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Hooded Agent Orange Chest Piece?


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The IA's Exalted Legacy set (requires Legacy L20) has a chest piece with a hood.


There are also various adaptable armors that are hooded, like Revan's, Eradicator's, and Preceptor, but they all look pretty Jedi/Sith-y. The Last Handmaiden top could be a good IA style though if white works for yours.


Good luck in your search! :)

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The IA's Exalted Legacy set (requires Legacy L20) has a chest piece with a hood.


There are also various adaptable armors that are hooded, like Revan's, Eradicator's, and Preceptor, but they all look pretty Jedi/Sith-y. The Last Handmaiden top could be a good IA style though if white works for yours.


Good luck in your search! :)


Eeeep! I totally forgot about the Legacy one! :D Thank you so much!


(Though having more available wouldn't hurt c; )

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