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potpie represent



at least giggity was 1v2


you on the other hand just got terribly outplayed 2v2 by Darkyoda


I heard node guard was hard



Edited by Gomex
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Regs are srs bsns


not as srs as queue dodgin


or your sig


Gotta say though, Darkyoda should have been the one to come up with <Clutch>

Edited by Gomex
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lmao!!! You must be fuming right now, might I offer you the outdoors? I heard the sun is good for pasty skin (and minds) ^.^


I think you are mistaking this thread as rage? :rak_02: Any response you are getting is due to the simple fact that none of the top players here would have the audacity to post what ya'll over there done did.

Edited by Classicks
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I think you are mistaking this thread as rage? :rak_02: Any response you are getting is due to the simple fact that none of the top players here would have the audacity to post what ya'll over there done did.

Yea, they dont even do tribrids specs over there. *********** newbs

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