedal (imho) and strafe instead (I rebind A and D to strafe, freeing up E and Q for attacks). If you bind S to kolto bomb, you'll kill two birds with one stone :D Master strafing instead of backpedaling and you'll find that stockstrike root + move away + attack becomes more efficient for dealing with melee.


UI issues. No target of target? This is critical in my opinion. Also displaying HP of your target as a numerical value helps when finishing them off.

Edited by Jherad
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Saving tech override for special occasions? Noticed you never used it which could provide some nice burst here and there of either damage or healing if desperate. Just nit picking though, nice vid.


Yes :D I save it for desesperate healing while retreating with Hold the Line :p .

Also I always use it when doing unavoidable 1v1 against stealthers or annoying jumpers:

a) Tech Override + 2x Gravity Round (+ ElectroNet + the rest of the rotation while getting away)

b) Tech Override + Reserve Powercell + Plasma Grenade + Gravity Round (+ ElectroNet + the rest of the rotation while getting away)

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