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Aric Jorgan Still Not Fixed


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As seen in this thread, Aric Jorgan's facial features are all wrong. While the last patch did correct his fur coloring on the default customization (it's no longer the pale white), he still looks deathly ill and absurdly thin.


Many people in the quoted thread asked for clarification as to the bug regarding Jorgan: was it just the coloring issue on Default!Jorgan, or was it the altered shading/facial structure?


At this point, I think most of us Troopers just want a straight, clear answer: Will we ever get Jorgan back exactly as he was?



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While I'll agree some of his features and coloring aren't exactly as they were before the bug happened, I must say I am DELIGHTED that for the most part Aric is reasonably back to normal. I did notice the darker coloring around his eyes last night, but I'm getting used to that. However, on a much more positive note---Thank You for FINALLY ditching the long johns he's constantly worn!!! The Adonis of the Cathar is dreamier than even .... okay I'm trying really hard here to keep this clean! :rolleyes:


As for the other minor coloring details, I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done to replicate Aric back to his original model prior to the Cathar becoming a playable species. I can deal with him better now that his beautiful bronze body coloring has been restored. Thank you Kathryn Long and BW for fixing him so quickly.



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I've been using Customization 4 practically since the beginning, and my Aric looks like a wraith now. His eyes look completely sunken and he really does look sick. I've heard several people on the forum suggest new Customizations to give players the option to switch him back, or maybe a toggle.


I just wish there would be more clarification on this issue. I want to know what to expect.

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I hope your issue is fixed soon, I have a trooper too. (LOL RHYMED) Personally I keep a helmet on mine, but I agree that would piss someone off.


Hope you don't have to wait 6+ months to get a fix, and then they pass off one of the bugs as nothing important like My issue.

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I want Jorgan fixed, too. I noticed he was back to normal (I use customization #2), and then I used the preview window and zoomed in. It appears he has a white moustache??? :confused:


This would be fine on an aged General, but not a Captain/Lieutenant whose voice suggests he's thirty-five, tops. If you had to give him a design suggestive of a moustache, couldn't the 'stache have been a color that somewhat matched his fur and made him still look somewhat youthful? Now, I don't know what regular Jorgan looks like (screenie, please?), but customization #2 definitely needs something done to it...please remove the moustache-like coloring, at least!

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I want Jorgan fixed, too. I noticed he was back to normal (I use customization #2), and then I used the preview window and zoomed in. It appears he has a white moustache??? :confused:


I'm glad it's not just Customization 4 that looks so off. It's kind of jarring to see him look so different when I start a convo.

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Yikes! I just got back from vacation and saw Jorgan. I am glad they fixed the coloring, but he still looks scrawny and sickly to me. I don't use any customizations on him. Is there one out there that makes him look....uh....healthier? He is one of my favorite companions and it is sad to see him look like he is about to keel over.


Oh well, at least he finally ditched that undershirt.....

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I don't use any customizations on him. Is there one out there that makes him look....uh....healthier? He is one of my favorite companions and it is sad to see him look like he is about to keel over.


As far as I can tell, all the customizations have this problem. Personally, I know that 4 does, and I've seen problems with 2.


I just don't see why it's so hard to keep him looking like BW's own canon.

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