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2.4 Could be called a Bait and Switch for PvPers


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Well I vote for PvE to be gone. Goodbye static and scripted gameplay! Hello dynamic and multiplayer gameplay!




How does that fix the whole PVP imbalance thing?


Cuz eventually, the game will be boiled down to every player just having an auto attack and no stats on gear in order to keep the game skill based.


And even then, someone will still call "OP".

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As a PvPer I don't really see why I should be upset with 2.4 having a nice chunk of PvE content.


2.4 will disappoint PvPers again in the inevitable sense that it won't introduce any open world pvp and that will instead of going big (battlegrounds-esque scenarios) go even smaller.


But 4v4 arenas are a slot that needed filling. It's gonna do a lot of good for rated play and pvp in general. As someone said, getting a 8man group for rated together is beyond a lot of mixed/pve guilds. Then there's 4man premades tipping the scales in normal puggies to frustration of a lot of people.


There may be more pvp stuff but even if it isn't, a couple new maps, new game mode that mitigates some of the existing issues... tis not terrible. I mean its not the bestest pvp update that ever was in history of mmos but it's not as if we're just getting another CW reskin. :p

Edited by aeterno
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I know you are disappointed but I think the forums have shown that no matter what Bioware says or does there will be complaint threads ;)

Then why are you posting? PvPers SHOULD be disappointed. 2.4 sucks from what they've shown.

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As a PvPer I don't really see why I should be upset with 2.4 having a nice chunk of PvE content.


2.4 will disappoint PvPers again in the inevitable sense that it won't introduce any open world pvp and that will instead of going big (battlegrounds-esque scenarios) go even smaller.

I don't know anyone who's disappointed in PvE content being included, I PvE as well - it's disappointment in the fact that the PvE content dwarfs the PvP content. I'm playing an MMO and smaller and smaller scale crap is NOT what I want.

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How does that fix the whole PVP imbalance thing?


Cuz eventually, the game will be boiled down to every player just having an auto attack and no stats on gear in order to keep the game skill based.


And even then, someone will still call "OP".

That doesn't even make any sense. Guess you only do PvE.


GL and HF fighting scripted mobs with Bananamuffin.



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I don't know anyone who's disappointed in PvE content being included, I PvE as well - it's disappointment in the fact that the PvE content dwarfs the PvP content. I'm playing an MMO and smaller and smaller scale crap is NOT what I want.

If PvE content does in fact dwarf PvP content, that is as it should be, since PvE's importance dwarf's PvP's. Without PvP, the game loses a cadre of perpetually dissatisfied whiners. Without PvE, the game vanishes.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Then why are you posting? PvPers SHOULD be disappointed. 2.4 sucks from what they've shown.


To amuse myself and try to bring a little levity to the forums. Something that they desperately need as opposed to the endless demanding and insulting posts that people like you fill the forums with...


I PvP and I choose to be hopeful about the scope and impact of 2.4, as I find it hard to make concrete judgement over what amounts to two sentences of information.


If it turns out to be a lackluster as you claim then I will be very disappointed... in OCTOBER. I'd rather not start in July. What a depressing attitude....

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That doesn't even make any sense. Guess you only do PvE.


GL and HF fighting scripted mobs with Bananamuffin.




I'm guessing you've never seen the PVP forums period.


Which is kind of suspicious that a die hard PVPer wouldn't see the PVP forum.


Which means you must be...


*pulls off Jurgens mask*




That's right. Old Man Withers is Mr. Jurgens, The PVP Player ghost. He used this old training spear, a wad of chewing gum and about 36,000,000 Warzone commendations to create his PVPer costume, then posted several forum posts spreading the story Mr. Jurgens. He wanted to scare away the PVEer so he could buy the land the operations rested on and dig for the treasures of the ancients and sell them on the Cartel Black Market.

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I'm guessing you've never seen the PVP forums period.


Which is kind of suspicious that a die hard PVPer wouldn't see the PVP forum.


Which means you must be...


*pulls off Jurgens mask*




That's right. Old Man Withers is Mr. Jurgens, The PVP Player ghost. He used this old training spear, a wad of chewing gum and about 36,000,000 Warzone commendations to create his PVPer costume, then posted several forum posts spreading the story Mr. Jurgens. He wanted to scare away the PVEer so he could buy the land the operations rested on and dig for the treasures of the ancients and sell them on the Cartel Black Market.

I'm on the PvP forums a lot. I have a petition there.


I have no clue what you're point is other than to make some ridiculous stories that are meant to "get a rise" out of me because I hate PvE.

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I'd be more inclined to call it poor phrasing than a "bait and switch".

