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A few ways of fixing combat medic!


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Ok so I know there are probably a few other threads like this but I haven't looked far back enough to continue on the last one because I'm just lazy!


Anyways too the point, as you pvpers out there would know, even though healing is overpowered in 2.0 commando is still way to far behind on healing. The main problem from my experience as a combat medic is not to do with the amount of heals because IMO the numbers each heal can put out is almost/just right, but being interrupted on our main heal (medical probe) is what brings the healing of commandos to the breaking point it is at. Once medical probe is not able to be used you have 4 heals 3 of which heal below 4k if you stack alacrity and then you have one that does go over that but is in a 18 second cool down (with set bonus) and can't be used after every interrupt, sadly this just won't keep people alive if they are getting pounded. Also a lack of crit procs (like sage has) with heals hurts now that crit got nerfed.


Ok so a few ways of fixing commando heals:

1) after advanced medical probe is cast (on a 7.5s cooldown) along with making you next medical probe cost less it will make it uninterruptible and +20% crit ( so it with stay priority of 30% crit will then make it a 50% chance) with this you might have to change one of the supercharge cells benefits of putting ADV on a 0s cooldown, maybe not.

2) making truma probe be able to be placed on 2 or more targets, I mean having this gem of a heal on both me AND my tank would be awesome as guard can intercept allot of damage sometimes (as a should).

3) make hammer shot while in healing cell heal not only the friend you are targeting for 100% of your bonus healing when shot but heal yourself as we'll as the friend (so like in huttball when your running a tank along to the end zone if the enermy team is smart the should kill of the tanks life source which is the healer, so being able to run along and this heal obviously will not be the tanks main heal because he will take too much damage but as a filler, and not have to stop and heal yourself leaving your tank open to death if the enermy team has good dps)

4) have an ability like reflexive shield from the gunnery tree in combat medic tree because ATM against a team that knows what interrupts are popping shield on yourself just to heal someone else even if your not taking damage can be a waste of a 2 min cooldown just to avoid interrupts and people normally just leave stuns till that is up leaving 12 seconds of a wasted immunity to interrupts and a 1:50 mins of interrupt fest.

5) and as a commando or a turret which is really what a commando is is it can after to cast time abilities get like a stead fast like ability because as a commando mobility is not its thing obviously it was built to take the heavy hits a heal through it, heance the heavy armor, so after the two cast time abilities it gets like a stead fast proc into the foundations of the earth as a turret would be planted firmly in/on the ground and reduce healing pushback by a further 30% making healing pushback altogether 100%


Anyways it just what I think would really help a, lets face it "Brocken spec", and give it a sturdy new name for itself in the battle field, I love this class and I'm not gonna give up on it this easy!


If anyone has anymore ideas feel free to post em below!

Edited by Aliensorigin
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i dont get why it cant be cast on your whole group.... a sorc can put their bubble on everyone and thats like a 7k preemptive heal now.


meh, it hits for 1.1k or so non crit and 1.9 crit, so with 13 stacks, its around 16-17k and it lasts for most of the fight.maybe if they changed it to only last a minute raidwide would work, due to the cost preventing it from being spammable, but right now it would be imba.

edit: On second thought, dps dont get hit that often, so the actual hps wouldnt be that high to begin with, so it would probably be fine and combat medics need some serious help in pvp.

Edited by akabane_k
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  • 2 weeks later...
meh, it hits for 1.1k or so non crit and 1.9 crit, so with 13 stacks, its around 16-17k and it lasts for most of the fight.maybe if they changed it to only last a minute raidwide would work, due to the cost preventing it from being spammable, but right now it would be imba.


Easy solution is to lower the heal slightly but still allow it be put on multiple targets.

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make frontline medic allow trauma probe to be cast on 2 targets and remove whatever stupid effect it does now.


i wouldn't mind it doing its current effect but maybe a few tweaks:


casting TP additionally casts the effect on the caster (so it's always up on the commando in addition to the person being healed)




does not require TP to be on the commando and instead takes a charge away from whoever has TP and uses it to heal the commando.




i like the first one a lot more, but it may be a bit OP, and i think the second suggestion is a bit more of a reasonable request.

even with the second suggestion though, i still wouldn't consider it woth a 2-pt skill (especially one that gates another skill)

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I think we're really lacking an efficient proc, for ex we can have Advanced medical probe or Medical probe give a 50/100% chance to reset the cool down of Bacta infusion or something of that nature. Im in a heavy pvp based guild and the few times i tried to heal in RWZ's was embarrassing to say the least in comparison to scroundel heals and i'm a fairly experienced player
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Why not allow Full-Auto to also be used to heal allies as well as damage enemies ALA hammer shot. I feel it fits in nicely into the roll of the commando healer as a damage dealer and healer. It would also provide a nice channelled heal for a class where instant heals are lacking. Incidentally, it already fit nicely into "supercharged cell" talent, whereby it is a free cast when this buff is up.
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Why not allow Full-Auto to also be used to heal allies as well as damage enemies ALA hammer shot. I feel it fits in nicely into the roll of the commando healer as a damage dealer and healer. It would also provide a nice channelled heal for a class where instant heals are lacking. Incidentally, it already fit nicely into "supercharged cell" talent, whereby it is a free cast when this buff is up.


That is actually a very interesting idea....

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Why not allow Full-Auto to also be used to heal allies as well as damage enemies ALA hammer shot. I feel it fits in nicely into the roll of the commando healer as a damage dealer and healer. It would also provide a nice channelled heal for a class where instant heals are lacking. Incidentally, it already fit nicely into "supercharged cell" talent, whereby it is a free cast when this buff is up.


I read this and instantly fell in love with the idea. Ammo management isn't a terrible issue but having another free channeled heal wouldn't be completely game breaking.


I kinda think that hammer shot is such a cool heal that you cant really do a whole lot with. Making Kolto residue allow hammer shot to ping between 2-3 targets would be fun. I can see how the HPS could get ridiculous with this so reduce the healing done each bounce or ping by 25% might be a decent way to balance that.


Or to make kolto probe more of a choice each time it pops it heals 50% of the amount in a 5 or 10 meter radius. Neither of the changes would give huge numbers but increase the aoe healing to just keep people hanging on. That and a fun new mechanic to work with.

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