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Swtor players make worse undercuts on GTN than wow players on AH


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Several of us have basically set the market standard for the price of this particular item for a few weeks now; suddenly a bunch of people undercut the rest of us by like 75% and for this entire week. Cant wait a few extra hours to sell so they'd rather make as little profit as possible? Never had I encountered such outrageous and baffling undercutting in the 6 or 7 years Ive played wow. :confused:
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I get what you mean with cartel gear, but if you expect to sell something craftable lets say, for example stims, and are frustrated I can/will sell cheaper because I can/will mass produce them making my profit margin thinner but my overall profit greater because of the quantity I will sell then you're going to have to adapt.
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I get what you mean with cartel gear, but if you expect to sell something craftable lets say, for example stims, and are frustrated I can/will sell cheaper because I can/will mass produce them making my profit margin thinner but my overall profit greater because of the quantity I will sell then you're going to have to adapt.


I also love it when people undercut so severely on finished products that I wind up selling the raw materials used to make them for more than they get for the products.

Edited by DarthTHC
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In a total war scenario on a galactic scale the notion of capitalism itself would fly out the window.


Sry last and best hope for our way of life, we can't give you the best equipment at our disposal to take out the super weapon that will doom us, see, you're 2k credits short. I may value all that is good and just in this galaxy but I value my profit margins more, as do my suppliers.


BW should take GTN player driven economy out and implement something a bit more realistic imo.

Edited by aeterno
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In a total war scenario on a galactic scale the notion of capitalism itself would fly out the window.


Sry last and best hope for our way of life, we can't give you the best equipment at our disposal to take out the super weapon that will doom us, see, you're 2k credits short. I may value all that is good and just in this galaxy but I value my profit margins more, as do my suppliers.


BW should take GTN player driven economy out and implement something a bit more realistic imo.


Wait... you think war isn't about profit? LOL! From what planet did you originate? :rolleyes:

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I also love it when people undercut so severely on finished products that I wind up selling the raw materials used to make them for more than they get for the products.


People don't care. They come across the materials, produce something, GTN it for pure profit and move on. The faster the sale the better.


In a way undercutting can get you more than sticking to the high road because you capture a larger share of the market. Back when I bothered accumulating currency I made a mountain of credits the day augments launched by posting one sale at a tame ALWAYS undercutting. I moved half a cargo bays tab mats worth of augment kits in 3 hours. How it worked out for people trying to hike up the price above me I don't know or care but I suspect their profits that day didn't go into the 20mil+ range like mine simply due to the fact I sold a truckload and their stuff was still listed and 150% my price 2 days later.


Wait... you think war isn't about profit? LOL! From what planet did you originate? :rolleyes:


You think that if aliens roll on planet earth tomorrow and start wiping us out humanity will haggle over the price of petrol they'll use to make molotov cocktails?


I'm not talking about some blackwater skirmish in some desert here, I'm talking galactic TOTAL war.

Edited by aeterno
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i don't see what the big deal is.



i sell things all the time for way more expensive than the cheapest item currently listed. a lot of people will just search the GTN, find the first price they're willing to pay, buy it, and move on.


as long as your prices are reasonable, it'll still probably sell, even if people are undercutting you.

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People don't care. They come across the materials, produce something, GTN it for pure profit and move on. The faster the sale the better.


In a way undercutting can get you more than sticking to the high road because you capture a larger share of the market. Back when I bothered accumulating currency I made a mountain of credits the day augments launched by posting one sale at a tame ALWAYS undercutting. I moved half a cargo bays tab mats worth of augment kits in 3 hours. How it worked out for people trying to hike up the price above me I don't know or care but I suspect their profits that day didn't go into the 20mil+ range like mine


I made a bigger pile of money when Augments were introduced and when they were improved with 2.0 by selling the raw mats that made them. I laughed all the way to the bank this last time each time I sold a stack of 4 Slicing components for 200k and stacks of mythra, turadium, carbonic crystals, and primordial artifact fragments for many hundreds of thousands of credits each while watching the prices of the augments plummet down past 120k. Just sayin'...


You think that if aliens roll on planet earth tomorrow and start wiping us out humanity will haggle over the price of petrol they'll use to make molotov cocktails?


I'm not talking about some blackwater skirmish in some desert here, I'm talking galactic TOTAL war.


If aliens roll on planet earth tomorrow with the intent of wiping us out or taking us over, we will be gone. There is nothing we can do to compete against a species so technologically advanced to get here from light-years away. The price of petrol will be irrelevant.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Several of us have basically set the market standard for the price of this particular item for a few weeks now; suddenly a bunch of people undercut the rest of us by like 75% and for this entire week. Cant wait a few extra hours to sell so they'd rather make as little profit as possible? Never had I encountered such outrageous and baffling undercutting in the 6 or 7 years Ive played wow. :confused:


If you really want to control a market price, you have to actually buyout competitive lists..in other words.. fix price through control in essence.


Protip: you and your buddies do not get to set market prices. You get to try. But in a competitive market..you will experience cycles when others discount below your desired set point. Wait it out.. or soak up the discounts with your own wallet and flip them.