When they dropped the "key words" and I saw "Dread Masters" among them I immediately wondered what the Dread Masters and PvP had to do with each other. :p

So either they were going to make some PvPvE-ish Warzone or it was going to be pure PvE content.

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I don't know anyone who's disappointed in PvE content being included, I PvE as well - it's disappointment in the fact that the PvE content dwarfs the PvP content. I'm playing an MMO and smaller and smaller scale crap is NOT what I want.


Exactly, in a game called star WARS, that's a MASSIVELY MULITPLAYER game, we have neither "Wars" nor "Massively Multiplayer" anything. And instead of going bigger, they go smaller.


The closest we come to a "war" are the static troopers standing on the planets firing at each other over an open expanse for the past 1.5 years without hitting anything. The closest we get to "Massively Multiplayer" is when everyone stands in line to use the only turret during Events.


I agree the 4x4 Arenas are a good thing, but come on......BIG battles are the hallmark of Star WARS, every single episode had one.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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If PvE content does in fact dwarf PvP content, that is as it should be, since PvE's importance dwarf's PvP's. Without PvP, the game loses a cadre of perpetually dissatisfied whiners. Without PvE, the game vanishes.


Quite the opposite actually. Good PVE is generally what brings people into a game, but good PVP is what keeps people paying and playing for years.

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I think we'd just appreciate honesty from BW really.


There's clearly a justification for what type of content they prioritise. They don't want the game to die any more than it already has and if two new PvE operations is more likely to make money in the short and long term per development hour spent than large PvP changes, then that's fair enough. But at least be honest about it.


I'd also point towards LOTRO. Which has minimal PvP that has had sod all changes made to it in 5 years. Yet still has an active PvP playerbase of seasoned and new players. And LOTRO is the model BW is definitely imitating in terms of maintaining a steady, profitable MMO.

Edited by Hessen
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star wars should be an epic PvP game, and it's not.

it's why it continues to lose players.


continue your PvE content, 1, 2 new opérations, nightmare mode, hardcore mode , hell mode..you will never succeed this way..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Exactly, in a game called star WARS, that's a MASSIVELY MULITPLAYER game, we have neither "Wars" nor "Massively Multiplayer" anything. And instead of going bigger, they go smaller.


The closest we come to a "war" are the static troopers standing on the planets firing at each other over an open expanse for the past 1.5 years without hitting anything. The closest we get to "Massively Multiplayer" is when everyone stands in line to use the only turret during Events.


I agree the 4x4 Arenas are a good thing, but come on......BIG battles are the hallmark of Star WARS, every single episode had one.



But I'm not sure how the PvE carebears can see anything "Warsy" in their static, scripted content.



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No one is gonna shut up because this update is atrocious... to PvP'ers. Right now I see about 70:30 for PvE/PvP or maybe even 80:20 for PvE/PvP.


Really sad.




"Huge" can mean a lot of things, or could be relative to a lot of things. Relative to the number of "PvE things" in said update is just one of them, you know...

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I'm going to wait for more info before complaining about 'possible' outcomes 70 days away.


I just can't get all hysterical without actual facts to base my rants on. I know some people don't have such requirements but I'm cursed that way.


It's possible that I too will be upset in 70 day's time but right now all I see is speculation and that never gets me worked up anymore :(

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its definitely a bait and switch.


we are told we are getting one thing, and then given something completely different.


and 2.0 a PvP patch? lolwut.... we got new abilities/class balance for the new level cap and PvE content. we got a new Boslter mechanic, which has been broken since release and not actually be fixed yet.


this is bad. despite the fact that PvP is incredibly popular in this game, bioware continues to ignore it.


it's not a bait and switch. they said 2.4 would have PVP stuff it does. it however ALSO has PVE stuff.

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Its not bait and switch. They said that PVPers should look for patch 2.4 because it will have pvp stuff in it. 2.4 has PVP stuff in it.


Bait: 2.4 will have PVP stuff in it


Since 2.4 is going to have PVP stuff in it....


Switch: there is no switch

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it's not a bait and switch. they said 2.4 would have PVP stuff it does. it however ALSO has PVE stuff.

In a way, this definitely is a bait in switch. This patch is supposed to be PvP-heavy, but the announcement we get it seems the PvE info outweighs the PvP info like so many other patches.



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2.4 Could be called a Bait and Switch for PvPers



First line

Now that the inflammatory title is out of the way, let me say a few reasonable things.


The original post is a bait and switch... and a flagrant one at that :(


Perhaps Irony is lost on the foolish?

Edited by Sildanar
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