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Could someone be kind enough to upload a critical SWTOR file for me?


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So I was patching SWTOR yesterday when the power went out.... (installing not downloading)


Later when it came back the launcher would keep crashing halfway through resuming the patch:(


Went through a series of threads on how to "fix" the problem trying various solutions, one of which was to delete the assets_swtor_main.version file from the root SWTOR folder and let the game repair


Now before i can repair the game the damn launcher wants to redownload the full 12GB file!:eek:


Turns out that file stores information about the version of the game installed and since that file doesnt exist the stupid launcher thinks the whole game isnt installed...


Bottom line: would someone patched up to the latest game please upload a copy of assets_swtor_main.version to a file locker (dropbox, rapidshare, etc) and PM the link? Id really appreciate it!


I DO NOT want to have to redownload 12GB on a 4Mbps ADSL connection just because the stupid game patcher is so messed up...:mad:

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It's not the patcher's fault you lost power. It would have been prudent of you to look up exactly what would happen if you randomly start deleting things.


Also, I can't imaging that EAware would be very happy with 3rd party sharing of critical game files.

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indeed its not the patchers fault i lost power. but the rigid nature of the patcher means that things that can be easily fixed are made unnecessarily tedious.


and i didnt start randomly deleting files. i followed test scripts and made backups. unfortunately i was careless and didnt backup the file mentioned.

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