By the way.. WoW is a bad reference example.. because the AH is dominated by addons that tend to dampen out price variations. Lazy people just check the addon to see what "the price is"...both buyers and sellers. No such dampening devices exsist in this MMO. You have to actually work the market.


Get over it. List later, or buyout the discounts.

Edited by Andryah
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You think that if aliens roll on planet earth tomorrow and start wiping us out humanity will haggle over the price of petrol they'll use to make molotov cocktails?


I'm not talking about some blackwater skirmish in some desert here, I'm talking galactic TOTAL war.

profit doesnt always means money.


in your scenario, the aliens that are wiping out humanity is probably doing it for a numerous of reasons.


taking over a habitable planet = profit.


taking all the planet mineral for themselves = profit


enslaving humanity to build, work or do things they deem too "low" for said alien race to consider =profit



if humanity manage to defeat the aliens, we WILL war will each other to the last scrap left on the planet.

Edited by astrobearx
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If you are on the Ebon Hawk server, and you are referring to the Black-purple Hawkeye, or the Black-Blue / Cyan Indestructable crystals, then all I have to say is "HA, GOTCHA!!"


Saw some people listing those crystals way back when (more recently for the black-blue and cyan) for 1-2 mil credits a piece. Just because there weren't that many people who could make them. I bought 3-4 of the crystals at the really high prices, reverse engineered them to learn the schematics, then made them and started listing them for lower and lower prices. They list for 2 mil, I went to 1 mil. They went to 999,999, I went to 800k. then went to 799,999, I went to 600k. So on and so forth until the crystals reach regular prices around 100k.


Sometimes people like me get annoyed by others who try to gouge the market. Now I never took note of the names of the people that did the gouging. I just saw the gouging and decided to stop it, made a very large profit in the process as people wanted the crystals cheaper.


It's a free market. You are free to price gouge, and others are free to crash the market..

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Again, someone comparing Swtor to other, lesser games. Swtor is a unique game with unique market participants. Adjust or be destroyed by market PvP. :D


As far as the market goes? What is unique about SWTOR's approach?


Anyways, One problem. In WoW there were many addons that basically automated the AH for you. Making sure you were still making a profit and saying exactly how much to undercut and doing it quickly. That is not here so people just go the easy route and undercut to some quickly typable number.

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As far as the market goes? What is unique about SWTOR's approach?


Gives people a reason to complain and compare, must be unique since other systems don't give reasons to complain and compare. Otherwise this thread would pointless, wouldn't it?

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Several of us have basically set the market standard for the price of this particular item for a few weeks now; suddenly a bunch of people undercut the rest of us by like 75% and for this entire week. Cant wait a few extra hours to sell so they'd rather make as little profit as possible? Never had I encountered such outrageous and baffling undercutting in the 6 or 7 years Ive played wow. :confused:


or maybe, just maybe you are and other people are selling items at too high a price?

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I don't care. I still do make more than enough profits by undercutting everyone else. I just don't need that huge amounts of money, I'm rather ascetic, so to say.


or maybe, just maybe you are and other people are selling items at too high a price?


Can't be. ;)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Someone undercut two of my main cash cows by 50-75% Monday night.


I bought all of them. Posted them at the normal prices. They all sold last night (my original stuff included). The people who sell their stuff for over double the amount they're worth still haven't sold in weeks.


Some people just don't want to make money.


Also, if they made higher posting fees and made it so that it's only returned when the item sold, there would be less crap on the market and less crap prices. But at the same time, I don't mind because my stuff always sells at the price I want even if it takes a week, and it doesn't cost me a dime until sold.


This game is too easy to make money, especially from crafting materials. I'm at the point where I've aug'ed and crafted/bought every damn piece of gear for PvE, and auged the PvP gear too on three level 55s. I don't even PvE maybe more than once a week, tops. I crafted blue or purple modifications for two of those toons 20-55. I've even bought nightmarishly priced dyes for them too.


I've run out of stuff to spend money on. I haven't touched a makeb daily (or any pve daily for money) in months. And I have you undercutters to thank for this. Keep up the great work of giving me free money!


(Also, the GTN tax is too extreme, but ah well.)

Edited by Maelael
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Several of us have basically set the market standard for the price of this particular item for a few weeks now; suddenly a bunch of people undercut the rest of us by like 75% and for this entire week. Cant wait a few extra hours to sell so they'd rather make as little profit as possible? Never had I encountered such outrageous and baffling undercutting in the 6 or 7 years Ive played wow. :confused:


Hahahaha, you cannot price fix a game unless you have billions in credits you idiot. Free mats means someone WILL ALWAYS undercut you. If they are after faster cash, they will undercut you by a ton.


Welcome to capitalism ...

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Hahahaha, you cannot price fix a game unless you have billions in credits you idiot. Free mats means someone WILL ALWAYS undercut you. If they are after faster cash, they will undercut you by a ton.


Welcome to capitalism ...


Mats aren't free even if you're going out into the world and harvesting them. If you think they are and you undercut accordingly, my credit balance thanks you profusely.

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