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New Healer


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I have decided to take advantage of the double xp events and level a BH. Currently she's dps, but at level cap I believe I will switch to heals to help my guild, and of course to get into FP's faster. I have experience healing in WoW and relied heavily on Clique which was a great healing addon. If you don't know what click does, basically you could hover your mouse over your raid/party member and then press the key for the heal you wanted and it would apply that ability to that person. You didn't have to first click the raid frame to select them and then click again for your ability.


So, what do you Merc Bodyguard healers use? How do you setup your UI to allow you to easily heal party members? I have a Naga and can bind my abilities to the mouse buttons, but the big thing for me is the easiest way to select party members to heal. I don't want to be a constant clicker with the mouse if I don't have to. Any videos you could point out would be very useful. Thanks for any ideas!

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Like you, I came from WoW and used Grid/Clique in that game to heal. When I started playing SWTOR, I was leery to play a healer because of my "dependence" on add-ons in WoW and without add-ons in SWTOR, I did not think I could do it.


That being said, I now have three characters that can heal in SWTOR - BH Merc, Scoundrel Smuggler, and Jedi Sage. In all cases, all I do is slot my heals in quick bar 1 slots, click the target in the group or raid frame and press a key to "cast" the appropriate heal.


The fact is that damage dealt is a LOT different in SWTOR than WoW. In WoW, those milliseconds it takes to click a target and then press a key to heal could and would often mean the difference between getting the heal off or the target dying. Not so much in SWTOR. Even in raids, as a tank, I have been down to 1% health and brought back to full.


With this in mind, my advice is to not worry so much about binding heals to mouse buttons. As a BH merc healer I believe you have seven "healing" abilities (at the level cap), drop them into quick bar 1 slots 1-7 and call it a day.

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So, you find that clicking a party member's raid frame and then using your healing ability not to be an annoyance?


don't mean to be a jerk but if clicking name on raid frame and pressing button on a keyboard is to much for you:

1.I hope we won't meet on FP

2.I can't imagine how boring easy it must be in WoW.

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Ha. No, I don't imagine it would be a problem at all. I just want to make sure that I'm being as efficient as possible. I'm pretty confidant that I'll be a good healer. And, I hope we do meet in a fp some day. It would be fun!
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Ha. No, I don't imagine it would be a problem at all. I just want to make sure that I'm being as efficient as possible. I'm pretty confidant that I'll be a good healer. And, I hope we do meet in a fp some day. It would be fun!


on my healers I usualy put them from 1 to 4 depends really on which one.

sage has 1.bubble,2.spammable heal,3.hot,4. channeled hot,Q is for aoe heal

merc/commando:1 hammer shot, 2insta heal you get on 46, 3probe with cooldown,4 'spammable' heal,Q for aoe

operative/scoundrel:1 hot probe, 2aoe heal,3'default spammable heal', 4. probe that requires TA but no energy, R is situational heal I sometimes use (surgical probe it's called I think). E diagnostic scan (2.1 cast, heals and regens energy)


(short over view).

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So, you find that clicking a party member's raid frame and then using your healing ability not to be an annoyance?


It is something I simply accepted as how this game works and have now become accustomed to it.


- each healing class only has five or six healing abilities, and only two or three of which are used regularly

- if the tank and DPS are doing their jobs right then you are most often healing the tank and no one else, so changing targets is limited

- in any given fight, being at half health is OK; the point being that one does not have to worry about the extra half second it takes to change targets and cast a heal on that target.


It has been a while so please correct me if I am wrong, but playing a healing class in WoW was a LOT more complicated.


- each class had upwards of ten "healing" abilities and all them were needed at one point or another throughout a fight. So having add-ons like clique and healbot, etc. facilitated organizing those healing abilities into keyboard and mouse click combinations. (I remember on my priest having four mouse buttons all with base, shift, alt, and ctrl combos and barely having enough combos to cover all the "healing" abilities).

- damage was more frequently spread around so switching targets was a lot more common; I am not saying there are no fights in SWTOR where damage is not spread around, but it is FAR more manageable.

- and in any given fight even a tank could go from full health to 25% in one hit, so it necessitated keeping as many of your party as topped off as possible and milliseconds counted.

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I have experience healing in WoW and relied heavily on Clique which was a great healing addon. If you don't know what click does, basically you could hover your mouse over your raid/party member and then press the key for the heal you wanted and it would apply that ability to that person. You didn't have to first click the raid frame to select them and then click again for your ability.

Clicking the raid frame only takes an infinitesimal fraction of a second. It's negligible. And with the global cooldown you have way longer than you actually need to switch targets anyway. What's the point of such an addon?

Edited by Lachryphage
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Aren't the first few F-keys (after F1, which is self-targeting) shortcuts for selecting team members? So that is a possible alternative option. Could be especially handy for people with slower machines who tend to have low FPS in the worst moments when trying to click at something doesn't work as it should. (I have that problem when using my secondary PC)
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Sorcs and Mercs rely heavily on targeted AoEs for their most effective heals. Such an addon would be pointless in this case.


Honestly, even when I healed in WoW, I hated those mouseover macros. It just feels like you're less in control than you could be.

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Clicking the raid frame only takes an infinitesimal fraction of a second. It's negligible. And with the global cooldown you have way longer than you actually need to switch targets anyway. What's the point of such an addon?


The level of scripting that the original UI for WOW allowed was even worse. One button. Hit that button and it would heal/ buff/cure/curse anyone in range as needed depending on preselected priorities. There was a warlock mod out that you did not even have to click; just wave your mouse around and it would cast the instant curse on anything it moused over that did not already have the dot on them.


Even after the changes, it was easy. I used Healbot and had the spells assigned to the various mouse buttons. With WOW addons you can buff, heal and cure raid members without ever switching targets. On tank and spank encounters you could quite literally raid heal one handed. The mnore complex fights required that I press the Ctrl key to cast specific cures.

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Haven't seen this mentioned yet, but you could also make use of your focus target, and hotkey your focus target modifier to something within easy reach.


Works best in FP's (since it's only a group of four) but basically, I set the tank as the focus target and can also have another member of the group targeted, effectively having two friendly targets at once. When you hit your focus target modifier, it executes the ability on your focus target.


Focus target and focus target modifier are a great tool that I don't see mentioned too often.


PS: focus.... that is all...

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